
Another Bot/Terrain Question (Bots)

Another Bot/Terrain Question // Bots

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Oct 21, 2002, 7:04pm
I am looking for a bot that can scan a certain section of terrain, save
it and then copy it back again at a future date. Now I'm very specific about
what areas I want to save. I don't want to grab the entire world's terrain,
or a certain page or node. I want to be able to grab from, say, 30n 10w to
30s 20e, and nothing else.
See, I realized, now that I've almost finished my island by hand, that
my ocean floor terrain is too low, so I want to be able to copy and save
the island part, in a bunch of blocks, and then redo the ocean floor, then
put the island back.
Anyone know of a bot that can suit my needs? Thanks for your help,

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Oct 22, 2002, 1:22pm
"percipient" <percipient at> wrote in
news:3db46bcd$1 at

> I am looking for a bot that can scan a certain section of terrain,
> save
> it and then copy it back again at a future date. Now I'm very specific
> about what areas I want to save. I don't want to grab the entire
> world's terrain, or a certain page or node. I want to be able to grab
> from, say, 30n 10w to 30s 20e, and nothing else.
> See, I realized, now that I've almost finished my island by hand,
> that
> my ocean floor terrain is too low, so I want to be able to copy and
> save just
> the island part, in a bunch of blocks, and then redo the ocean floor,
> then put the island back.
> Anyone know of a bot that can suit my needs? Thanks for your help,

I *think* that Xelagot can do that for you.



Oct 23, 2002, 10:32am
I don't think this can be done, since terrain is one file that has many
cells. To have this fixed, I think it must be a bot that have to do that job
with a script that gives you possibility to tell the cords you want to lift
or lower. Then the bot will lift all that is inside this cords or create a
new elvdump file and load it to your world.
I have not seen any bot of this kind that could do it.

"kah" <kah at> skrev i melding
news:Xns92AFA86F713B4kahatkahnewsdotcjbdo at
> "percipient" <percipient at> wrote in
> news:3db46bcd$1 at
> I *think* that Xelagot can do that for you.


Oct 23, 2002, 12:43pm
"tengel" <glenn at> wrote in
news:3db696c7 at

> I don't think this can be done, since terrain is one file that has
> many cells. To have this fixed, I think it must be a bot that have to
> do that job with a script that gives you possibility to tell the cords
> you want to lift or lower. Then the bot will lift all that is inside
> this cords or create a new elvdump file and load it to your world.
> I have not seen any bot of this kind that could do it.

Yeah, I believe Xelagot can do it as part of it's terrain features. If it
hasn't I could write such a bot though (Percipient, mail me if interested).



Oct 23, 2002, 1:36pm
i would be very interested to have such a bot

"kah" <kah at> schreef in bericht
news:Xns92B0A4DDA80B7kahatkahnewsdotcjbdo at
> "tengel" <glenn at> wrote in
> news:3db696c7 at
> Yeah, I believe Xelagot can do it as part of it's terrain features. If it
> hasn't I could write such a bot though (Percipient, mail me if

d a n

Oct 23, 2002, 3:46pm
Complicate and slow and requires you to dump your cache for the updates of
sometimes re-enter the world.

D a n

[View Quote]


Oct 24, 2002, 12:58pm
"d a n" <awdan at> wrote in news:3db6e090 at

> Complicate and slow and requires you to dump your cache for the
> updates of sometimes re-enter the world.



d a n

Oct 24, 2002, 1:03pm
Thats w/ xelagot btw. We used it in A!!CT before the reset

D a n

[View Quote]


Oct 24, 2002, 4:35pm
A Xelagot can only save, modify, delete, etcetera the entire world's terrain
all at once, unless I am seriously missing something. That's a little bit
too large scale for what I'm looking for.

Yes, I would be very interested in such a bot, as I bet others are/will be
(bonzai has already expressed interest in a post in this thread). I was
considering writing one myself, but I don't have the time to do it, with my
programming inexperience. I'm on a rather tight schedule on this project, as
I described in an earlier thread I started.

"kah" <kah at> wrote...
| Yeah, I believe Xelagot can do it as part of it's terrain features. If it
| hasn't I could write such a bot though (Percipient, mail me if

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Version: 6.0.406 / Virus Database: 229 - Release Date: 10/21/2002

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