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Apr 10, 2005, 8:49am
[View Quote] Err if Gatekeepers had to eject for meaning instead of spelling, then
they'd also have to eject for "buttocks, bum, tooshie, derriere, fanny", etc.
But, as it is, those words may only warrant a warning for being a bit inappropriate.
They can contribute to ejection when combined with overall borderline behaviour though.

However, AWI have even programmed it into Customs Aide to eject for the word "ass".
So, enforcing worldowner's will, GK is expected to eject for it in compound words too.
Ass in badass does have the meaning of buttocks instead of donkey, doesn't it?
A word may be commonly used by teens but still not accepted in a kid rated world.
And CA ejects immediately, GK can at least try and give a warning first.

Disclaimer: Just my interpretation, not necessarily that of the Gatekeeper organization ;)


strike rapier

Apr 10, 2005, 2:17pm
Customs Aide ejects for ' ass ', not '*ass*' (wildcards)

- Mark R

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lady nighthawk

Apr 10, 2005, 7:40pm
Yes, thus badass, as pointed out, is a compound word ... bad and ass ... ass
being yer backside for which CA ejects for. Had he of said bad ass CA
would have ejected, but for a space it's the same thing. If you were to say
class or bass or even carcass, or behind, backside ... you would not be
ejected because there is no indication of swearing there. You can play on
words all you like but if CA would eject for ass alone then any combination
including it in a swearing context would be cause for ejection.

I would think, unless you are a known troublemaker, that you would first be
asked nicely to not *mask* swearwords. Personally I prefer to let CA do all
the work :o} I wanna marry *him* some day ...



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Apr 10, 2005, 8:51pm
I told once that CA is a girl right??? And BI is her boyfriend.......:))))

[View Quote] > Yes, thus badass, as pointed out, is a compound word ... bad and ass ... ass
> being yer backside for which CA ejects for. Had he of said bad ass CA
> would have ejected, but for a space it's the same thing. If you were to say
> class or bass or even carcass, or behind, backside ... you would not be
> ejected because there is no indication of swearing there. You can play on
> words all you like but if CA would eject for ass alone then any combination
> including it in a swearing context would be cause for ejection.
> I would think, unless you are a known troublemaker, that you would first be
> asked nicely to not *mask* swearwords. Personally I prefer to let CA do all
> the work :o} I wanna marry *him* some day ...
> --
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lady nighthawk

Apr 10, 2005, 8:53pm
They lied LOL ... CA is *whatever one wants it to be* ... <laughs> hugzzz



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strike rapier

Apr 10, 2005, 11:51pm
The Bi could be her girlfriend or boyfriend.. we don't know, Except that its
rumoured to also be BIsexual.

PS: Does anyone really get offended by 'badass' as long as its not abused?
Hell its the name of something over here saying "George Bush" is looked down

- MR

- Mark Randall
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Apr 11, 2005, 1:24am
(shrugs) If I had said "badass" when I was a kid, my father would have
slapped me and my mother would make me eat soap. >_< Even now at my
age, if I would let such a word utter out of my mouth in mixed company, my
mother would give me a stern look and would ask me later, "Did you HAVE to
say that in front of Mrs So N So???!!" 0_o

So, yes, in some parts of the world, (mostly in the southern and midwest
parts of the USA), the word "badass" IS offensive. So are the words "hell"
(when not describing the underworld), "damn" (when not used as an adjective
to describe people sent to the underworld), "shit", and "ass" (when not
describing the animal). Sure it's more acceptable to people under the age of
30. That's a whole different generation.

We do need to remember that there are people from ALL walks of life coming
to not just the gate area, but all the other rated "G" worlds in AW. Dunno
what your mama taught you, but mine taught me... when in mixed company, try
not to offend someone. (In other words, if you can't say something nice,
don't say it at all). I realize good manners aren't used much these days,
but that's what it boils down to. =)

As for "abuse" of what alot of people consider a cuss word.... if someone
is a cit in AW for more than a year, and hangs out at the gate or goes there
more than twice a month, they should realize by now that a word such as
"badass" is going to offend SOMEONE there and to expect a scolding from the
GK or an eject by the CA at the very least. I mean, c'mon, the G rating at
the gate is there for a reason. There are newbie parents landing there for
the very first time and when they see someone using that kind of language
and dont' want their kid thinking its acceptable behaviour, they won't want
to visit again and will refuse to allow their child to join. We can't just
assume that because it's not offensive to us, that it isn't considered
offensive to someone else. And vice versa. The rules at the gate are meant
to make things neutral. When a newbie comes in, the first hour should be
learning the program and meeting new people. Why scare them away? They're
overwhelmed as it is!! After they choose whether or not they enjoy the kewl
things about AW, THEN they can decide where they prefer to hang out.

