Avatar viewer (Wishlist)

Avatar viewer // Wishlist

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david pickering

Jan 13, 1999, 4:34pm
What do I want on AW ?
I want a capability to view available avatars ... not just from the back of
the head ... not by asking a friend to assume each one .. one after the
other ... I want to be able to walk around it ... look at it front and back
.... see the actions ... so I can select which one I want to 'wear'.
I see it as a button that puts me in a new viewpoint - one outside the
avatar (similar to 'camera view') but which will have limited mobility.
Arrow keys all me to move VIEWPOINT up / down / left / right / in / out -
but direction of view remains directed to the avatar. Action buttons still
work - so I can check out what it does .... and then a click of the mouse
again allows return to 'eyes' viewpoint.

Comments ? Do I have any support in this ? Is it possible / easy /
difficult to implement ?

Jan 13, 1999, 6:13pm
[View Quote] I agree it would be useful.

> Is it possible

Why not?

> / easy / difficult to implement ?

I dunno about that ;-)

fredrik and joakim stai

Jan 13, 1999, 8:45pm
It shouldn't be too hard, I think... And I love the idea! (c:

[View Quote] [View Quote]


Jan 13, 1999, 10:10pm
Wow, what a change from a few years ago!!!! I suggests the exact same thing
about 2 and a half years ago and nobody liked it at all. I got so many negative
replies that I felt like crawling into a hole and hiding for even suggesting it.

Yes, I think it is an awesome idea!!! Bring it on, Roland.

[View Quote] > It shouldn't be too hard, I think... And I love the idea! (c:
[View Quote]


Jan 14, 1999, 12:02am
hehe, and I thought of the same idea just some hours ago!
Great minds think alike.. hehe.. Anyway, yep, it's a great idea,
but you two were first, so one of you get the credits (c:

-Joakim, CyberTwins

(Fredrik and Joakim Stai is my brother, not me)


Jan 15, 1999, 4:06am
heh. felt like replying. it should be a tab. if you have ever played
Unreal, the skin selection shows the character walking while being
rotated. this is what I think it should be. in addition to the
aforementioned suggestions.

[View Quote] > hehe, and I thought of the same idea just some hours ago!
> Great minds think alike.. hehe.. Anyway, yep, it's a great idea,
> but you two were first, so one of you get the credits (c:
> -Joakim, CyberTwins
> (Fredrik and Joakim Stai is my brother, not me)

fredrik and joakim stai

Jan 15, 1999, 1:44pm
Yes, I've seen that in many games, and it would be very nice, but you
can't make a mirror out of that (wich is very important to me, hehe),
and it may be slow..?
Anyway.. good idea (c:

-Joakim Stai

[View Quote] > heh. felt like replying. it should be a tab. if you have ever played
> Unreal, the skin selection shows the character walking while being
> rotated. this is what I think it should be. in addition to the
> aforementioned suggestions.
[View Quote]

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