Object pitching (Wishlist)

Object pitching // Wishlist

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Aug 2, 1999, 10:40pm
I've got this tourist friend (Yes I actually made friends with a tourist)
who would swear on his life that he's seen someone pitch an object forward
(for all u morons out there, rotate the object from a horizontal plane to an
incline closer to vertical [Hehe, If you don't understand that, why are you
even using aw]). I'd like to see this in a future version of aw. It would
make those evil things called ceilings easier (you don't need to hunt for an
object that doesn't fit the building anyway) as you could just flip over a
normal walk. It would also get him to stop asking me that question.


Aug 3, 1999, 7:01am
A VERY old request that will probably never be implemented until the world database system is rewritten to accomodate true 3D rotation. In other words, don't expect it to be added anytime soon...it's obvious AWCI doesn't want to stay on top of (or even anywhere NEAR) the 3D gaming industry in terms of technology and innovation...I'm just waiting for the right level editor to be released from a multi-player 3D game where I can TRULY create immersive environments, and not these AW wanna-be mockups of 3D environments...

[View Quote] > I've got this tourist friend (Yes I actually made friends with a tourist)
> who would swear on his life that he's seen someone pitch an object forward
> (for all u morons out there, rotate the object from a horizontal plane to an
> incline closer to vertical [Hehe, If you don't understand that, why are you
> even using aw]). I'd like to see this in a future version of aw. It would
> make those evil things called ceilings easier (you don't need to hunt for an
> object that doesn't fit the building anyway) as you could just flip over a
> normal walk. It would also get him to stop asking me that question.


Aug 3, 1999, 12:11pm
Hmm Starsiege:Tribes would be a good base for that, just remove weapons and
add some kind of editor and bunch of objects. Large landscapes with smooth
graphics are there already, not to mention lighting effects etc.. Visibility
wouldn't be a problem either.


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Aug 3, 1999, 3:17pm
Ever play the Marathon Series for the Macintosh? Those are really immersive.
I've been working on it for months now. The engine's even more outdated then
aw's but lighting is easy, the editors ship with the program, and there has
already been a total conversion of the program without hacking the engine.
only prob is I don't think Bungie sells Marathon games anymore. the only
place I've seen them are on free offers with RAM chips. Only problem is the
only game in the series for the PC isn't compatible with the editors which
ship with another one of the games on the mac, so If I ever release, it's
one of those mac only things.
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john viper

Aug 6, 1999, 11:39am
The problem with this is that a roof04.rwx, if laid flat, would be slightly
longer than a floor04.rwx. This is because in order to be exactly 4x4x4, it
must be stretched a bit. Now if someone could figure out a way to
compensate for this al would be better :)

-John Viper

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Aug 6, 1999, 12:49pm
To be exact, one side would be 4, the other the square root out of two times
4^2. That's about 5,65685424949238019520675489683879. So, it must be made
smaller in one direction, not larger.


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Aug 8, 1999, 12:38am
true, but if used properly to produce pieces otherwise unattainable
(example: display picture in roof in aw world) this would be irrelevant.why
use a roof04 with a huge bounding box which would presumably cause
encroaching problems if laid flat when you could use a nice floor04 with a
tight bounding box anyways?


P.S. It would just mean that we would all need to think a little more.
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john viper

Aug 9, 1999, 8:26pm
Isn't 5,65685424949238019520675489683879 larger than 4?

-John Viper

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john viper

Aug 9, 1999, 8:27pm
I am not saying that it is a bad idea, im just saying that it would not be
practical in all applications. I have wanted a pitched picture frame myself
at times :)
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Aug 9, 1999, 10:18pm
in some European countries, numbers are written like:


instead of (US and Britain):


Scientists (who need to be understood by scientists from other countries)
generally use a space instead of a comma or period to seperate each group of
3 numbers, so that no matter what is used for the decimal point, it is clear
that that is what it is, like so:

1 234.56
1 234,56

So Rolu meant 5.6568542... which come to think of it is still larger than 4
:) hmm...

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abbot pabisoko

Aug 21, 1999, 6:07pm
Another thing to think about with objewct pitching is that it also might
reduce frame rate, because everytime you move it has to recalculate the
rotated object...

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Aug 21, 1999, 8:43pm
That shouldn't matter since everytime you move, every single object (whether "pitched" or not) has to be recalculated. This is called real-time rendering, which is what RenderWare, AW's rendering engine, does.

For z-axis object rotation (what you're referring to by "pitching") to work, the cell database structure needs to be rewritten to allow for this, as currently it only stores object x-/y-axis rotation.

Why this wasn't included initially in AW I don't understand, as it's a fairly basic concept in 3D (but AW is missing a LOT of fairly "basic" 3D concepts anyway, so...). It's obvious Ron Britvich (AW's originator) didn't code AW for modularity and easy upgradability (not to mention he didn't think about AW's design well enough initially). He (before he left COF) paid for it when improving AW, and Roland (and now Hamfon) are paying for it now...

[View Quote] > Another thing to think about with objewct pitching is that it also might
> reduce frame rate, because everytime you move it has to recalculate the
> rotated object...

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