Worlds (Wishlist)

Worlds // Wishlist

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Nov 30, 1998, 9:41pm
[View Quote] > As I now *do* understand what you want, here is a reply.
[View Quote] I didn't profess to know how many or state anywhere that I had any such facts...

> Because if you buy something and sell it for reduced price, you lose money.
> DUHH!!
> That's one of the first rules of logic I guess..

But buying something and then not using it is a bigger waste of money than
buying something and recouping some of the outlay by reselling it.. Agreed?




Nov 30, 1998, 11:37pm
No one said you were god.... however, one could get the impression you
*think you* are god...


[ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ]
[ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ]
[ fluxen at dean2 at ]

The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from.
-- Andrew S. Tanenbaum

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Dec 1, 1998, 1:14pm
[View Quote] Neither did I, smarty.

>But buying something and then not using it is a bigger waste of money than
>buying something and recouping some of the outlay by reselling it..

Yep. But what the heck does that have to do with this issue?
Someone buys a world. Once a month he adds something. But generally he
doesn't have very much time. Why would he sell his world? *He* enjoys it..


Dec 1, 1998, 1:21pm
[View Quote] Abuse to whom? :-)
I asked nobody to feel spoken to. I just claim there are fucking idiots out
there, which is very likely to be true. And some of these fucking idiots,
that are (as I said) very likely to exist, would buy a world if that was

>Sounds like a contradiction in terms to me.. In english just plain nuts.
>I don't recognize flaming, if I don't agree with some of what you say, I
>reply saying so.. Nothing personal you could be anyone and I would answer
>same.I guess I just feel more strongly about something's, that is what
>individuals interesting, our diversity.
>Add it to my wish list!


Dec 1, 1998, 2:03pm
Umm, this argument is getting pretty pointless. You are both right, okay?
For one thing: Some do buy worlds and build only sporadically on occasion and
don't mess with it much otherwise. And, yes they do enjoy it. But, not
everybody would buy a world and build in it even once a month, especially if the
prices were much cheaper.

Another thing: Yes, the owner would be losing money if he sold it for less
than he paid for it, but if he doesn't want it anymore and wants to sell it, how
many people would pay more for it than for a nice fresh clean world that they
won't have to pay an extra fee to change the name on? You can only sell a
product for as much as a person is willing to purchase it. You won't have many
takers if you try to sell a used car for more than you paid for it new (unless
it is a classic in good to mint condition, but that is the exception).

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Dec 1, 1998, 6:49pm
Guessed it was the initial fee. Hope you manage to get the money as I have a
feeling you will produce an interesting world..


[View Quote] [View Quote]


Dec 1, 1998, 7:09pm
Maybe it's as pointless as this newsgroup which isn't obviously read by those who

[View Quote] > Umm, this argument is getting pretty pointless. You are both right, okay?
> For one thing: Some do buy worlds and build only sporadically on occasion and
> don't mess with it much otherwise. And, yes they do enjoy it. But, not
> everybody would buy a world and build in it even once a month, especially if the
> prices were much cheaper.
> Another thing: Yes, the owner would be losing money if he sold it for less
> than he paid for it, but if he doesn't want it anymore and wants to sell it, how
> many people would pay more for it than for a nice fresh clean world that they
> won't have to pay an extra fee to change the name on? You can only sell a
> product for as much as a person is willing to purchase it. You won't have many
> takers if you try to sell a used car for more than you paid for it new (unless
> it is a classic in good to mint condition, but that is the exception).
[View Quote]


Dec 1, 1998, 7:20pm
A Real WISH.........

All this taking about worlds made me think of something.. When trying to select
a world the list often scrolls back to the beginning or moves just as I click on
a world, it would be nice if the list was made static..

[View Quote] > Abuse to whom? :-)
> I asked nobody to feel spoken to. I just claim there are fucking idiots out
> there, which is very likely to be true. And some of these fucking idiots,
> that are (as I said) very likely to exist, would buy a world if that was
> cheaper.

