Is this where i can ask about having a texture modified too? ... (Wishlist)

Is this where i can ask about having a texture modified too? ... // Wishlist

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Jul 17, 1998, 10:02am
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

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I love the color purple. (as you may be able to tell by the name i =
chose) hehehe I was wondering if like flower8.rwx could maybe one day be =
changed to also have a variation on the color to purple for AW. There's =
no purple flowers at all in AW. The ones there are very nice and i use =
them alot but it seems that every color of flowers in real life are =
represented in the flowers of AW but no purple =3D( Just a wish. Not =
really thinking of only myself. I've heard other ppl say they love =
purple too and wish there was purple flowers in AW. Anyway if this is =
the place to ask..please may i one day see a purple flower in aw? =3D)) =
PS: i did the variation on flower8.rwx for my own world and it was easy =
to do using paint shop pro. I just changed the contrast i think and then =
played with the color balance. =3D)

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<META content=3Dtext/html;charset=3Diso-8859-1 =
<META content=3D'"MSHTML 4.71.1712.3"' name=3DGENERATOR>
<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>I love the color purple. (as you may =
be able to=20
tell by the name i chose) hehehe I was wondering if like flower8.rwx =
could maybe=20
one day be changed to also have a variation on the color to purple for =
There's no purple flowers at all in AW. The ones there are very nice and =
i use=20
them alot but it seems that every color of flowers in real life are =
in the flowers of AW but no purple =3D(&nbsp; Just a wish. Not really =
thinking of=20
only myself. I've heard other ppl say they love purple too and wish =
there was=20
purple flowers in AW. Anyway if this is the place to ask..please may i =
one day=20
see a purple flower in aw? =3D))&nbsp; PS: i did the variation on =
flower8.rwx for=20
my own world and it was easy to do using paint shop pro. I just changed =
contrast i think and then played with the color balance.=20



Jul 17, 1998, 11:36am
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i would second Ms. Violet's request. I am an attorney, and purple has
always been the color most closely associated with the law (or so my
first year property teacher told us). It would be nice to have purple
flowers as a choice. Thank you.

[View Quote] > I love the color purple. (as you may be able to tell by the name i
> chose) hehehe I was wondering if like flower8.rwx could maybe one day
> be changed to also have a variation on the color to purple for AW.
> There's no purple flowers at all in AW. The ones there are very nice
> and i use them alot but it seems that every color of flowers in real
> life are represented in the flowers of AW but no purple =( Just a
> wish. Not really thinking of only myself. I've heard other ppl say
> they love purple too and wish there was purple flowers in AW. Anyway
> if this is the place to ask..please may i one day see a purple flower
> in aw? =)) PS: i did the variation on flower8.rwx for my own world
> and it was easy to do using paint shop pro. I just changed the
> contrast i think and then played with the color balance. =)

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
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i would second Ms. Violet's request.&nbsp; I am an attorney, and purple
has always been the color most closely associated with the law (or so my
first year property teacher told us).&nbsp; It would be nice to have purple
flowers as a choice.&nbsp; Thank you.

[View Quote] --------------C41284BA15EA561A820743D1--

edward sumerfield

Jul 17, 1998, 12:19pm
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

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Couldn't you download the texture fix it yourself and then use the =
picture command on an animate2.rwx object?

create picture http:/yourwebsite/purple_flower8.jpg

Edward Sumerfield, esumerfd at

[View Quote] I love the color purple. (as you may be able to tell by the =
name i chose) hehehe I was wondering if like flower8.rwx could maybe one =
day be changed to also have a variation on the color to purple for AW. =
There's no purple flowers at all in AW. The ones there are very nice and =
i use them alot but it seems that every color of flowers in real life =
are represented in the flowers of AW but no purple =3D( Just a wish. =
Not really thinking of only myself. I've heard other ppl say they love =
purple too and wish there was purple flowers in AW. Anyway if this is =
the place to ask..please may i one day see a purple flower in aw? =3D)) =
PS: i did the variation on flower8.rwx for my own world and it was easy =
to do using paint shop pro. I just changed the contrast i think and then =
played with the color balance. =3D)

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<META content=3Dtext/html;charset=3Diso-8859-1 =
<META content=3D'"MSHTML 4.72.2106.6"' name=3DGENERATOR>
<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Couldn't you download the texture =
fix it=20
yourself and then use the picture command on an animate2.rwx=20
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT><FONT color=3D#000000=20
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; create picture=20
http:/yourwebsite/purple_flower8.jpg<BR><BR></FONT>Edward Sumerfield, <A =

href=3D"mailto:esumerfd at">esumerfd at</A><BR><A=20
style=3D"BORDER-LEFT: #000000 solid 2px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: =
[View Quote] ------=_NextPart_000_0061_01BDB16C.6B3BAFE0--


Jul 17, 1998, 3:20pm
Animates don't (or didn't) work on animate#.rwx objects. And it wouldn't
look like a regular flower anyway - would only be visible from one
angle, much like a picture object - which again would work (think create
animate me fw 1 1 0,picture, but only visible
from one angle.

