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hyper anthony

Jun 5, 2005, 1:43am
AWTeen Events: What's New for June
Hyper Anthony

Hi folks. May was a real busy month for a lot of us school-aged guys in real
life, and as summer progresses, that should be clearing up. And that means
more time for us to work on cool events for you.

Paintball will be the usual routine this month. The bot messing up and
forcing Allen to take the helm, and then Lucius utterly destroying everyone
15 minutes into the game. Good stuff. As for the Build your own Paintball
course contest, the results should be announced next week. Good job for all
the contestants, and we may do this next month if interest in it sparks up.

Town Wars
This hasn't been launched yet, as we are still ironing out some things and
looking for towns who want to join in. Speaking of which, Alphaworld kinda
gets neglected event-wise and they have a lot of good folks there, so I'm
extending the inventation to you Alphaworlders reading this. If anyone who
owns a town in Alphaworld or AWTeen would like to participate in the Town
Wars event, please email awtevents at gmail.com with your town's name,
coordinates, and a list of your staff.

For those of you who don't know what Town Wars is, its not really about
fighting. This is an event to bring different communities of towns under one
roof for a healthy competiton. The game focuses a lot on team building, and
you would be better off if the mayor was a good builder. It consists of two
rounds, and then final judging.

Round 1: Setting up the area
The game will take place somewhere in each others town, and the two areas
will be connected via phonebot. The MC of the event will announce what the
theme of the building area is, and then the Mayor of the town (If they
aren't available, a town staff member) will have 15 minutes to set up a
creative building area with enough lots for all of the residents there to
participate, and it has to fit the theme.

Round 2: Residents Lots
After the Mayor's Round is over, the residents' round begins. Residents will
have 30 minutes to build up their individual lot. There is no set lot size,
but the lot must fit the theme, match the ground cover the mayor used, and
look nice. Any resident who has built in the town they want to build for can


After the second round is over, the judges have 10 minutes in both building
areas to inspect them. They will judge on a scale of 1 to 10 in the
following catergories:

-Overall Area Appeal
-Fitting the Theme
-Usage of Advanced Building (Object Innovation, no zbuffer, cell space
conservation if applicable)

That ends up at 50 points total. Whoever has the most points at the end of
the match wins. If we get enough towns to participate, we will begin
"seasons" such as a real world sport does. The town will go through several
games against other towns in these seasons, which will lead up to a Final
Tournament. Wouldn't that just be the talk of AW? :p Anyway, if you have a
town in AWTeen or Alphaworld and are interested in participating, email us
at awtevents at gmail.com

Help Wanted

The AWTeen Events Team is always looking for new members! If you are a
builder, programmer, someone interested in testing new events, or if you are
interested in being a Judge for Town Wars, please email us! We will give you
all the details you need, and you should be all set. Just email
awtevents at gmail.com and ask for more details. And until next month everyone,
good luck!

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