
ChatRelayBot v2.0 Open Beta Release (Bots)

ChatRelayBot v2.0 Open Beta Release // Bots

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tony m

May 2, 2003, 2:38am
Now officially released to the public as an open beta, ChatRelayBot v2.0 is now available. This version is a complete rewrite of the ChatRelayBot, which contains many enhancements (and bug fixes :)) from version 1.0.

* Remote Administration allows you to control the ChatRelayBot from any Windows computer capable of connecting to the Internet via ImaGenius' bot network Bone.
- The ChatRelayBot is the first [publicly released] bot that utilizes the Bone network. Bone is used for linking with other ChatRelayBots, and remote administration via Bone telegrams.
* The ChatRelayBot is compatible with Active Worlds 3.4, allowing you to enable global chat for your world by enabling the "Hide Chat" feature.
- Enabling "Hide Chat" allows you to use the ChatRelayBot's Word Censorship feature, sending action text, and chatting within separate channels.
* The bot now appears physically in-world, and will respond to teleports & avatar changes sent by other bots.
- Since the bot now appears physically in-world, there is a new option to control whether or not the bot will treat whispers as regular chat and relay them.
* The upgrade utility has been rewritten.
* The bug-reporting facility has been taken out of the main application, and has become a separate program: the ChatRelayBot Feedback Agent.
* ChatRelayBot now allows you to chat within separate channels, named by their number. The main channel is 0, and you can join any channel from 1 up to 2,147,483,646.

There have been many enhancements made to the ChatRelayBot, which most likely have also introduced a couple bugs.

Bug reports may be submitted either through the new ChatRelayBot Feedback Agent, or through the form available at

I hope that you enjoy this breath of fresh air should you choose to download this new release of the ChatRelayBot. Version 1.042 will remain available until the final release of version 2.0.

Version 2.0, Build 71:

Tony M.


May 3, 2003, 7:22am
I did try this one, and just wonder if this [0] in front of name is needed?


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May 3, 2003, 7:32am
Would also be nice, if I could tell where the bot should log in, not at
Ground Zero as it does

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May 3, 2003, 12:19pm
[View Quote] Not quite ;) I release a bot a looooooong time ago called BonePhone that sent messages between a Bone channel and a world in AW. Of course, I didn't use Console Messages in mine since that wasn't available ;)



May 3, 2003, 1:37pm
That's the channel name, I requested using the feedback program thing for
channels to be disabled.

Ryan (didn't like the [0] either)

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tony m

May 4, 2003, 12:34am
[View Quote] >That's the channel name, I requested using the feedback program thing for channels to be disabled.

I received the feedback report, and have addressed the issue in build 72; this build will come out shortly, once a few more bugs have been resolved and a few more features finalized.

There is a bug list available: (Added a link to it on the main CRB website.

tony m

May 4, 2003, 12:34am
I knew I couldn't possibly be THE only one; but again like you said, yours was a long while ago ;)

Guess that should be changed to "the first [recently released] bot" :D

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May 4, 2003, 4:10am
Another idea will be if it could auto log in, so it can be run at server,
and if server restart it will start up and go minimized, this it can't


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