AWTeen Events: What's new for May (Community)

AWTeen Events: What's new for May // Community

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hyper anthony

May 2, 2005, 1:24am
Hi everybody! This is our second edition of the new AWTeen Events
newsletter I'm going to be sending around to various AW News Organizations
or Discussion groups about what's going in this month. Sit tight, because
I've got all kinds of news about events both new and old!

May will begin our programs to help promote towns in AWTeen. Over the month
we'll begin launching our first Town-Related AWTeen Event, but I'll fill you
guys in on that later in the article. Right now, I am pleased to tell you
that we've made it through our first full month since the team was re-formed
in March. We have had 70+ people participate in AWTeen Events in April, and
thats a great number. I'm really glad to see that the community can come out
and have fun here, and hope that we get a repeat of that in May

Of course, we'll be continuing our regular events. AWTeen Games Night, and
AWTeen Paintball will continue at their regular times, which you can find on
the AWTeen Forums if you need to check on that.

Build your own Paintball Course!

Also, relating to paintball, I want to announce that we'll be holding a
"Build your own paintball course" contet all through the month of May. You
have until the last day of May to build up your own Paintball Course, and
the winner will recieve 20 AWTeen Events Points for the month of June. What
a good way to start the summer!

Requirements for the course include:

-Must not exceed 15x15 coordinates
-Some area above ground (0.0 meters)
-Has at the very least a broad theme. No walking out of a big space station
into a farm in Kansas.
-Must be built by you if you want all the points. Courses built by groups
will have the points split among them.

And of course, we'll keep bringing you new courses as long as we have them.
Unless of course they don't work right, and have to switch back to an older
course for the day, but hey, it's a learning experience, and you guys have
been a great and respectful crowd during that time despite all the bugs.

Town Wars

So with that said, I want to go ahead and announce our new event for Towns
in AWTeen. Its called Town Wars, and quite simply, its a speed building
contest. The event contests two towns against each other, with the
participants from each town and building Judges there. The rules basically
go like this...

The event starts with the Host (can be an MC or one of the Judges if one is
not available) announces the theme of what will be built. After that, the
mayor has 15 minutes to build up and detail an area where the other
participants from his/her town will build. The mayor's goal is to make the
area around the lots fit in with the lots as best as possible, without
showing any defining line between the two. After this, the mayor will have
several minutes to talk to his/her team before the rest of the team goes
into action.

The town citizens then begin to build. They have 30 minutes to build up
their individual lots. The lots can vary in size, depending on how big the
mayor makes them. Their goal is to make the lot match the theme, look good,
and fit in perfectly with the area surrounding it. The team who builds have
to be members of the town they build for at least one week before the game,
and can only build for one town in the game. After that, the judges come in,
and have 10 minutes to rank towns 1-10 in the criteria of: Teamwork, overall
area appeal, creativity, and how well it fit the theme.

Throughout the month of May, we will have these events as soon as towns who
join set up a date. If we have enough towns participate in Town Wars, we
hope to start a "season" of sorts, where the towns will go through a whole
season that leads into a final tournament. This, of course, can only happen
if enough towns participate. If you have a town in AWTeen and would like to
participate in Town Wars, please contact Hyper Anthony through telegram, or
the AWTeen Events Team through email. Just e-mail awtevents at with
your town name, coordinates, and a residents list (or provide coordinates to
one) and we'll have you on call for a game. The good thing about the games
is that they will be totally flexible to both towns. Both town mayors need
to agree upon a time, and then schedule it with us.

We are also looking for Building Judges. This is not an easy task, and it
will unfortunatly bar you from participation in the actual building during
the tournament, if there is one, or if you are judging the current game.
Guidelines for judges are as follows

-Been a member of Active Worlds for at least one year.
-Has a firm, thourough understanding of the browser.
-Has a firm grasp on building and how to critque it.
-Understands the Criteria the Town's build on and will judge based solely on
it and not with previous experience with the participants.

If you feel you can handle the job and are a capable judge, please contact
awtevents at and we'll get back to you.

Until next month...

At the moment, this is what we have planned for May in the world of AWTeen
Events. If anything new comes up during the month, updates are up as soon as
we get the information on the AWteen Forums. Be sure to check regularly, and
good luck to everyone who participates in the events in May!

-Hyper Anthony

hyper anthony

May 2, 2005, 1:26am
Additional Information:
AWTeen Forum URL=
AWTeen Events Team Email= awtevents at

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