
AWCPP version 0.3 release. (Sdk)

AWCPP version 0.3 release. // Sdk

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edward sumerfield

Nov 19, 1998, 2:28am
Not too many significant changes in this release. It ended up being more of a
object model redesign.

You can find all the info at

However there are a couple of things:

1. Implemented doxygen auto documentation style comments.

Almost all classes are now fully documented and you can find the output at

This page also points you to the object models diagrams I have been creating
to design this framework.

2. Added avatar tracking.

This class intercepts all the avatar add, change and delete callbacks from the
SDK and stores all the avatar information into a memory map indexed with
instance. It also adds two more avatar events "eventDistLess" is triggered
when an avatar move within a specified distance from you and "eventDistMore"
is triggered when an avatar is added or moves a specified distance away from
you. I needed this for my deer to be able to react when someone got too close.

3. Three files to download.

It seems like there is one extra file to download each time I release this
thing. Well now we have a binary, a source and a documentation zip file. All
unzip into the same dir so there is no difference in the installation steps.

Next release will contain:

1. A command architecture. Built-in commands for aquire, and release a bot
plus a standard interface for you to implement to add your own commands.
2. Maybe, finally, a deer robot.

Known Bugs.

1. A memory leak in the AvatarMe class destructor.
2. Incorrect scale used to calculate distance in Convert class for METER.
It is actually calculating centi-meters instead of milli-meters as it should
be. So the difference between 1 and 1.5 is 5 meters instead of half a meter.
Doh. This actually is equivalent to the teleport command. 100N 100W is
actually 1000 meters north and 1000 meters west.
3. Documentation notes the release as 3.0 instead of 0.3.

Edward Sumerfield.

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