Do you need to swear?... So in other words, there are rich and poor idiots, and
you don't want to see the poor idiots buying worlds. One thing I have learnt in
my time on the 'net' is that not many idiots have the intellectual prowess to
comprehend the intricacies of computer communications.

I personally couldn't careless who buys what, I think there are too many worlds
now, but
like most people I find worlds I like from the list and visit them.



Dec 1, 1998, 7:38pm
> Yep. But what the heck does that have to do with this issue?
> Someone buys a world. Once a month he adds something. But generally he
> doesn't have very much time. Why would he sell his world? *He* enjoys it..

My previous reply was based on the assumption that the world was an impulse
buy, obviously if someone enjoys owing and running a world they wouldn't sell

Want to meet in AW?.....



Dec 1, 1998, 8:09pm
Hiya Dean,

[View Quote] > Umm, this argument is getting pretty pointless. You are both right, okay?
> For one thing: Some do buy worlds and build only sporadically on occasion and
> don't mess with it much otherwise. And, yes they do enjoy it. But, not
> everybody would buy a world and build in it even once a month, especially if the
> prices were much cheaper.

As everybody is different it figures that they wouldn't do the same things, probably
why discussions like this are pointless.

> Another thing: Yes, the owner would be losing money if he sold it for less
> than he paid for it, but if he doesn't want it anymore and wants to sell it, how
> many people would pay more for it than for a nice fresh clean world that they
> won't have to pay an extra fee to change the name on? You can only sell a
> product for as much as a person is willing to purchase it. You won't have many
> takers if you try to sell a used car for more than you paid for it new (unless
> it is a classic in good to mint condition, but that is the exception).

Very few would pay more or even the same amount unless they lived in the UK (for
instance) and wanted a pre-built world as building one online would cost 5 to 10
times the initial cost of a blank world, phone charges are a killer. In the past I
have spent more on the phone in three weeks than my world cost to buy and run for a

If I wanted to sell my world<which I don't> I would simply give it away, I have
spent alot more money in the past doing other things and enjoying myself less, so
having a world has saved me money, the fun it provides per hour/dollar is very good



Dec 1, 1998, 9:27pm
Good point in an otherwise seemingly pointless news group.!

[View Quote] > Maybe it's as pointless as this newsgroup which isn't obviously read by those who
> should.:)
[View Quote]


Dec 2, 1998, 5:12am
[View Quote] Indeed. :-)

>Another thing: Yes, the owner would be losing money if he sold it for
>than he paid for it, but if he doesn't want it anymore and wants to sell
it, how
>many people would pay more for it than for a nice fresh clean world that
>won't have to pay an extra fee to change the name on? You can only sell
>product for as much as a person is willing to purchase it. You won't have
>takers if you try to sell a used car for more than you paid for it new
>it is a classic in good to mint condition, but that is the exception).

Indeed. :-)
But I still don't get *why* this aspect entered this thread.
What the heck does that have to do with it? :-)

[View Quote]


Dec 2, 1998, 5:14am
[View Quote] Indeed.

>Want to meet in AW?.....
Ok.;-) But that's a bit hard now. Unless you mean Active Worlds.


Dec 2, 1998, 1:26pm
Cubic, hou nou je kop eens. Je taalgebruik is ronduit beledigend. Je flamet
de hele tijd en je gedraagt je net als een van die kleutertjes op school, of
voor mijn part Sjoerd, die denkt dat het stoer is om iemand te beledigen.
Dat is precies wat jij nu doet. Je gedraagt je veel te agressief. Wees eens
wat kalmer. En LEES eens wat de mensen schrijven, voordat je er een boze
reactie op maakt. Je gedraagt je precies als Eep op zijn slechte dagen, met
het verschil dat hij nog het een en ander aan nuttige dingen uitvoert. Dus
doe nu normaal, voordat de hele nieuwsgroep je ziet als een grote eikel. Je
zegt dat je alleen flamet als je dat nodig vond, maar ik heb nog weinig, zo
niet niets, anders gezien. Ik weet dat je je in real life heel anders
gedraagt, dus waarom doe je dat hier dan niet?

