
rc 200 (Sdk)

rc 200 // Sdk

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pc wizard

Sep 19, 1998, 2:38am
I just added to my bot where it builds an object that plays a midi when it
starts... but when it starts up in the console it puts "Cannot add object
reason 200" I looked for reason 200 on the reason codes page but it wasn't
in there.... The bot still builds the object in the world though...

PC Wizard
wizardry at

jan-willem de bleser

Sep 19, 1998, 12:46pm
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

post the source code so we can check it out

[View Quote] > I just added to my bot where it builds an object that plays a midi when it
> starts... but when it starts up in the console it puts "Cannot add object
> reason 200" I looked for reason 200 on the reason codes page but it wasn't
> in there.... The bot still builds the object in the world though...
> PC Wizard
> (ICQ-537376)
> wizardry at

Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Jan-willem De Bleser
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf"

begin: vcard
fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


roland vilett

Sep 21, 1998, 9:08pm
Oops, sorry, this is a bug in the SDK that will be fixed in the next build.
It should be returning 0. World server reason codes start at 200, and the
SDK is currently adding 200 to the reason codes that come back from the
world server, however it should be checking for RC_SUCCESS and not adding
200 in that case.

Thanks for pointing out the problem!


[View Quote]

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