Please! More Mars Objects (Wishlist)

Please! More Mars Objects // Wishlist

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doctor toc

Mar 4, 1999, 3:49pm
When looking over the vast array of objects in Alpha World, I can't help
wondering why Mars has such a pitiful object catalogue. When was the
last time this world had any new objects? C'mon AW.COM, give Mars some
more objects!
There are no toilets or beds, only two tv screens and a deeply pathetic
number of sectional peices. It's not like new objects would need to be
nmade from scratch, as there are many likely candidates in Colony and
other worlds. And could we have some human objects as well? The human
figures available in Metatropolis add quite a bit of atmosphere - could
we have something similar on Mars? There are spacesuited figures on Moon
(okay, I know this is a private world, but you could ask nicely :D), as
well as a number of really great space related objects.
I'm pretty sure that the reason Mars is nearly always empty is that it
has such a limited object catalogue.

Doctor TOC
The Reverend Doctor "The Other Chris"
UIN # 4814586


Mar 4, 1999, 8:50pm
Yea, and they can start with the z objects. I remember asking Cryonics and E N Z O about letting us at least use the zbeamb.rwx and they said yes, but, of course, never actually made them into non-z-objects. All of Mars' z objects should be converted to "normal" objects anyway. I'd also like more pipe (tank) lengths (longer tankb and tankc, for example) and the pipe elbows to fit correctly on the other pipe objects. Plus I'd like some 45-degree angled elbows and 45-degree vertically angled tankb (and other lengths) too.

[View Quote] > When looking over the vast array of objects in Alpha World, I can't help
> wondering why Mars has such a pitiful object catalogue. When was the
> last time this world had any new objects? C'mon AW.COM, give Mars some
> more objects!
> There are no toilets or beds, only two tv screens and a deeply pathetic
> number of sectional peices. It's not like new objects would need to be
> nmade from scratch, as there are many likely candidates in Colony and
> other worlds. And could we have some human objects as well? The human
> figures available in Metatropolis add quite a bit of atmosphere - could
> we have something similar on Mars? There are spacesuited figures on Moon
> (okay, I know this is a private world, but you could ask nicely :D), as
> well as a number of really great space related objects.
> I'm pretty sure that the reason Mars is nearly always empty is that it
> has such a limited object catalogue.


Mar 5, 1999, 12:09am
I Second that!!!

we need more objects! I built an Object yard with too little space....
visit my OY on mars 910.5N 881.4E 0.0a 160

jeff alu

Mar 8, 1999, 7:04pm
Hey, something else that would be cool are TVs where the pic extends
all the way to the edge, instead of having borders. That way you could
combine TV objects, and sections of bitmaps, to create one
REALLY big pic...Or maybe there's a way to do this and I'm just not
seeing it?

You can check out the start of my interactive art gallery on
Mars at 880.5S 920.0W 0.0a 44

Jeff Alu
AnimAlu Productions
3D Animation and Stills

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raven shadow ...raven@gdi,net

Mar 8, 1999, 8:01pm
try using
create animate me fwb 1 1 0 1 , picture <URL>
this'll make the borders of picture objects invisible

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Mar 8, 1999, 8:04pm
in AlphaWorld: create animate me fw 1 1 0,picture <url>
on Mars: not sure that or what Raven gave will work, you need to replace 'fw
1 1 0' with an animate that is mostly transparent.

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jeff alu

Mar 8, 1999, 8:14pm

Jeff Alu
AnimAlu Productions
3D Animation and Stills

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Jeff Alu
AnimAlu Productions
3D Animation and Stills

raven shadow ...raven@gdi,net

Mar 8, 1999, 10:05pm
DOH !! Thanks Dth , I forgot i was trying to help a Martian :-)

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abbot pabisoko

Mar 17, 1999, 1:10am
one of the grating sused to make those windmills into jsut a wireframe
sphere should work just dandy...i htink its like grat6. 1 1 0 or something

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