Offline building (Wishlist)

Offline building // Wishlist

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Sep 16, 1998, 4:14pm
Something I would like to see, and what would save a lot of money, is a way
to offline build things, and then, when online, "paste" them in a world.

I think of it like this: when you want to build something, like a small
house, you start up your AW browser, build your house, completely select it
(using Ctrl-Shift), and then select File-Save selection to disk. Now, the
combination of objects and their relative position to each other is saved to
disk in some sort of file format. Preferably plain text so you can edit it
when you like.

Now, when you go online next time, you start your AW browser and go to where
you want your house. Then, you select File-Open selection file (or something
better suited), and your house will be put into the world, a few metres in
front of you, completely selected. Now you can move your creation to where
you want it to be, and further decorate/finish it.

I think this would be a very handy feature. You can offline create things,
what would save a lot of money, and you can very easily move some of your
projects to a completely different place. Also, you can E-mail cool
pre-constructed creations to one of the newsgroups, or your friends. And
this will save bandwith and processor capacity on the world server, because
people will be able to build lots of things offline. Just imagine what would
be possible.



Sep 16, 1998, 5:06pm
i think that is a very cool idea Rolu. I would really like to see it adapted
into aw... but that does bring up a problem. about building ( i wish ya can
use robo). you could covera lot of land and save it. then, when you put it
into aw. I'll bet ya people will abuse it. it would all be sent quickly,
wich would bring up the robo problem again. For me to solve this problem, i
would think that it would all be sent in one big zipped packet to the
server. But some land hogs would fill up the world again (sheesh).


Check out my homepage, it is chocked full of awesome graphics!
Maybe check out my town in AW!
AW- 10000N 500W
[View Quote]

scott d. miller

Sep 16, 1998, 11:16pm
[View Quote] Uhhhh, TRACT HOUSING?????


scottydm at
Send all other IMPORTANT CORRESPONDENCE to scottydm at
/////\\ Digitally Enhanced Portrait of:
{|-0-0-|} Scott D. Miller,
| % | Silicon Mercenary
\===/ Freelance Chip Designer

always #5 FOO = ~FOO; // the sound of a beating heart


Sep 17, 1998, 10:08am
That zipped packed idea is a very good idea. But about the land hogs, they
will cover up AW anyway. It is currently prohibited to use RoboBuilder or
things like it, but it is still possible. No-one is checking if someone is
using a building tool. So, if a land hog wants to cover up a big lot of
land, he will do it anyway. I think that there should be some sort of limit,
like that you can only send one object change per second or so. If you are
building from within the browser, you probably wouldn't even notice, because
it will take you more than one second to generate another object change.
And, if you want to use robobuilder to build something that is really
boring, like some ground cover, you can still do so, it will just take you
one second per object. Covering really big lots will be harder to do, but
regular users will still have the benefits of RoboBuilder.


[View Quote]


Sep 18, 1998, 11:47pm
I have only been using AW for a few weeks and have often built stuff offline to
see what it looks like and just to practice, obviously it vanishes... <sulk>.

Just wondered if you had your own world and objects if building offline would be
possible as you wouldn't be drawing the images from the AW servers.

Oh well maybe one day..

[View Quote] > Something I would like to see, and what would save a lot of money, is a way
> to offline build things, and then, when online, "paste" them in a world.


Sep 19, 1998, 8:11am
Viscape lets you build offline. (or is that suprescape, or are they both
the same, anybody?)

klassi <klassi at> wrote in article
<36030D47.23E207E2 at>...
> I have only been using AW for a few weeks and have often built stuff
offline to
> see what it looks like and just to practice, obviously it vanishes...
> Just wondered if you had your own world and objects if building offline
would be
> possible as you wouldn't be drawing the images from the AW servers.
> Oh well maybe one day..
[View Quote]


Sep 19, 1998, 11:58pm
hehe, they DO check..

I was cought and banned from AW for a weekend by Roland.


