NG for AW Changes (Wishlist)

NG for AW Changes // Wishlist

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Aug 15, 1998, 4:35am
Not sure if this has ever been posted here, but I would love to see an NG or
even a web page strictly for changes made to AW, primarily with textures and
objects. Something, anything.

Part of this stems from the recent frustration at finding out by going back
to some of my original building areas from about a year ago, that anything
on which I had used chilli. 1 1 0, the object was no longer visible. The
old texture, sans mask, brought about a gold/yellow color on non textured
objects. I now have pots, awnings, kitchen cabinets, a car, etc. for which
the objects are still there, but don't show because chilli. 1 1 0 is now
toting a mask and only the red pepper shows. The yellow is gone. Quite

Have looked high and low to see if this change has been listed anywhere, but
can't seem to find a posting.

Ergo, a suggestion to have a specific location where in any and all changes,
especially those affecting standard AW building could be listed. <sigh> Got
lots of work ahead trying to figure out where I specifically used that
texture and my time could be better spent elsewhere.

****Peace Love, Chocolate and Donuts *****


Aug 15, 1998, 3:15pm
Yet another BRILLIANT (note sarcasm) decision by a COF GENIUS (note more sarcasm). Haven't you learned yet, COF? Guess not...idiots...

[View Quote] > Not sure if this has ever been posted here, but I would love to see an NG or
> even a web page strictly for changes made to AW, primarily with textures and
> objects. Something, anything.
> Part of this stems from the recent frustration at finding out by going back
> to some of my original building areas from about a year ago, that anything
> on which I had used chilli. 1 1 0, the object was no longer visible. The
> old texture, sans mask, brought about a gold/yellow color on non textured
> objects. I now have pots, awnings, kitchen cabinets, a car, etc. for which
> the objects are still there, but don't show because chilli. 1 1 0 is now
> toting a mask and only the red pepper shows. The yellow is gone. Quite
> frustrating.
> Have looked high and low to see if this change has been listed anywhere, but
> can't seem to find a posting.
> Ergo, a suggestion to have a specific location where in any and all changes,
> especially those affecting standard AW building could be listed. <sigh> Got
> lots of work ahead trying to figure out where I specifically used that
> texture and my time could be better spent elsewhere.


Aug 15, 1998, 4:51pm
chilli.jpg and it's mask were both uploaded simultaneously October 22, 1996. The reason Zandorfa saw the yellow was because of a _BUG_ in
the software and not any "decision" by cof. And saying cof is doing nothing about this is absolutely wrong, eep. Roland has continually
answered questions about this in the beta group and if neither he nor ron has found the problem in the 2 years since they've known about
it, it's not something they can just *fix*. idiot.
so Zandorfa, simply put, the yellow you saw was just a fluke. you should never have seen the yellow background in the first place.
[ie, the "black boxes: people see sometimes is just yellow for this object] Everyone else has always seen the chili as masked :-(


[View Quote] > Yet another BRILLIANT (note sarcasm) decision by a COF GENIUS (note more sarcasm). Haven't you learned yet, COF? Guess not...idiots...
[View Quote]

_______________________________________________________________ ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-.__
steve at `6_ 6 ) `-. ( ). `-.__.`)
grover at (_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-'
Custom Objects and Avatars! _..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' ,'
___________________________(il),-'' (li),' ((!.-'__________


Aug 15, 1998, 5:31pm
I've always seen the chili with the yellow background. But this isn't the=
only case where COF has changed something before consulting with the "co=
mmunity". The static on picture objects used to be black and white. Now i=
t's blue and lighter blue. It looks like shit. Someone changed it a few m=
onths ago. COF are STILL idiots though. Note Enzo's lies about adding mor=
e objects (not to mention the bajillion OTHER things he's lied about and =
not done yet). It's just tiring to see it continue. I TRULY hope some OTH=
ER company, with more sense than a pile of shit, either takes over AW or =
adapts a game into on-line multi-player with level editing/world building=
capabilities. RenderWare isn't that great of an engine anyway and is SER=
IOUSLY getting outdated compared to other gaming engines in multi-player =
games. The slow development of AW only proves COF can't keep up very well=
=2E Criterion isn't much better. They just better start getting their act=
together or something better will blow them away and AW/Criterion won't =
even know what hit them. I only DREAM of the day...

[View Quote] > chilli.jpg and it's mask were both uploaded simultaneously October 22, =
1996. The reason Zandorfa saw the yellow was because of a _BUG_ in
> the software and not any "decision" by cof. And saying cof is doing no=
thing about this is absolutely wrong, eep. Roland has continually
> answered questions about this in the beta group and if neither he nor r=
on has found the problem in the 2 years since they've known about
> it, it's not something they can just *fix*. idiot.
> so Zandorfa, simply put, the yellow you saw was just a fluke. you =
should never have seen the yellow background in the first place.
> [ie, the "black boxes: people see sometimes is just yellow for this obj=
ect] Everyone else has always seen the chili as masked :-(


Aug 15, 1998, 10:20pm
I've always seen the chili with the yellow background. But this isn't the=
only case where COF has changed something before consulting with the "co=
mmunity". The static on picture objects used to be black and white. Now i=
t's blue and lighter blue. It looks like shit. Someone changed it a few m=
onths ago. COF are STILL idiots though. Note Enzo's lies about adding mor=
e objects (not to mention the bajillion OTHER things he's lied about and =
not done yet). It's just tiring to see it continue. I TRULY hope some OTH=
ER company, with more sense than a pile of shit, either takes over AW or =
adapts a game into on-line multi-player with level editing/world building=
capabilities. RenderWare isn't that great of an engine anyway and is SER=
IOUSLY getting outdated compared to other gaming engines in multi-player =
games. The slow development of AW only proves COF can't keep up very well=
=2E Criterion isn't much better. They just better start getting their act=
together or something better will blow them away and AW/Criterion won't =
even know what hit them. I only DREAM of the day...

[View Quote] > chilli.jpg and it's mask were both uploaded simultaneously October 22, =
1996. The reason Zandorfa saw the yellow was because of a _BUG_ in the s=
oftware and not any "decision" by cof. And saying cof is doing nothing a=
bout this is absolutely wrong, eep. Roland has continually answered ques=
tions about this in the beta group and if neither he nor ron has found th=
e problem in the 2 years since they've known about it, it's not something=
they can just *fix*. idiot.
> so Zandorfa, simply put, the yellow you saw was just a fluke. you =
should never have seen the yellow background in the first place. [ie, the=
"black boxes: people see sometimes is just yellow for this object] Every=
one else has always seen the chili as masked :-(

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