3.4 wish (Wishlist)

3.4 wish // Wishlist

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the derek

Jul 25, 2002, 4:38am
i wish that in 3.4 the terrian IS NOT SO DARK!!!!!

'nuff said :P


Jul 25, 2002, 6:18am
In a galaxy far far away, known as wishlist, an identify claiming to
be known as "the derek" <imthederek at yahoo.com> scribed the following:
>i wish that in 3.4 the terrian IS NOT SO DARK!!!!!
>'nuff said :P

Is it not possible to add your own textures to terrain in the world
you own?
Therefor it would have nothing to do with the new version of AW, but a
simple change of textures in the OP?
Correct me if I'm wrong, I've never really bothered playing around
with all these new and nifty features :o)

(o o)
| Anduin (317281) |
| o The Gorean Scribe |
| o http://www.anduin-lothario.com |
| o World: GorSJ (18+ Only) |


Jul 25, 2002, 4:42pm
No, i beleive that the terrain settings are a bit darker, of course you
could probably just upload really bright textures...but the point still
stands, the terrain itself is a bit dark.


Jul 25, 2002, 7:47pm
What Derek is referring to is that the terrain is affected by the
directional light too much, and the ambient light is ignored, unlike in real
life. Thus, if both the directional light and ambient light were bright
white, but the angle of the sun was, say, 3 degrees above the horizon, the
terrain would be pitch black.

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the derek

Jul 26, 2002, 1:28am
yes if you have a ground and a terrain with the same texture... the terrain
will semm like its NIGHT and will be VERY DARK. i dont know how to brighten
textures... but that would probably make them look different and probably
wouldnt have too much of an effect
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the joker ss

Jul 26, 2002, 8:03am
try this in the directional light settings .

Direction :

X: 0
Y: -0.1
Z: 0

i hope this helps , worked out in my world .

"the derek" <imthederek at yahoo.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:3d40c1d2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> yes if you have a ground and a terrain with the same texture... the
> will semm like its NIGHT and will be VERY DARK. i dont know how to
> textures... but that would probably make them look different and probably
> wouldnt have too much of an effect
[View Quote]


Jul 26, 2002, 5:21pm
There's no point in comparing the terrain directly to a ground object.
Because the ground object is just that, an object, and you can specify the
ambient and diffuse light settings as with any model. The only difference
here isn't that the terrain is too dark but that the surface values of the
terrain can't be changed whereas on the ground objects they can be. The
ground objects blindly used in a lot of worlds have a high surface values
for ambient and diffuse lighting, hence they're atrificially bright. This
whole issue has been covered before in previous wishlist threads.

After some playing, I believe the equivalent surface settings used in the
terrain surfaces are 0.2 1.0 (for Ambient and Diffuse respectively). If its
arbitrarily changed, I for one will have to change other objects to match
it. What is needed is the ability to specify the surface lighting values for
the terrain, and not just a change so its "NOT SO DARK".

Just for info, generally a request that basically says "change it" isn't
going to be given any creedence from anyone. This is a wishlist ... not a
wingelist. If you think something would be better if implemented
differently, try doing some investigation and then suggesting what needs to
be changed rather than crying about it.


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the derek

Jul 26, 2002, 10:39pm
that made it almost black... grim. was right there needs to be an option. i
never noticed the ground was made to be bright
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Jul 29, 2002, 1:33pm
He's got a point. Rather than changing the terrain light settings, the light
settings of other objects in the world need to be changed to match.

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Jul 29, 2002, 3:48pm
Don't get me wrong, I'm only hilighting the correct issue here. 0.2 Ambient
and 1.0 Diffuse are still really bad settings.

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Jul 29, 2002, 5:24pm
Yes, terrain should be surface .5 1 0--of course, they should really support action commands and even be RWX-editable via the world options (changing per-terrain-cell textureaddressmode, mipmapstate, lightsampling, surface, etc, etc). Changing all object surface settings to match the terrain's screwy ones is just silly. The terrain simply needs to be more configurable since it's essentially useless in its currently designed state.

Increase line length to reduce/eliminate quoted text breakup. I had to fix your broken quoted lines. Compare how much better it looks than with your previous quoted text.

[View Quote] > Don't get me wrong, I'm only hilighting the correct issue here. 0.2 Ambient
> and 1.0 Diffuse are still really bad settings.
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young shamus

Jul 29, 2002, 8:48pm
Yes, ambient and diffuse settings should be a world option. This is on the
list of 3.4 things I want to do, but have yet to schedule.

As for adding rwx commands and such, that is a long ways off, due to the
required complexity.

Shamus Young
Email: shamus at activeworlds.com
Homepage: http://www.shamusyoung.com

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Jul 29, 2002, 9:04pm
How about at least using a configuration text file with bump noises for the terrain textures? That would at least make terrain actually useful for me anyway since, as you know, having a terrain cell vertically near a bumpable object causes the bump trigger to fail. A mipmap state command would be nice too but it's not as important.

In the meantime, don't you think the terrain's surface settings should at least be the standard .5 .3 0 setting common in AW? I recommend .5 1 0 because I've found it to be the most realistic for outdoors (and the most reactive to directional lighting). .2 ambient (if that's what it is now) is just too dark.

[View Quote] > Yes, ambient and diffuse settings should be a world option. This is on the
> list of 3.4 things I want to do, but have yet to schedule.
> As for adding rwx commands and such, that is a long ways off, due to the
> required complexity.
[View Quote]

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