It would be great if there was some kind of feature one can click on when
logging in as to what rating the user would prefer, which would only allow
them to visit worlds they chose within that rating. Or possibly another idea
would be to post the rules in very LARGE font, in a bright color, regarding
what is to be expected of them at the gate and tell the new user they CAN
move to another world if the gate is too "Disneyesque" for their tastes.

It always made me wonder why people hang out at the gate area if they
disagree with how things are done there. It reminds me of vulture type
behaviour, waiting to nitpick at the tiniest thing... waiting to bash
someone over something trivial. Is that why some people park there for days
and weeks and log chat while they're going about their RL business? Sure,
there are some GK's who are more relaxed about these things, just as there
are some who are more strict about the rules there. So what? Life would be
pretty awful if we were all the same. 0_0

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Apr 11, 2005, 4:53am
Everyone who has replied has yet to explain to me just what offensive
meaning there is to the word 'badass'. All you have said so far is that it
*contains* a vulgar word. Well if that's the case, I may as well claim the
word 'grass' is offensive. As I said before, just because a word contains a
word that is vulgar, does not make it vulgar. Just because some parts of the
world find it offensive doesn't mean people should refrain from saying it if
those people cannot even tell WHY they find it offensive. That's the problem
with people being petty about censoring other's nowdays. People jump at the
chance to keep people from saying things because they're taught those things
are bad. They don't know why they're bad, just that they're 'bad'. That's
like not voting for a candidate for president because ads on TV tell you
he's bad. You don't think for yourself and question why he's bad, you just
go with it and vote for the latter. It's ignorance.


Apr 11, 2005, 6:38am
Why is the "f" word a bad word? Why is the "s" word a bad word? Why is the
underworld word a bad word? They all refer to issues that parents deem are
not something kids should be prevy to at their age of imcomprehension. The
same goes for your word (a description of a buttocks). It's classic usage
(like with the other offensive words listed) lays in references parents
don't want referenced too... even though they it is seldom used for it's
literal meaning.

Now if you are considering every person who doesn't agree with your opinion
on this issue as ignorant, I don't see what point you are making as you are
purposely trying to isolate those you are trying to appeal to?


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lady nighthawk

Apr 11, 2005, 6:42am
We have explained it, you just don't like the answers. But here it is in
dictionary.com and thesaurus.com

Dictionary.com says...

1 entry found for badass.
bad·ass ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bds) Vulgar Slang
A mean-tempered or belligerent person.

Mean; belligerent.


Thesaurus.com says...
No entry found for badass.
Did you mean bad ass?

313 entries found for bad ass.


313 entries found for bad-ass.

According to thesaurus.com there is no such word as badass, but rather bad
ass or bad-ass for which there are 313 entries for you to puruse if you
really need to know what the meaning/connotation is. The only difference
between these and what you said is a space or a dash but it's the same
word(s) either way. In reality your badass is a typo, the correct spellings
are either bad ass (ejectable by CA) or bad-ass (CA doesn't do spaces and
dashes). Joining the words into one is masking (in this case). At some point
in time, as often happens in the english language, the space and/or dash
were dropped ... just like what was e-mail is now email still both are
electronic mail just the same.

Now if you need to know what the word ass means by itself here it is ...
the closest match to how what you said would be interpreted would be this
part ...

n 1: the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on; "he deserves a good
kick in the butt"; "are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?"
[syn: buttocks, nates, arse, butt, backside, bum, buns, can, fundament,
hindquarters, hind end, keister, posterior, prat, rear, rear end, rump,
stern, seat, tail, tail end, tooshie, tush, bottom, behind, derriere, fanny]

Putting bad before ass is just like saying badarse, badbutt, etc. Not sure
we can make it much clearer than that. Believe it or not is up to you but
the majority of folks not in your age group would have considered that
borderline swearing or masking a swear word. As previously pointed out
awgate is g-rated, an environment suitable for all ages ... badass is not
something you should say in the presence of a six year old or the parent of
a 10 year old ... and as you know awgate does get alot of young people and
some parents of young people. There are lots of other worlds that are higher
rating if you want to let the tongue fly.

In case you don't know the meaning of g-rated, here it is also (as it
relates to TV where it first came into being)...

General Audience
Most parents would find this program suitable for all ages. Although this
rating does not signify a program designed specifically for children, most
parents may let younger children watch this program unattended. It contains
little or no violence, no strong language and little or no sexual dialogue
or situations.

G:"General Audiences-All Ages Admitted."

This is a film which contains nothing in theme, language, nudity and sex,
violence, etc. which would, in the view of the Rating Board, be offensive to
parents whose younger children view the film. The G rating is not a
"certificate of approval," nor does it signify a children's film.

