cy boner (Community)

cy boner // Community

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Jun 24, 2006, 9:35pm
Immigration Officer: Welcome to AW 4.1! The Cy Awards are postboned. Date
will be announced. Thank you all for coming. (The servers hit a bandwidth
limit, not in our range.) We hope to see you see again :-)

Postboned....LMAO got tears from laughing here ...


Jun 24, 2006, 9:36pm
Congratulations Cy Staff. I salute your efforts on getting the Cy's back
on its feet, but congratulations on failing to take advice and pushing
the Cy's back down.

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Jun 24, 2006, 9:44pm
[View Quote] > Immigration Officer: Welcome to AW 4.1! The Cy Awards are postboned. Date
> will be announced. Thank you all for coming. (The servers hit a bandwidth
> limit, not in our range.) We hope to see you see again :-)
> Postboned....LMAO got tears from laughing here ...
> sweets

Didn't you ever made a typo??
Shame on you :(

"It's MY computer" (tm Steve Gibson)

strike rapier

Jun 24, 2006, 9:47pm
[View Quote] Shut the hell up, Teal worked her ass off on these.

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."


Jun 24, 2006, 9:49pm
LMAO not a boner like that for a Major announcement.....spell check sure
helps ....



Jun 24, 2006, 9:52pm
Well it just seems very tragic that it could not be post-boned (sic) when I
suggested this a couple of weeks ago to maybe help the ones that were having
trouble getting to 4.1...absolutely no way was last I was yes I
am laughing at this boner....both the spelling error and the
circumstances....way to go CY!

btw...did I win?



Jun 25, 2006, 12:03am
Hey, I'm all for petty one-upsmanship and kicking people while they're
down.. but come on sweets, this isn't helping. It's nice to be nice
sometimes, even to people you don't like.


Jun 25, 2006, 12:44am
awww do I have to? LMAO....c'mon you got to admit it is funny



Jun 25, 2006, 2:02am
Boner is funny in a cute way, so laugh with them durring a stressfull
situation, not AT them.


Jun 25, 2006, 2:21am

ok I am done, thanks for the laughs

alphabit phalpha

Jun 25, 2006, 4:50am
Ever notice how some sweets can leave a bitter taste in one's mouth?)

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Jun 25, 2006, 6:06am
no call for insults....sometimes the sweet truth is a bitter pill, but

It was is was news....its over....

I am sure 100 others are snickering behind their hands about all this, I am
maybe the only one brave enough, or stupid enough perhaps, to LOL in

One of my worlds, a masterpiece, was barred from competition because it is X
world. I received very nasty telegrams from people because of my wanting a
fair competition and my letters to this newsgroup. ALL worlds eligible, not
just what some consider worthy, that's all I wanted. I was told to shut I shut up

I and others had trouble coming over to 4.1, I made it on time but I asked
for a possible extension for myself and others to 'prepare' and have time to
look at builds to have time to vote and the Linux people to get
connected..... I was told is NOT POSSIBLE....NO WAY....I received
insults, telegrams, some quite nasty....again I was told to shut up....again
I shut up

I was nominated for Leader, but the nomination was rejected, without
explanation, or so I have heard and he was blocked when demanded the reason.
I have 2 other nominations in there, and appreciate the nice thoughts. But I
did not go to that party, expect any chance of winning a popularity contest
(LMAO), or did I participate in anything further from that time I asked
extension. I was told to shut I shut up.

I did not think this years CY was fair....honest....or caring of almost a
quarter of our citizens that were lost (or confused) in a 'natural disaster'
called extension would not have been so difficult, or would have showed they cared for the 'community'

If they do not care....why should I?....

And so yes I laugh...because they screwed up...and in screwing up even
typoed their boner to the 'Masses'....How could I NOT laugh after such
treatment, and such incredible incompetence...and after having shut up for
so long against my better judgement LOL

Anyone with a brain in their head would laugh along with me, good gutt deep
knee slapping roaring laughter....It sure feels good....I gave them enough
rope, and they DID hang themselves.....I love you, Mom : )


lady teal

Jun 25, 2006, 7:28am
Hello Sweets,

I wasn’t going to reply, but I feel I have no other choice, but to speck
for the Cy’s I love and hold, so dear to my heart!

[1] Do you really think the Cy Team has the power to post a message to whole
universe? Let me answer that for you?

<NO!!!> So we didn’t typo anything, and yes it was a very stressful time,
people were working hard to try and fix the problems. And a lot of people
worked years to get this day ready and more hours than I can express to you
and not for us personally, but for the CommuntiY we love so dearly!!!! So a
Typo on the Universe message was the least of our concern.

[2] Shame on You. When what happened last night was totally out of the CY
hands. Laugh have fun, because when you are pointing that finger and
laughing 4 more is pointing back at you, so no rope hanging around my neck.

[3] This year CY Awards couldn’t have been any fairer, and for you to say
differently just because your X Rated world wasn’t allowed in is totally
child like. You know the reasons why, and I will not waste my time nor the
little bit of energy I have left to go through it again with you.