[View Quote]


Dec 2, 1998, 1:29pm
But now, the number of worlds isn't rising very fast, and the number of
worlds worth visiting isn't, too. However, I find almost all worlds I visit
worth visiting. I always see something new, get new idea's, and I like to
feel the atmosphere of a world. You don't need very fancy objects to have a
world that is pleasurable to be in, and to work on.

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Dec 2, 1998, 1:31pm
Yes. The setup fee gives $80 once. However, I want a PS8-XE, which would
give COF $40 a year. That'd be more over a long term.

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Dec 2, 1998, 1:32pm
....cubic, simply because you don't LIKE a world it isn't necessarily crap,
or an impulse buy...

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Dec 2, 1998, 1:35pm
Yes, a good alternative for the phone, like sattelite (that Iridium
project?), cable modem or electricity network modem could have, if properly
set up, a golden future.

[View Quote]


Dec 2, 1998, 7:36pm
Translation of Rolu's text:

"Cubic, shut up will you. Your use of language is simply insulting. You're
flaming all the time and you're behaving like one of those todlers at
school, or, for I care, Sjoerd, who thinks it looks tough to insult. That's
exactly what you're doing. You're behaving far too agressive. Calm down. And
READ what people write, before typing an angry reply. You're behaving
exactly like Eep on one of his bad days, with the difference you spend your
time on some useful things too. So behave normal now, before the whole
newsgroup considers you a big jerk. You say you're just flaming when you
think necessary, but I've seen little, if not nothing, different. I know you
behave really different in real life, so why don't you here?"


[ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ]
[ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ]
[ fluxen at dean2 at ]

The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from.
-- Andrew S. Tanenbaum

[View Quote]


Dec 2, 1998, 8:45pm
I never said it was crap.
YOU read...
I only said I find some worlds not worth visiting.
Since when is it not allowed to think so???

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Dec 2, 1998, 10:01pm
Yes did mean Active Worlds...

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Dec 3, 1998, 5:32am
1) Awprime is backonline and reachable for most of us I think.
2) Why not just go to AWgate?
That's a lot easier way to appoint, I think :-)
Are you in active worlds at regular times?
If so, i'll just check to be there the same time as you some time. :-)

[View Quote]


Dec 3, 1998, 11:09am
[View Quote] One correction: I said that Eep spend his time on usefull things, too. Not
Cubic. Eep also makes contributive posts.

>So behave normal now, before the whole
>newsgroup considers you a big jerk. You say you're just flaming when you
>think necessary, but I've seen little, if not nothing, different. I know
>behave really different in real life, so why don't you here?"
>[ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ]
>[ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ]
>[ fluxen at dean2 at ]
>The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from.
>-- Andrew S. Tanenbaum
[View Quote]


Dec 3, 1998, 11:12am
Indeed, I read. Using other words doesn't mean not reading anything. You
said these worlds weren't even worth visiting, so you consider them crap.
You don't only have problems with reading, also with understanding things...

[View Quote]


Dec 3, 1998, 5:48pm
Oops... yer right.


[ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ]
[ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ]
[ fluxen at dean2 at ]

The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from.
-- Andrew S. Tanenbaum

[View Quote]


Dec 3, 1998, 7:26pm
[View Quote] > Ok.
> BTW:
> 1) Awprime is backonline and reachable for most of us I think.

Yes I know..

> 2) Why not just go to AWgate?

Don't like standing around at AWgate, much nicer places to stand in.

> That's a lot easier way to appoint, I think :-)
> Are you in active worlds at regular times?

Not really the same times, I visit once,twice or three times a day for 5 minutes
or many hours..

> If so, i'll just check to be there the same time as you some time. :-)

Just stick me in Contacts I will pop up...



Dec 4, 1998, 6:25am
[View Quote] He can't, he is a tourist.



Dec 4, 1998, 1:13pm
[View Quote] Yep.

>so you consider them crap.

I just don't think I wanna go there...


Dec 5, 1998, 6:55pm
Ok thanks for the info...

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