Ok. Here's whats going on so far. (Wishlist)

Ok. Here's whats going on so far. // Wishlist

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Jan 4, 2000, 8:41pm
Hello fellow chummers..
Now your probably wondering whats goin on in the world of
shadowrun to date. Well this y2k thing (now that its mostly over
and ppl can relax a bit) has kept me REALLY busy lately but do
not fret shadowstalkers cuz here's what ready to commence.

1.) Shadowrun Players Meeting will be held this saturday 8, 2000
at 7:00pm VRT. The meeting will cover the credit system and how
to trade credits cuz E-Bank will be open January 12. This means
the GAMING WILL START THAT DAY. So be sure if possible to come
to the meeting. I will have a transcript made of the meeting but
if you have questions it would be better if you came.

2.) Just to make it official January 12, 2000 the E-Bank of
Metatropolis will open its doors to the public.

3.) ALL players will be gettin an new assignment sheet (new to
all even if ya already got one) Since the first set of player
registered are mostly gamemasters You will receive assignments
first. Then the rest of the regular players. This sheet (well
email) will list your new passcodes and stats along with website
stat updates and additional playing guide info.

4.) And lastly. I want to thank all of those that nominated me
for the Cy Awards again..I really do appriciate it. Maybe this
time I'll win one 8-) "Yeah and monkeys will fly out of my butt
I guess eh? ..LOL"

One more thing...I realize things have been running slowly from
the start. But this is a testing/Setup Phase and frankly, I've
never wanted to do something this cool so bad. And the fact that
I havent been able to start it yet make ME probably more crazy
than the players..but pleeeese bare with me a bit more...we are
almost there and you have to admit...this will be one hellava
game once it gets goin. So chin up chummers..Things are about to
get very interesting..

MPL Cybernome
"Fear is the mind killer..." Dune

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