Check out my homepage, it is chocked full of awesome graphics!
Maybe check out my town in AW!
AW- 10000N 500W
[View Quote]


Sep 22, 1998, 3:46pm
Joakim and Fredrik "CyberTwins" Stai <cyber2 at> wrote in article
<3607ce6b.0 at homer>...
> A friend of mine use to build offline sometimes.
> He press the skip button on the splash screen and start
> building. Then, without closing AW, he connects and the
> building stands right where they were (c:
> I've never tried this myself, but it may work just fine (c:
> CyberTwins


Sep 22, 1998, 3:48pm
oops, sorry, pressed the wrong button to cancel and hit the ok key when it
asked if I was sure i wanted to post it. I think I was enjoying my tuna
fish sandwich too much and was distracted. hehehehe

Joakim and Fredrik "CyberTwins" Stai <cyber2 at> wrote in article
<3607ce6b.0 at homer>...
> A friend of mine use to build offline sometimes.
> He press the skip button on the splash screen and start
> building. Then, without closing AW, he connects and the
> building stands right where they were (c:
> I've never tried this myself, but it may work just fine (c:
> CyberTwins


Sep 22, 1998, 8:19pm
*** DISCLAIMER TO COF: I am NOT reverse-engineering anything... guess a
heck of a lot at the 'reality' of things, tho. ***

As I have mentioned to others in AW chat and awcommunity, I >>>>HAVE<<<<
been working on an offline builder.. things are going well so far.... updates
shortly, hopefully. Of course, this is only meant to be used on worlds that do
not forbid automated building.... and would encourage AW to incorporate my
tool's concepts into the browser.
*** Some requirements / stumbling blocks have been as follows:
(1) complete CURRENT list of the specific world's objects
(2) object must be downloaded in order to be used for building.
(3) 'lying' to AW browser is LOADS of fun... to make the browser think
that the program is the AW server.
(4) Not sure exactly how to determine HOW much data is 'full' for
normal/large world settings, etc.

*** Current ArchitectBuilder spec's (these are result of various other
ongoing AW projects):
(1) saves project data in a 'standard' format that is readable by the
online builder, which is aptly named 'ArchitectBot'
(2) complex scripting IS allowed (programmable or manual, of course)
(3) object files are analyzed and dimensions, vertices, textures, etc
are viewable WHILST building
(4) improved object properties interface, including:
(a) compass direction buttons
(b) actual numbers for X,Y,Z, and rotation values
(c) numeric b4 directional buttons ( [_20_] {right-arrow}, etc.)
(5) 'sub-projects' can be duplicated within projects
(a) somebody mention 'tract housing'? <grins>
(6) Future option will work with the 'SurveyorBot' whilst online then
you can modify your project offline and make changes once online again
(7) I will set up a 'moving company' service for project owners that
would like their creations relocated to dif. location, world, or universe.

*** More on SurveyorBot's spec's later.... too many to list right now ***

-- mailto:Randovich at BellSouth.Net
All email is read as quickly as possible and replied to when Randovich
deems a reply necessary. Delays in reply may occur due to occasional
real-life issues and technical problems.
[View Quote] > Something I would like to see, and what would save a lot of money, is a way
> to offline build things, and then, when online, "paste" them in a world.
> I think of it like this: when you want to build something, like a small
> house, you start up your AW browser, build your house, completely select it
> (using Ctrl-Shift), and then select File-Save selection to disk. Now, the
> combination of objects and their relative position to each other is saved to
> disk in some sort of file format. Preferably plain text so you can edit it
> when you like.
> Now, when you go online next time, you start your AW browser and go to where
> you want your house. Then, you select File-Open selection file (or something
> better suited), and your house will be put into the world, a few metres in
> front of you, completely selected. Now you can move your creation to where
> you want it to be, and further decorate/finish it.
> I think this would be a very handy feature. You can offline create things,
> what would save a lot of money, and you can very easily move some of your
> projects to a completely different place. Also, you can E-mail cool
> pre-constructed creations to one of the newsgroups, or your friends. And
> this will save bandwith and processor capacity on the world server, because
> people will be able to build lots of things offline. Just imagine what would
> be possible.
> Rolu

joakim and fredrik \cybertwins\ stai

Sep 22, 1998, 11:27pm
A friend of mine use to build offline sometimes.
He press the skip button on the splash screen and start
building. Then, without closing AW, he connects and the
building stands right where they were (c:

I've never tried this myself, but it may work just fine (c:


joakim and fredrik \cybertwins\ stai

Sep 23, 1998, 12:04am
hehehe, shit happens (c:


Sep 24, 1998, 4:11pm
Sounds like a very cool program... Where can I get it?

Can I get it?


[View Quote]


Sep 27, 1998, 2:44am
Beta hopefully out in two weeks, give or take time i spend on my other
projects... might work more on the AW enhancements program more, to make more
ppl happy that use AlphaWorld. URL shall be posted, with code, if ppl are
properly paranoid.

[View Quote] > Sounds like a very cool program... Where can I get it?
> Can I get it?
> Rolu
[View Quote]

jan-willem de bleser

Oct 3, 1998, 6:59pm
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

how did they find you?

