language filters and more (Wishlist)

language filters and more // Wishlist

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Oct 9, 1998, 11:04pm
I think it would be better for all age groups if you could set language
filters. You enter words you don't want to see spoken and they are replaced
by underscores in hte chat box. THis is an advanced form of mute, either
have it on all time or have it in hte Mute/Add to contacts menu.

I may be weird, but i think it would be fun to have "shoot-outs." In a
special world, (avs are cowboys) EJECT is everybody and it is automatically
set to 5 minutes. You try to eject everyone-try to get a clear shot! THere
would be schedules, and the bystanders are protected by glass so they can't
be booted. In thois world the EJECT action has a gunshot-scream sound

Finally, jails are a good idea. (For all nasty people haning on AW- for
example, the infamous King Punisher.) They are special wall objects,
impervious to hte jail world local teleports are off. (In my
highest-flying idea there is a timed lock in the jail cell.)

P.S. Congratulations on the world rating system COF! I praise you for it.


Oct 9, 1998, 11:24pm
One problem with implementing language filters is that people will
always find a way around them... eg. if a parent blocks out 'damn'
someone will just say 'da_mn' and get around the limit. Plus there are
the issues of freedom of speech which always seem to come up in cases
like this.

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Oct 11, 1998, 8:24am
You are right. The only clue is the keyboard is disable in AW and you talk
clicking on a list (carefully selected) of words and sentences.

[View Quote] > One problem with implementing language filters is that people will
> always find a way around them... eg. if a parent blocks out 'damn'
> someone will just say 'da_mn' and get around the limit. Plus there are
> the issues of freedom of speech which always seem to come up in cases
> like this.
[View Quote]

Oct 11, 1998, 12:50pm
I'd rather hear everything that is said, no matter what. One can ignore,
after all. Muting is not a solution, I think, nor is a filter. If someone
wants to use foul language, he risks being banned. That's okay. But I would
never mute such a person. Just pretending that no such things as foul
language or harassing exist won't help to really get these things out. Doing
so is like saying "I don't hear it, so it doesn't exist".


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scott d. miller

Oct 12, 1998, 10:21am
[View Quote] Actually Rolu, if someone is REALLY being a pest, then most citizens mute them.
That seems to be HIGHLY effective. When you remove their fun, they just go away.
The alternative is to put up with garbage, like scrolling the chat window by
posting lots of single character messages.

There are two down sides to even having a mute function: The tourists don't have
it. And some newbes (tourists) fear that they have been muted in a crowed GZ
because it is easy to ignore the pale text and so they don't get response to
their questions. Both problems are bad for COF because it can convince a
percentage of potential future citizens not to sign up because AW is so
unfriendly. (i.e., the foul language of some tourists (which the poor newbe
cannot mute) causes citizens to mute all the tourists (creating a two class

My suggestion would be to add mute capability to the tourist account. Those that
do not want to listen to some a**hole rant can then mute. And they will also be
able to experiment with the function. Also, maybe darken up their text a little
bit too.


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bryon l. snell

Oct 13, 1998, 9:27am
-As far as language filters -{*#*%*#*}!
WestWorld! Cool! I want to be Ual !
(maybe we should bring back hangin` ? )
if anyone "gets The CHAIR!" perhaps "the shadowy types from GOAST" may
envelope and carry thr poor unfortunate "avitar" off to - ..... ???

Mediaone wrote :
>I think it would be better for all age groups if you could set language
>filters. You enter words you don't want to see spoken and they are replaced
>by underscores in hte chat box.
>I may be weird, but i think it would be fun to have "shoot-outs." In a
>special world, (avs are cowboys) EJECT is everybody and it is automatically
>set to 5 minutes. You try to eject everyone-try to get a clear shot! THere
>would be schedules, and the bystanders are protected by glass so they can't
>be booted. In thois world the EJECT action has a gunshot-scream sound
>Finally, jails are a good idea. (For all nasty people haning on AW- for
>example, the infamous King Punisher.) They are special wall objects,
>impervious to hte jail world local teleports are off. (In my
>highest-flying idea there is a timed lock in the jail cell.)
>P.S. Congratulations on the world rating system COF! I praise you for it.

abbot pabisoko

Oct 15, 1998, 11:48pm
A shoot of would be nice, but instead of eject your eject would be disabled
instead...and instead of the advanced mute feature tha tu tlaked aobut, i
most likely fing people who swear to be realy annoying so instead you would
jsut mute them...I think the mute feature is simple and effective enough to
do its job properly...of course you might want to have aw ask you before
muting the person...

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