New ejection... (Wishlist)

New ejection... // Wishlist

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Feb 10, 2001, 5:43pm
I think showing Ip addys is why so many people bitch about being hacked..
get rid of it and I'm sure most of the rate of people hacked goes down..


Feb 10, 2001, 6:05pm
An IP address will never be secret. It can't be; that's how the internet works.

If people have problems with being "hacked", they should get a firewall or some sort of monitoring/protection software/hardware.


[View Quote]


Feb 10, 2001, 6:25pm
Ummm, I think this is why eject is allowed to be restricted....

- Tony56 (Tony M.) [chandler56 at]
"All typos are optical illusions"
[View Quote]


Feb 10, 2001, 8:56pm
An IP address can be secret if you dont use AW.. they make no effort to stop
hacking.. there are other ways of getting IP addresses yes but this is the
easiest.. and.. Firewalls arent the best for stoping hackers.. take BlackICE
for instance.. it sometimes says an attack was second degree or something in
that vacinity.. what is that saying? It was almost beat? exactly.. no
firewall is perfect.. most just block major ports.. like Net Bios or other
major ones.. what if someone tried to hack you using port# 21? FTP port..
they can't close the port what if you want to upload something? ZoneAlarm is
the only one that is halfway decent.. no other firewall will block the port
like ZA.. so dont tell people to get firewalls.. also.. some people dont see
these NG's.. what does that say?

Ejection rights are restricted.. like a post I read in Community.. about
sexist people.. world owners are harsh to some people.. they have access to
the IP..

What right does AW have for knowing our IP? Eject by Citizen number.. not
IP address.. much more efficient.. you wont be able to reconnect and get
back in the world.. or what about an IP Spoofer? Many ways to stop the
ejection from happening.. eject by a citnum and they cant come back till it
done.. unless they have more than one cit.. which then u eject an extra
person instead of ejecting the same person 20 times.. anyway.. that proves
my point.. and I know some people agree with me..


Feb 10, 2001, 9:07pm
The problem with ejecting by citizen number is that it doesn't work for tourists. Anyway, anyone that hosts a world gets your IP
address in the log anyway.

IP addresses can't be secret if you're connecting to any server on the internet. If you have problems with people "hacking" you
through your FTP port, don't run an FTP server (or at least not on such a well-known port).


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Feb 10, 2001, 10:15pm
That was an example.. port 21 is one of the many ports.. the highest port I
looked at was 3216 so other things could lead to hacking.. Napster for

The tourist thing is a problem.. and the world server.. but there has to be
a way to stop the Ip addresses being shown to people.. maybe change it to
where their Ip isnt shown..


Feb 10, 2001, 10:30pm
Dies ist eine mehrteilige Nachricht im MIME-Format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Everyone who owns a web page (and may use any kind of server scripting)
can find out your IP as soon as you visit his page if you don't use a
program to hide it

lanezeri schrieb:
> That was an example.. port 21 is one of the many ports.. the highest port I
> looked at was 3216 so other things could lead to hacking.. Napster for
> instance..
> The tourist thing is a problem.. and the world server.. but there has to be
> a way to stop the Ip addresses being shown to people.. maybe change it to
> where their Ip isnt shown..
Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Visitenkarte für Volker Hatzenberger
Content-Disposition: attachment;

adr:;;Bornheimer Strasse 15;Bonn;;53111;Germany
email;internet:vha at



Feb 10, 2001, 10:41pm
[View Quote] IP adresses will never be secret. It's too easy to get them.

> they make no effort to stop
> hacking.. there are other ways of getting IP addresses yes but this is the
> easiest..

anyone capable of hacking a computer can obtain IP adresses. With or without
AW browser.

> and.. Firewalls arent the best for stoping hackers..

Physically disconnecting the computer is the only 100% safe way.

> take BlackICE
> for instance.. it sometimes says an attack was second degree or something
> that vacinity.. what is that saying? It was almost beat?

I found nothing about second degree attacks in the docs
(, but there was
something about severity. The severity merely indicates how severe the
program thinks the "attack" is. It is not saying it is almost beat.

Hacking a computer is not a matter of going in with some force and kicking
things until they break and you can get through.

> exactly..

Don't draw conclusions on things you don't know about.

> no
> firewall is perfect.. most just block major ports.. like Net Bios or
> major ones.. what if someone tried to hack you using port# 21? FTP port..
> they can't close the port what if you want to upload something?

-there is a difference between incoming and outgoing traffic
-FTP uses more than only port 21
-any decent firewall can block any existing port
-you can only be hacked on a port if something on your computer is listening

> ZoneAlarm is
> the only one that is halfway decent.. no other firewall will block the
> like ZA

"the port"? You mean "the ports"? Anyway, there are many firewalls that can
block every port you want.