[View Quote] > hehe, they DO check..
> I was cought and banned from AW for a weekend by Roland.
> cheese
> --
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Check out my homepage, it is chocked full of awesome graphics!
> Maybe check out my town in AW!
> AW- 10000N 500W
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
[View Quote]

Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
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n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


jan-willem de bleser

Oct 3, 1998, 7:03pm
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

how does he reconnect?

[View Quote] > A friend of mine use to build offline sometimes.
> He press the skip button on the splash screen and start
> building. Then, without closing AW, he connects and the
> building stands right where they were (c:
> I've never tried this myself, but it may work just fine (c:
> CyberTwins

Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Jan-willem De Bleser
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf"

begin: vcard
fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard



Oct 4, 1998, 8:28am
he looked in the logs i think. must shnow a repeating clunk, as i did X
number of objects in 3 hours. (not tellin how much ehhe).

I was talking, and was 3 or so hours after i was usin robo, and got banned
from alphaworld. gave me soem good telegrams too eheh.


Check out my homepage, it is chocked full of awesome graphics!
Maybe check out my town in AW!
AW- 10000N 500W
[View Quote]


Oct 11, 1998, 2:08am
[View Quote] Personally, I think banning autobuilding is a bad solution to the
land-hogger problem.
Why doesn't each person just start out with a quota of how much land they
can use? Something large enough for 95% of the people. Those who want more
have to fill what they have to demonstrate they are going to put it to some
reasonable purpose (i.e. at least make the attempt to build something
credible, not just an expanse of the same square) before they are granted a
larger amount.


Oct 11, 1998, 9:15am
cause that way, the far future citizens won't get any space to build on, or,
they will have to delete the old citizen buildings wich i wou'd not want
either of them.



Check out my homepage, it is chocked full of awesome graphics!
Maybe check out my town in AW!
AW- 10000N 500W
[View Quote]

abbot pabisoko

Oct 15, 1998, 11:55pm
Cheese is right they do check, and for those of you who have never had a
world server, you cna see everything that happens your world, i mean
EVERYTING, like even when u chat, plus they cna see where u were building so
tourists cant get away with it either, sorry guys =(

[View Quote]


Oct 16, 1998, 5:23am
Can they see *what* you chat?

I think that when you use Robo for a small piece, like a 5x5 lot for a
house, they probably won't notice. A lot of things happen in AW, and I don't
think that someone has time to check it all.


[View Quote]

shamus young

Oct 16, 1998, 2:14pm
You can see where someone is (by what area they are caching) and you can see
that they are talking - but not what they are saying. You can also see
everything they build.

Shamus Young
Webmaster and World Developer
Circle of Fire Studios
Email: shamus at
- - --= A C T I V E W O R L D S =-- - -
See the future of the net in a 3D interactive world!

[View Quote]


Oct 18, 1998, 12:30am
Nope, can't see what you chat, tho I can see (in Sirocco) how many
people you're talking to. And I can see what you're building, however
when one of the builders gets going in Sirocco the log gets so long that
it takes more time to check through it than it takes for them to build.
I haven't seen Robobuilder being used since Sirocco is a small world,
but I would guess that if somebody happened to glance at the world
server at the moment it was being used in AW they would notice that
builder number such and such was filling the screen with building

[View Quote]

eric j. schwarzenbach

Oct 21, 1998, 3:36pm
That makes no sense whatsoever. There is no reason why my suggested solution
would result in land being used up faster than in the current scenario. I
suggested using a quota, not immediately reserving each persons quota of land
when they joined, if that was your misunderstanding.

The only way the current situation may have less land use than in my suggested
scenario, is through people being discouraged from building by the tedium of
having to do it by hand. And I don't see that as a desireable thing.

[View Quote] > cause that way, the far future citizens won't get any space to build on, or,
> they will have to delete the old citizen buildings wich i wou'd not want
> either of them.
[View Quote]


Nov 6, 1998, 2:12am
Just saw this, I have both those plus the other two by the same people. I find
building easy if I plan it all out first but then it isn't much fun.. When I
don't plan it out I normally end up deleting it, I can visualize what I want
but don't know the objects/animations well enough to create it.


[View Quote] > Viscape lets you build offline. (or is that suprescape, or are they both
> the same, anybody?)
> klassi <klassi at> wrote in article
> <36030D47.23E207E2 at>...
> offline to
> <sulk>.
> would be
> way
> world.

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