[4] Now you want to talk Typos learn to spell yourself, at least a typo is
hitting the wrong key. You should try spell check and start spelling

And so yes I laugh...because they screwed up...and in screwing up even
typoed their boner to the 'Masses'....How could I NOT laugh after such
treatment, and such incredible incompetence...and after having shut up for
so long against my better judgement <correct spelling judgment>

[5] And last, at no time did anyone from this CY team tell you to shut up.
That’s a bold lie!!!

PS: I'm so sorry Andras, I just could not seat back and not reply back to
all these hurtful words.

no call for insults....sometimes the sweet truth is a bitter pill, but

It was is was news....its over....

I am sure 100 others are snickering behind their hands about all this, I am
maybe the only one brave enough, or stupid enough perhaps, to LOL in

One of my worlds, a masterpiece, was barred from competition because it is X
world. I received very nasty telegrams from people because of my wanting a
fair competition and my letters to this newsgroup. ALL worlds eligible, not
just what some consider worthy, that's all I wanted. I was told to shut I shut up

I and others had trouble coming over to 4.1, I made it on time but I asked
for a possible extension for myself and others to 'prepare' and have time to
look at builds to have time to vote and the Linux people to get
connected..... I was told is NOT POSSIBLE....NO WAY....I received
insults, telegrams, some quite nasty....again I was told to shut up....again
I shut up

I was nominated for Leader, but the nomination was rejected, without
explanation, or so I have heard and he was blocked when demanded the reason.
I have 2 other nominations in there, and appreciate the nice thoughts. But I
did not go to that party, expect any chance of winning a popularity contest
(LMAO), or did I participate in anything further from that time I asked
extension. I was told to shut I shut up.

I did not think this years CY was fair....honest....or caring of almost a
quarter of our citizens that were lost (or confused) in a 'natural disaster'
called extension would not have been so difficult, or would have showed they cared for the 'community'

If they do not care....why should I?....

And so yes I laugh...because they screwed up...and in screwing up even
typoed their boner to the 'Masses'....How could I NOT laugh after such
treatment, and such incredible incompetence...and after having shut up for
so long against my better judgement LOL

Anyone with a brain in their head would laugh along with me, good gutt deep
knee slapping roaring laughter....It sure feels good....I gave them enough
rope, and they DID hang themselves.....I love you, Mom : )


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Jun 25, 2006, 8:01am
if anyone noticed I did start this thread...laughing over a typo....I did
NOT at that time mention any of my past problems with them...or anything to
do with them....just the typo

I was called shameful by Andras if I remember right....I was told to shut
the hell up by Strike....over a typo....before I opened my mouth about all
the rest of the stupidity.

When I did put in relation to you people running the show, I was accused of
kicking you when you were down. When all I had said was you had said NO to
any form of extension...and yet had to have one....I found that very
ironic...and yes funny

Then the insults to me yes I will throw them back at you.

Never could you justify allowing R rated worlds that a child 'could go into'
but not allowing X rated reasoning...the goreans said they did
not want it....Well I am not gorean and nobody asked us.

I also never said I receive anything from cy people to shut up....I received
it from your loving public. I received filth, threats, obscene suggestions.
Did I report this? no...this is vr, who cares. I shut not put words
in my mouth.

and the fact that in about 4 letters I made one or two typos does not in any
way come close to the typo I saw in judgement with
postboned and tell me which is worth laughing over. So rather than try to
turn it on me, join me and laugh at all the errors and misjudgments (thank
you for the correction....merci) and yes ....laugh at that stupid typo

And now...this is the last I will say on this flame away


young phalpha

Jun 25, 2006, 8:07am
how mature... thats all I'll say on this

- YP

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Jun 25, 2006, 8:29am
sorry one more thing to set matters straight...

It can be spelled both ways
thought you may like to know


scented nectar

Jun 25, 2006, 5:15pm
I usually don't like taking sides in these sort of things, and I don't know
enough about the other sweets vs Cy stuff to comment on any of that, but I
have to admit that part of me likes a bit of crude humour and I find the
postboned thing funny. I mean that in a good natured sort of way. A
screenshot would have made a cute AW Bloopers type of keepsake.

Scented Nectar

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Jun 25, 2006, 5:34pm
I have to say I'm with sweets on this one too.
After all the stress of last night, the 'boner' was a welcome release-valve
and quite a lot of people including myself enjoyed a well earned chuckle.
Sweets posted it in the NG for your amusement, to share in the joke. Shame
that the 'regulars' here insist on taking it the wrong way. No one is
kicking anyone while they are down.

A few months ago, while on duty at gz, I said 'prick' instead of 'pick' by
accident. A typo...which had many people, including myself in tears (of
laughter), as I had been ejected from gz for 5 minutes while on duty. I
spent my 5 minutes blushing like mad while enduring the obvious grams that
follow something like that.

Lighten up, things could be worse :)


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alphabit phalpha

Jun 25, 2006, 5:50pm
I think the issue here is the past posts of who posted it.