>.. so dont tell people to get firewalls..

why not?

> also.. some people dont see
> these NG's.. what does that say?

Usually it means they didn't look. If it's an issue with their firewall
software, they don't know how to configure it.

> Ejection rights are restricted.. like a post I read in Community.. about
> sexist people.. world owners are harsh to some people.. they have access
> the IP..
> What right does AW have for knowing our IP?

AW needs to know, or it can't send information around.

> Eject by Citizen number.. not
> IP address.. much more efficient..

What if you have an annoying tourist around? Ban all tourists?

> you wont be able to reconnect and get
> back in the world..

Sure you can. Become a tourist.

> or what about an IP Spoofer? Many ways to stop the
> ejection from happening.. eject by a citnum and they cant come back till
> done.. unless they have more than one cit.. which then u eject an extra
> person instead of ejecting the same person 20 times..

Again, what about tourists?

>anyway.. that proves
> my point..

Hiding IP's and using cit#'s? Nooo... that would be worse than what we have

> and I know some people agree with me..

Prolly. Not everybody is well informed.



Feb 11, 2001, 12:58am
Dies ist eine mehrteilige Nachricht im MIME-Format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

A good example for the informations a server can get about you without
trying to hack is at

It is a security companies page, not a hackers page, so the risk is not
too big to make that test.
Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Visitenkarte für Volker Hatzenberger
Content-Disposition: attachment;

adr:;;Bornheimer Strasse 15;Bonn;;53111;Germany
email;internet:vha at


col klink

Feb 11, 2001, 1:05am
Thats how i hack..ekkk!!!! i said to much


Feb 11, 2001, 1:22am
Saying that proves your a stupid hacker or your full of shit..


Feb 11, 2001, 1:37am
> IP adresses will never be secret. It's too easy to get >them.

true.. but AW makes it even easier!

> anyone capable of hacking a computer can obtain IP >adresses. With or
> AW browser.

yes.. your point is? That is a whole new topic

> Physically disconnecting the computer is the only >100% safe way.

Physically unplugging the phone line to the computer is the only 100% safe
way.. its a thing called phreaking..

> I found nothing about second degree attacks in the docs
> (, but there was
> something about severity. The severity merely indicates ?
> how severe the
> program thinks the "attack" is. It is not saying it is > almost beat.

And if you pay attention I said "something in that vacinity" meaning
something around what I said.. that is close enough.. it is pretty much
saying it almost got beat by how big the attack was.. I pinged myself using
BlackICE and if gave me a minor error.. I did a whois on me and it gave a
medium.. isn't that something? whois and ping is almost the same thing..

> Hacking a computer is not a matter of going in with > some force and
> things until they break and you can get through.

Did I say it was?

> Don't draw conclusions on things you don't know about.

Uhh.. I knew what I was talking about..

> -there is a difference between incoming and outgoing traffic
> -FTP uses more than only port 21

yes.. but that is the port most every program goes to FIRST

> -any decent firewall can block any existing port
> -you can only be hacked on a port if something on > your computer is
> there.

yea... your getting to what?

> "the port"? You mean "the ports"? Anyway, there are > many firewalls that
> block every port you want.

Minor mistake sue me.. and who has the time to waste setting up a firewall..
unless you have important things to hide why you need a firewall anyway?

> Usually it means they didn't look. If it's an issue with > their
> software, they don't know how to configure it.

Listen to yourself.. you state two different things in one sentence.. and
they have nothing in common

> What if you have an annoying tourist around? Ban all tourists?

Read the posts before and u'd know we came up with that Idea..

> Sure you can. Become a tourist.

again.. drop the old issues..

> Again, what about tourists?

do I need say anymore..

> Hiding IP's and using cit#'s? Nooo... that would be > worse than what
we have
> now.

Worse? How is that? why not block half of the IP out when trying to eject
someone? Also.. has no one tried to think of the BOTS.. a preston can tell
you someone's IP then tell you who runs that IP.. ejecting people isn't the
only problem..

> Prolly. Not everybody is well informed.

Exactly.. you state things over and over that were already covered.. and
things that make no sence..


Feb 11, 2001, 2:42am
Phreaking is actually "hacking" a phone line. IE - Playing certain tones into a payphone in order to trick it into thinking you
actually dropped money in the slot. Unplugging a phone line is not phreaking :)


[View Quote]

crazy glue il

Feb 11, 2001, 2:50am
THE EASIEST way to make sure that no one steals your account is to NOT store
your password in your AW browser! I haven't ever been hacked, wanna know
why? Because it is called an "anti-virus" software. That and I only download
and transfer when i know the person good, and the company.

