
spider (Bots)

spider // Bots

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lady nighthawk

Oct 29, 2004, 9:00pm
I'd like to see said bot with a specific name, or range of names (known to
be said bots') and at least have it say hello ... friendly bots are good



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Oct 30, 2004, 4:57am
[View Quote] > not cit #1

[View Quote] Ryan is right, Ciena :)

"It's MY computer" (tm Steve Gibson)


Oct 30, 2004, 5:01am
[View Quote] > Why not just take the bot off the universe CT (to an un-privlidged
> account) and just let it search the open worlds?

Does not work - almost all worlds has the bot rights restricted to a few citnumber and it is unlikely that the spider bot is one of them:)

What WOULD work:
Let have one special citizen number (maybe #2 - AWLD2) for the search/spider bot and those who wants to be included in the search, simply enable in their bot rights this particular citnumber.

"It's MY computer" (tm Steve Gibson)


Oct 30, 2004, 9:51am
oh. ok my mistake
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Oct 31, 2004, 9:37am
To look at world features something needs to be **in** the world?


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strike rapier

Nov 1, 2004, 1:31am
So... to state the obvious... reprogram the bot so it only enters public

- Mark R

E N Z O Wrote:
<Sniped - Ouch>

strike rapier

Nov 1, 2004, 1:40am
Entering World:

[ to universe ]
> Where Is IP?
< IP Is <x>, port is <y>
[connect to world]
> Hello world, I am <session> entering <world> with <hash> and have
> <privilege>, <citizen>, <ip> and <compID>
(World Server "Is Either Citizen, IP or CompID blocked from this server?)
Yes? - EJECT (Drop Connection - No Exceptions, Socket Operation)
# END #
(Is Privilege allowed in world?)
No? - Access Denied (Connection dropped again)
# END #
> Welcome to the world, blah blah blah
> World attributes
< I am at <coordinates>
> Thats nice, the objects / terrain at <cooordinates> are <data>

- Mark R

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strike rapier

Nov 1, 2004, 2:55am
Yes, doesnt have to be visible tho.

- MR

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e n z o

Nov 2, 2004, 12:51pm
Even if we did as you suggest there are STILL going to be WO's that don't
like a bot coming in and peeking at their world options.

At some point we learned to cut our losses.


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Nov 2, 2004, 3:55pm
[View Quote] Then they shouldn't be stupid and allow all bots to enter.


Nov 2, 2004, 4:13pm
didn't say it did.


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strike rapier

Nov 2, 2004, 5:15pm
What is the difference between entering a bot to look at WO's or an avatar?

But yes, I know some people will still be complaining... but nothing a PHP
based world-owners webpage with the option to set it wouldent solve, but
that would take a few hours to set up =\

- MR

[View Quote]


Nov 4, 2004, 10:08pm

The clean solution would have been that no bot is needed for this. A
procedure could have been made between world and uni servers to
regulate this. Maybe the problem is related to lack of thought
between what a particular paying instance required (which can be
solved with a quick and dirty solution - we all do that when needed)
and how it was implemented for general use?

I think that more carefull planning would solve this kind of problem.
I have more examples of this dis-synchonisation, but you can reach me
at my usual email addy if you think this might be of use :)


[View Quote] >A few friends of mine have found out that a spider bot has been in their
>world in DLP What exactly is that and what does it do? anyone know? How
>could one get in if they dont have bot rights?


Nov 5, 2004, 5:00pm
Bowen - Cit #1 is World CT - world ct bots can enter without bot rights


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Nov 5, 2004, 5:02pm
but i think they were talking about creating a new cit number, where if
people want the search tab to work, they add it to bot enter. like cit#2 or
something :)


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Nov 5, 2004, 5:04pm
Mark - you just gave me an idea....

Since AW know all how their software works, couldn't they just make a cit
keyword bot so that not so many people take a dislike to it?

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Nov 5, 2004, 5:22pm
[View Quote] Think outside the box John. Sometimes you have to implement your own
code to check if something is doable.


Now, if it's private, you can check if it's not private then enter it.

On to the next part of the code.


Now check if * is the bot rights to the world. If it is, go ahead.

There is a better way of doing this. Having the server contact the
world and gathering the info (I think Xelag metioned this).


Nov 5, 2004, 7:57pm
Bowen - you have to *enter* the world before you can get the world rights?

And it just seemed as if you were saying that world owners could do
something to the bot rights list to stop the univ caretaker's bot entering.


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Nov 6, 2004, 1:12am
[View Quote] Then it all comes down to using an account that isn't the universe
caretaker. Easy to do. And to keep from trying every world, you would
still need to check if it's private or not.

I would think it would be easiest to just write a server function to
this though. Then you can query information from closed worlds.


Nov 6, 2004, 8:58am
If AWI wanted the best way they could send the keywords to the uniserver
each time they are changed and store them to be displayed on the world
license administration dialog

Then a bot could just run through a list of running, public worlds looking
up their license and downloading the keywords.

No more entering worlds - no more 'invasion of privacy' - a perfectly
acceptable method.


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strike rapier

Nov 7, 2004, 7:50pm
Yes, they could...

Although the obvious thing to do would be to make a PHP web interface, let
world owners do it manually.

- MR

"johnf" <johnf at> wrote :
> Mark - you just gave me an idea....
> Since AW know all how their software works, couldn't they just make a cit
> keyword bot so that not so many people take a dislike to it?


Nov 8, 2004, 4:45am
Or of course that.

Maybe more obvious was my suggestion in reply to Bowen.


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