[View Quote]

Dthknight - dthknight at - ICQ: 2603180
Dthknight Central: AW 1875N 2225W
Home Page:

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." -
Albert Einstein

edward sumerfield

Jul 17, 1998, 4:36pm
I agree. Animate does not work with URLs but flower8 is a fixed picture
using the flo8.jpg texture, so I don't think that that is relevant.

The one sided picture is a problem though. You can put two of them back to
back but you still have the problem of looking at the flower at an angle.

There is the "axisalignment zorienty" (thank you Eep) in rwx that makes an
object always face the viewer. I don't think there are any animate type
objects that have it though.

So maybe this has resolved into another wish. To allow builders the create
their own textures on objects that always face the viewer can we have a set
of animate??.rwx with the axisalignment zorienty line in them?

Stop the presses. I just downloaded the to check my facts

AxisAlignment ZOrientY
Vertex -.05 0 0 UV 0 1
Vertex .05 0 0 UV 1 1
Vertex .05 .1 0 UV 1 0
Vertex -.05 .1 0 UV 0 0
TextureModes null
Texture flo8 mask flo8m
Quad 1 2 3 4

It already has the "AxisAlignment ZOrientY" thingy so why doesn't it always
face the viewer.

OK I am out of my depth now. Would someone who knows what they are talking
about please take over.

Edward Sumerfield, esumerfd at

[View Quote]


Jul 17, 1998, 4:59pm
Here is the deal: Flower, shrub, tree, and flame objects always face the
viewer. You can make little trees or big flowers this way, with some
create animate me's. However, they don't take picture URL's - in Alpha
at least, you're stuck with Alpha textures. Picture (pict#.rwx) and
animate (animate#.rwx) panels face one direction all the time, so
flowers on them look funny. However, they do take URL's, so you can put
any picture you want on them. For Violet's wish to come true, we'd need

1) a new flow##.rwx object whose texture is a purple version of flower8.
2) picture objects that always face the viewer (animate with fw 1 1 0
and put any pic you want - purple flowers, orange shrubs, aquamarine
trees even!)

And I doubt COF are going to do #2 any time soon... after all your own
textures on objects is one of the main reasons to get a world :) So #1
is the easiest :)

[View Quote] --
Dthknight - dthknight at - ICQ: 2603180
Dthknight Central: AW 1875N 2225W
Home Page:

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." -
Albert Einstein

edward sumerfield

Jul 17, 1998, 5:19pm
You are right. I got confused.

[View Quote]

paul barrow

Jul 17, 1998, 5:34pm
Still wouldn't work because it wouldn't have a mask.


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Jul 21, 1998, 11:12pm
Although the Flow texture set, and the Flow object set are not on a one to
one correspondence, they would still seem to be the best sets to carry out
this idea.

First, and most important... Note that the Flow texture set is "very"
inclomplete. Last I checked, it consisted of three files as follows:
and of course, their corresponding mask files.
It should not be that hard to make color variations on the Flo texture set
(which is presently used on the Flower object set) to make the first nine
missing textures for the Flow set, as follows...
flo1.jpg --> flow1.jpg
flo2.jpg --> flow2.jpg
flo3.jpg --> flow3.jpg
flo4.jpg --> flow4.jpg
flo5.jpg --> flow5.jpg
flo6.jpg --> flow6.jpg
flo7.jpg --> flow7.jpg
flo8.jpg --> flow8.jpg
flo9.jpg --> flow9.jpg
and of course, copy the corresponding zipped mask files with no change, as
follows... --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> -->
Then just add a Flow10 texture (flow10.jpg and it's mask) for the remaining
flower, and if someone can get it uploaded (the unlikely part), then the
texture set is ready to use. The revised flower8.rwx could then be created
through normal building as follows:
Make a flower8.rwx object
and apply the following command to the Action field...
create animate me flow 13 1 0 8
.... and that's it.

Now, the second part would be quite optional, but would make it easier for
beginners to make more flowers.. that would be to make the corresponding
flow1.rwx through flow10.rwx objects, which would be designed to (by
default) display the flow1 through flow10 textures.

By the way.. I would like to see some purple flowers in Alpha World too.

[View Quote]

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