We all have atleast ONE crazything in us >:]
~Johnathon a.k.a CrAzY gLuE IL
crazyglue3 at
Idiots are plentiful these days, what would we do without them?
Geniuses are rare, but what would it be like without them?
That's is the question.
[View Quote]


Feb 11, 2001, 3:14am
Exactly that.. if someone does so.. they have a free phone call.. they could
call your phone number.. do some things with theier computer.. get in the
computer.. as long as the computer is in the phone jack your not safe from


Feb 11, 2001, 3:15am
What I said was confusing.. sorry bout the misunderstanding


Feb 11, 2001, 3:19am
I aint been hacked either.. its called I dont let people scare me.. if
someone knows your afraid of a hacker.. your an easy target.. I know more
than half the people on AW who say they can hack.. really can't.. some say I
can't.. I dont care if they think I can or can't.. but take someone like PKD
(PsYcHoKoRnDuDe).. he comes up ands says he will hack you if you mess with
him.. you say "I'm reporting you to AWCOM" he will hack ya.. (He uses
programs tho.. what a puss.) but if you just back talk till he shuts up.. 9
out of 10 times they won't bother.. unless they are a newbie hacker who
wants to show off..

j b e l l

Feb 11, 2001, 3:25am
IP addresses pretty much are like membership cards... when you first go to a
site or a program or whatnot, they get your ip for the first time, like when
you first register a membership card, they can track and personalize
settings based on your ip or membership card.. it's your identification to
other computers and systems, if your IP was well protected, a lot of very
popular website features would not be around.. it's amazingly simple to get
an IP address.. AW doesn't make it easier.. in fact, not every aw user can
get your ip addy from aw.. which is more then you can say about a lot of
other programs..

[View Quote]

j b e l l

Feb 11, 2001, 3:27am
using programms and backdoors like bo and nb etc is not hacking as far as
i'm concerned.. since most of them just need the other person to DL a
program, and the one on your end does the rest.. it's nothing..

[View Quote]


Feb 11, 2001, 8:55am
Here is even a better one:
Look for ShieldsUp on the page.

[View Quote]


Feb 11, 2001, 9:01am
I guess your paranoia level is a littlebit high. If your computer was not set up to pick up the phone the hacker can't do ANYTHING none nada zilch with your puter!

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Feb 11, 2001, 12:10pm
[View Quote] My point is, it doesn't really matter if you hide them in AW or not. People
who want to hack can get them anyway. But hiding them and using cit#'s does
have some other consequences (such as putting all tourists on one heap), so
hiding IP's does no good.

Being able to kick on IP and/or cit# (your choice when you deceide to kick
someone) would be best, of course. Isn't this done already?

> Physically unplugging the phone line to the computer is the only 100% safe
> way.. its a thing called phreaking..

As I said... *physically* disconnecting. Physically means unplugging. And
you need to unplug everything capable of carrying data, and check for
wireless connections, since those aren't even really physical (but you can
probably disconnect them anyway, since they usually need a physical part)

> And if you pay attention I said "something in that vacinity" meaning
> something around what I said.. that is close enough..

yeah, so? Did I say it wasn't? No. Read better.

If you had paid attention in the first place you would have seen what it
meant anyway.

> it is pretty much
> saying it almost got beat by how big the attack was..

Absolutely not. The higher the severity, the more chance someone is
deliberatly trying to hack you. It never says it is almost beaten. And it
can be very wrong in it's severity. How do you think you beat a firewall
anyway? From what I read here you just watched too much sci-fi movies.

> I pinged myself using
> BlackICE and if gave me a minor error.. I did a whois on me and it gave a
> medium.. isn't that something?

Something stupid, yes. It gives an error on *pinging*? That's like "Hello,
do you exist?" "EEKS! They are trying to hack me!". Talking about being

> whois and ping is almost the same thing..


> kicking
> Did I say it was?

You seem to think so.

> Uhh.. I knew what I was talking about..

Sure.. dream on.

> yes.. but that is the port most every program goes to FIRST

Of course. Port 21 is the default port used to start a connection.

> listening
> yea... your getting to what?

Dont want to be hacked on port 21? Don't run an FTP server on port 21.

> can
> Minor mistake sue me..

Just wanted to be sure. Don't whine.

> and who has the time to waste setting up a firewall..
> unless you have important things to hide why you need a firewall anyway?

It's not about hiding stuff. It's about preventing people from entering your
computer to mess it up, causing you a lot of trouble and costing you a lot
of time. If I have access to your HD, I can read all your email. Would you
want that, even if you have nothing to hide? Guess not.

