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dotar sojat

Apr 1, 2002, 7:52am
*grins at wings* I have to agree I belive it was all blown out of proportion
as well. Barsoom has it's password, and I will be hornswaggled if I am going
to spend another 2 weeks uploading files just to change it unless I "have"

[View Quote]

johnny b

Apr 1, 2002, 9:51am
Wings, I can only speak for myself, but Andras has also confirmed this is
NOT a hoax I'd have to say that I do believe he is probably one of the
single most trusted and respected individuals IN activeworlds..... And also
a very thorough man.... he would not say so unless it was a true and proven
fact :O(

One of the worlds on that list belongs to a very close friend and the
listed PW was indeed the correct one....... Fortunately she had changed the
PW months ago after a discussion we had concerning a totally unrelated
matter, so apparently whomever is doing or had done this, has been at it
for some time :O( as the PW on the list is months old.......

I'd suggest if you have any custom Av's or objects on your path, you
reconsider your decision and repassword them..... It truly is a bit of an
undertaking for someone with a large OP, but are the alternatives acceptable
?? Also is it fair to the modelers who may have made any of the customs,
for their work to remain unprotected, for any rotten bag of garbage to help
themselves to ? :O(

Best I can offer is that Andras' MultiZip program will rezip and PW files in
HUGE batches.... I've used it and it works well......
http://andras.net/tools.html#multizip Truly a saving grace in this

Best of luck,

johnny b

Apr 1, 2002, 10:00am
Do you realize that by being so aloof and disbelieving of this situation in
a public post, You may well be inviting this louse, just to satisfy his own
sadistic immoral urges, to crack YOUR pw now, just to be a Prick ?? Pardon
my language....

Sometimes best to just quietly go about your business and not draw attention
to yourself........

of course, only my opinion

byte me

Apr 1, 2002, 4:36pm
It isn't a hoax.

As the owner of Axis, the passwords posted yesterday (now removed I
believe), had Axis in the list.. the password was indeed correct. The
password is outdated now of course, as the password is a month old. I have
since closed the world and I am changeing things. Eventually I hope to have
a better and more secure way of protecting my objects outside the
activeworlds browser.
[View Quote]

pc hamster

Apr 1, 2002, 6:46pm
Hi everyone:

[View Quote] Being someone who owns a 3DHP, I have but ONE question to ask....

Just WHO ARE YOU to tell US what has been compromised or corrupted???

Your post leads ME to believe that YOU are the source of the problem
(assuming there *is* one).

So like Jeremy said, BEFORE you go SPAMMING the newsgroups with your crap,
at least make sure its at least *reasonably* intelligent.

Patrick Cook
Mayor - City Of Hamsterville
Owner - Pub102X
pchamster at msn.com
Denver, Colorado

P.S. ANY efforts to spam me via email WILL result in your IP being blocked
from my box and ANY efforts to spam me via my site guestbook WILL result in
your entry being DELETED.

pc hamster

Apr 1, 2002, 6:57pm
Hi everyone:

[View Quote] Either that or a self-admitting (and not to mentiion ARROGANT) computer

Strike, you REALLY have a LOT of nerve boasting like that in public (that is
ASSUMING you're telling us the truth).



Apr 1, 2002, 6:59pm
LOL! he's not a hacker, he used a program to cause damage, that's a script

I believe script kiddie fits him best.


[View Quote]


Apr 1, 2002, 10:25pm
the fuck u on bout? someone tries to warn u that someone has access to ur
the objects u have worked hard to make, and this is how u repay him?
flamming him? u think he would loose anything if all ur objects get stolen
and used somewhere else? no! hes doing this to help u lot! and this is how u
thanx him... ungratful bunch of.......
[View Quote]

sw chris

Apr 2, 2002, 12:54am
Chuck's Party in disguise. :)

SW Chris

[View Quote]

strike rapier

Apr 2, 2002, 3:40pm
Sorry about including the list of PW's on my reply BTW. Outlook express
usualy kills the message its replying too if its like that.

- Mark

strike rapier

Apr 2, 2002, 5:13pm
ive asked for the above message to be removed due to em accidently keeping
the details of the message i was replying to.

Thanks tom :)

- Mark
[View Quote]


Apr 23, 2002, 1:10pm
Strike has been in AW for a long time and has built up a reputation that
deserves respect.

He is one of those who will help those in need to the highest degree..,

Strike is kind, compassionate, and cares about AW and those who are in

If he receives inside info, Listen to him.. He Knows!! Trust him!!

I've never seen anyone flame Strike before and it really bothers me to
think that anyone would..

Blessings and May Your Path Be Smooth,

My Sites:

~The Peter Barton Site~

Fight Spam! Join CAUCE! == http://www.cauce.org/

[View Quote]


Apr 23, 2002, 1:24pm
Ouchies!! *LOL* Sorry about that cross post... I should sleep afew hours
before I jump into the newsies..

Blessings and May Your Path Be Smooth,


May 8, 2002, 4:55pm
If Outlook Express keeps messing up, why not get another newsreader?

[View Quote] >Sorry about including the list of PW's on my reply BTW. Outlook express
>usualy kills the message its replying too if its like that.
>- Mark

strike rapier

May 8, 2002, 5:01pm
Rossy, check the dates of YOUR posts as well before you try making smart
comments :)

- Mark

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