When a person is a negative on most issues of an organization, then perhaps
when they do post something humorous, it feels like another "jab".

I felt it over the seven years of doing the Cys many times by a small
handful of disgruntled citizens. So I can speak from experience.

I also found it "cute" when I first saw it. And something that if ever there
is a celebrity "roast", it would be a great addition:)

Great work last night Cy Team, even with all the technical difficulties. I
look forward to the Cys again this coming Saturday:)


Jun 25, 2006, 6:22pm
I find it quite funny (just to annoy you, my dear. ;))

On other hand, I couldn't really care about anything about Cy Awards,
because I find nothing to be excited or even to care about it. >_>

In other words, Cy Awards is just essentially a Active Worlds imitation of
Academy Awards with all pomp and circumstance in RL which I don't also care
about or watch. >_>

*shakes his head over so many folks being overly obsessed with this

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Jun 25, 2006, 8:02pm
Everyone knows I'm no big fan of Cys and I still think its a poplarity
contest but I don't see anything funny when it's at the crews expense. I
happen to know they were stressed to the max and there's nothng funny about
it. They worked many hard and long hours to make it nice for everyone. And
they did a magnificant job on it. I have to admit that I was a little
miffed about it since I was there as long as I was waiting for it to start
and the unthinkable happened. But it was none of their faults. I dont think
they deserve to be laughed at or humiliated. Shame on all you you that r
laughing about it.
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scented nectar

Jun 25, 2006, 8:35pm
I didn't intend it as a laughing-at or humiliating sort of way. I'm sorry
if it sounded that way. If I had been the one to make the typo, I think
that I would be able to laugh about it with others, so I was kind of going
by my own version of a do-unto-others sort of thing. It seems though, from
the discussion here, that there is a history of conflict between sweets and
the Cy organizer(s?). Not knowing enough about each side's version of
events, I will refrain from taking a side. I can understand your upset
about the laughter in light of there being a previous conflict with sweets,
and if because of this, her post about the boner was seen as a flame.

Scented Nectar

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Jun 25, 2006, 8:49pm
LOL i see i made a typo in the word popularity. hehe. I meant to respond to
sweets post and reponded off yours instead. I am not pointing fingers at
who's laughing and who isn't. I meant it for everyone thats laughing about
it. It was a horrible experience for the cy team and thats not a laughing
matter is all I am saying. I do laugh at my typos and most of my typing is
terrible. i use a lot of short cut worlds and no caps most of the time.
thats just because i dont feel like bothering with it, as long as it's
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Jun 26, 2006, 2:56am
Stupid sounds good to me!

I've seen that same statement containing the word "postboned" three times
today. I didn't snicker the first and I'm not snickering now.

There is NO way I could make this strong enough to illustrate your
stupidity, rush to judgement or ill mannered pathetic sick sense of humor!

That statement was made by someone whose first language is not English.
Sometimes other languages make use of consonants in places we find
odd......and the reverse is true as we do for them.

A lot of European languages call objects, there's a REAL
knee slapper!!! Just laugh your stupid *** all the way home, sweets! And
next time you look in your dictionary, try looking up the word "humanity".
In your dictionary, that would be in the foreign words section.

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Jun 30, 2006, 12:36am
Oh comeon I'm looking at some of these posts about this subject and I see
everyone frowning at sweets for pointing out a funny thing. Its FUNNY, not
mean! I mean, AW mispelled two immigration officer messages in 5 minutes...
Thats freaking hilarious! I'm siding with sweets on this one, typos are
funny. Especially when the typo makes it look like CY had a postboner =P


Jun 30, 2006, 12:42am
What is wrong with having a sense of humor? My gosh, some of you people
really need to grow up. Its just a joke, and if you don't like it, too bad!
There is absolutely no reason to go and insult someone over it. Thats the
REAL immaturity here.

lady tigrane

Jun 30, 2006, 6:38am
You're right on target Goshenta.. but dontcha know it is forbidden to post
any messages casting the cy people in the slightest negative light. Even if
they got it comming. Too many times I've seen the Cy mafia do serious harm
to good people. OOPS! maybe I should fit myself for concrete shoes just fer
sayin that?

alphabit phalpha

Jun 30, 2006, 11:38am
Dear Community,

I vote that we just let Lady Tigrane and Goshenta discuss this between
themselves please.
It's way too close to the ceremony to exert any more energy on this topic


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Jun 30, 2006, 1:22pm
Dear Lady Tigrane and Goshenta,

I vote that we just stand back and let all these people fall off their
communal high horse by themselves.
It's really going to hurt if they land on the part where the broom is stuck.

I'm sure they get beaten up regularly in the playground.

Anyways, I am off to laze around in the sun for 2 weeks. Maybe do some
swimming and shopping.
I'm sure this will be an interesting thread when I get back :) Can't wait!


Ez :)

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lady tigrane

Jun 30, 2006, 1:56pm
Thus the freedom of speech act meets an untimely end. Or atleast senses of

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