> Listen to yourself.. you state two different things in one sentence.. and
> they have nothing in common

Why did you come up with this "some people dont see these NG's.. what does
that say?" anyway?

Oh, and they do have something in common. They are two reasons why people
wouldn't see these newsgroups.

> Read the posts before and u'd know we came up with that Idea..


now what do you plan do to against it?

> again.. drop the old issues..

Don't avoid the question... what about tourists?

> do I need say anymore..

Yes. What about tourists?

> we have
> Worse? How is that?

*sigh* Do I need to spell it? T O U R I S T S

All tourists share a common cit#. So, to ban one, you have to ban them all.
There was a reason I asked that three times, you know. You avoided the
question three times... now answer it. If you can.

> why not block half of the IP out when trying to eject
> someone?

If you only eject, you don't block IP's. But if you also ban, blocking a
bunch of IP's (and of course unblock them after a while) is still better
than banning all tourists.

> Also.. has no one tried to think of the BOTS.. a preston can tell
> you someone's IP then tell you who runs that IP.. ejecting people isn't
> only problem..

So what? Let bot's tell you IP's.

> Exactly.. you state things over and over that were already covered..

Yeah, sure... in this post, you first state it's already covered, and then
say something that clearly indicates you don't even *get* what it is about.
Get a clue. And answer the question. If it is really already covered, that
won't hurt you.

> and things that make no sence..

Your first post didn't really make sence on some parts. I just reacted on
that... so if there are some weird topic jumps here, that's all your fault.


35850 !

Feb 11, 2001, 1:01pm
If you're so concerned with being 'hacked,' just don't associate with such
losers. I assure you, REAL hackers (and I would know, trust me) won't even
bother screwing with you unless you strike first -- not to mention that they
consider these little joke 'hackers' you talk about to be nothing but common
lamers. Simply stop associating with such worthless people.

[View Quote]


Feb 11, 2001, 4:17pm
psychokorndude is a lying piece of fake hacker crap, and used to vandal, hes
not a hacker hes a piece of shit.



Feb 11, 2001, 4:40pm
Alright.. now listen.. I am not afraid of anyone on AW.. none of you would
come close to hacking me anyway so why be scared..? Stop acting like I am
afraid of you.. I am not afraid of being hacked.. I am well experienced.. I
never said PKD was a good hacker did I? I said he was a hacker.. no good or
bad in front of it.. but if I had to pick one it would be bad cause he is a
fake.. he can't literally "Hack" a computer.. he uses programs as J B E L L
stated.. he justs gives the program to them and theirs does the rest.. that
is being a pussy.. anyway.. whatever rolu was getting at I dont know but
just drop the subject already.. I thought it would be a good idea just to
get rid of some big idiots in AW that get hacked by not letting people see
their IP but obviously that is a bad idea.. why? I dont know.. here is the
best idea in the world.. just dont show the person's IP.. eject USING the IP
but dont show the user ejecting someone the IP.. instead of saying the IP
make it say "Ready" or something.. it won't take much code changing..


Feb 11, 2001, 6:03pm
They show ips for a reason, either way you connect to a world, anyone could
get your ip using a simple command even if worlds didn't show it, stop being
so damn IP paranoid and get a god damn firewall.


the derek

Feb 11, 2001, 6:09pm
i dont see how it cant be hacking... someone sends you what you think is a
normal program and all of a sudden youve got eye looking at everything you do
and they can see/do more than YOU can

[View Quote] > using programms and backdoors like bo and nb etc is not hacking as far as
> i'm concerned.. since most of them just need the other person to DL a
> program, and the one on your end does the rest.. it's nothing..
> --
> J B E L L
> G O I N G P L A T I N U M
[View Quote]

crazy glue il

Feb 11, 2001, 8:30pm
> afraid of you..<<<<

When have we acted like that>?


Feb 11, 2001, 10:21pm
[View Quote]
There you have it Crazy.. god.. read something before you post..


Feb 17, 2001, 10:34pm
Any halfwit can get IP addresses, not just hackers. Of course, society has
termed anyone that knows jack shit about computers a hacker. Windows even
includes a utility to do so.

This little spot is dedicated to my girl, Jessie.
She paints her nails, and she dont know, he's got her best friend on the
She'll wash her hair, his dirty clothes, for all he gives to her. And he's
got posters on the wall
Of all the girls he wish she was, and he means everything to her. Her
boyfriend, he dont know,
Anything, about her... She's just the flavor of the week.
AW Citizen 305004 "Wing"
bathgate at
eyemwing at
ICQ #101207433
[View Quote]

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