
Need a Little Help With Some Terminology (Bots)

Need a Little Help With Some Terminology // Bots

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Dec 2, 2002, 7:21am
The bot I'm making is compatible with any universe using AW technology,
mostly by letting the domain and port be user settable. My settings dialog
is broken into sections, one of them being for setting login citizen number,
privilege password, destination world, etcetera. I'm wondering what to title
that section. Has to be something short. I want to be more specific than
"Login" because there may be sections for other types of login, such as FTP.
I hesitate to title it "AW Login" because I'm then specified a certain
universe, and am starting to sound exclusive. "Uni/World Login" might do,
but I am wondering if anyone could provide any other suggestions.

Thanks for any help,
Percipient.The bot I'm making is compatible with any universe using AW
technology, mostly by letting the domain and port be user settable. My
settings dialog is broken into sections, one of them being for setting login
citizen number, privilege password, destination world, etcetera. I'm
wondering what to title that section. Has to be something short. I want to
be more specific than "Login" because there may be sections for other types
of login, such as FTP. I hesitate to title it "AW Login" because I'm then
specified a certain universe, and am starting to sound exclusive. "Uni/World
Login" might do, but I am wondering if anyone could provide any other

Thanks for any help,


Dec 2, 2002, 8:03am
how about user/password/connection settings

OS: Windows 2000 Prof.
Processor: AMD Athlon, 1.2GHz
Memory: 256MB RAM
DirectX Version: DirectX 8.1 (
Card: ATI Radeon 7000/VE 32MB (Driver Recent As of 10-14-02)
Video Mode: DX7 (w/o T&L)
Version: 3.4 Beta Build 446
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tony m

Dec 2, 2002, 11:51am
"Universe Settings" perhaps?

[View Quote] >[...]I'm wondering what to title that section.[...]


Dec 2, 2002, 10:31pm
"Active Worlds UniServer Connection Settings"


The software was made by aw :-D

[View Quote]

tony m

Dec 3, 2002, 12:31am
[View Quote] >"Active Worlds UniServer Connection Settings"

The "Active Worlds" part makes it sound like the main AW universe, which Percipient said he didn't want...


Dec 6, 2002, 5:00am
I've gone with "Universe Login" which is sorta similair to your suggestion,
Tony. Don't wanna say settings, because when you are in the settings dialog,
it becomes rather redundant to say settigns in the list. Thanks for the
help. :)

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Dec 29, 2002, 10:20am
UNISERVER suggests it is a uniserver made by
[View Quote]

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