
Constructing Bots (Sdk)

Constructing Bots // Sdk

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Jan 23, 1999, 2:13pm
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<i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; okay, okay.... now I have BC++ compiling properly
you have to contend with a few questions about programming too!</i><i></i>
<p><i>How would you recommend I construct the body of a chat-analysing
piece of code?</i><i></i>
<p><i>should I use something like strcmp( ) and a whole load of if loops
to sort through the responses, or is there a version of switch( ) that
will parse long chunks or characters?</i><i></i>
<p><i>Again, apologies for my microscopic (but hopefully growning) understanding
of C</i>

edward sumerfield

Jan 25, 1999, 3:31am
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Its hard to say without knowing what you want to achieve with you bot but I
can say a few things.

No there is no fancy switch statement. C only supports switch on integral

Take a look at the function strstr() which searches one string for another one
so you might have

char message[256];
char *where_is;
strcpy(message, "Hello this is a message");
where_is = strstr("is", message);
if (where_is) {

printf("Found string '%s'.\n", where_is);

What do you want to do with you chat analyser?

[View Quote] > okay, okay.... now I have BC++ compiling properly you have to contend
> with a few questions about programming too!
> How would you recommend I construct the body of a chat-analysing piece of
> code?
> should I use something like strcmp( ) and a whole load of if loops to sort
> through the responses, or is there a version of switch( ) that will parse
> long chunks or characters?
> Again, apologies for my microscopic (but hopefully growning) understanding
> of C

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Its hard to say without knowing what you want to achieve with you bot but
I can say a few things.
<p>No there is no fancy switch statement. C only supports switch on integral
<p>Take a look at the function strstr() which searches one string for another
one so you might have
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char message[256];
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char *where_is;
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; strcpy(message, "Hello this is a message");
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; where_is = strstr("is", message);
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; if (where_is) {
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; printf("Found string '%s'.\n",
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; }
<p>What do you want to do with you chat analyser?
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