Some snippets of language may go beyond polite conversation but they are
common everyday expressions. No stronger words are present in G-rated films.
The violence is at a minimum. Nudity and sex scenes are not present; nor is
there any drug use content.

BTW, grass is one word, not two words combined ... it doesn't mean gr and
ass, it's just grass. And, in a g-rated world the conversations should
remain suitable for all ages ... period ... thus anything containing
potential vulgarity should be curbed to protect those that should not be
exposed to it, especially the young. If all of the above doesn't explain it,
as well as some of the other posts that were quite detailed, then your ears
are closed and no amount of explaining will satisfy you.



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strike rapier

Apr 11, 2005, 7:21am
Oh please, lets be honest here...

A LOT of the 30+'s in AWGate are simply there because they have nothing to
better to do, a large number of them spend the day complaining about
physical ailments for some thing or another.

IF IT has got to the point where some morons who, lets face it, are bound to
be American, most likely from the bible belt and fully believe in the
apocolypse take offense to 'hell' and 'damn' and personally it highly
offends ME that 2 words which I use a lot (damn is VERY common in English

EVERYONE is going to get offended by something, E N Z O deleted a thread on
Yassa Arafat's death that I posted a few months a go because it was
'insulting' to certain people because of acts he had taken a part in, yet
world leaders are at the time praising him for actually holding his country
together. Now I cannot think of anything thats more of an 'insult' to him,
me, and all of you in terms of these newsgroups than having someone make
their mind up about someone for you (sorry, Rick).

WHEN will people actually realise though, this is the internet and unless
someone is horrendously naive they will realise that other people will make
comments that may not be suitable for all ages; but kids probably know more
of this stuff than the parents do! Its like the latest Dr. Who on TV now
(BBC1) in the UK; when this show was first made people would cower in
absolute terror at 'robots' who were just people with face masks on... now
the average 12 year old looks at it... goes "what?????" and if faced by one
of these 'robots' in real life would probably drop kick them in the groin.
This isnt the 1980's anymore.

AS FAR as I am aware someone has yet to actually post what G rating is
actually defined as by the film standards council or equivilent. But one
thing is for certain; Bamby doesnt sell any more but a 1 on 1 between
Scarface and Simba does; it reflects the changing culture and, to be
frank... the people who still prefer bamby are most likely to die sooner or
later anyway and to a lot of people the exessive censorship in AWGate can,
at times, be sickening.

THERE is no swearing, no debating, no talk of religion, no mention of moral
practices, no breathing...? It seems to me if you are __trying__ to sell a
__chat__ platform then you want to show new users.. uh.. chat! If the first
impression people get is 'you cannot talk about the world here, unless it is
the weather' then they will not return because people, in this day and age,
want to talk about the world and what goes on in it and I am fully up for
them doing so, provided they are not making a point of it to offend a
person, and then - I think the elder generation either don't have, or have
lost the ability to debate a point and this makes them weaker than someone
who could debate something that potentially offends them.

I THINK George Bush is a renegade lunatic with a brain the size of a wallnut
controlled by very clever people who, above all else, know how to manipulate
American's (don't get me started on how you wave patriotism in front of
someones face and they will do whatever you say - i'll go through that one
later... or in AWGate, again) mindset.

OH NO! I just offended approximatly 51% of the United States... The rest of
the planet agree's with me.

- Mark Randall

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Apr 11, 2005, 11:10am
[View Quote] because people, in this day and age, want to talk about the world and
what goes on in it

The question is here rather in what form people want to - or should as
being intended by the owner - conversate.

Personally I do not see the slightest point to go into a virtual
environment and talk in the public (we are not discussing private peer
group talks) to people whom are most unknown to me in a blunt and
unpolite manner.

You are absolutely right, this IS the internet, but that does not only
mean that people who TALK have different values and morals, but also
those who are present and LISTEN. When you exercise your right to swear
or discuss sexual amtters, other might want to exercise their right not
_not_ being bothered by swearing or sex talks. There are two sides of
this and both sides have about the same right.
This is, where so-called "ratings" (which I, btw, generally question
anyway) come into play, they denote zones or environments in which sort
of un-polite-for-all conversations are expected to take place, I even
would go further and say this is an environment where no verbal attacks
or pollution in any form shall take place.
Now, when a person deliberately decides to go into such a place of which
he KNOWS which rules are in effect, he will either feel obliged to
complay with it - or being thrown out, and I do not see anything wrong
with that.
I am sure there arenevioronments where bad behaviour is not only
tolerated, but welcomed or even required - people who feel attracted to
that should go there, and those who don't cannot complain when they go
there likewise either.

This is a discussion that comes up over and over again, but what is
failed to be recognized is simply that a behaviour in a certain matter
is the pre-condition for entering and the rule is set up by the owner.
People who do not like it simply should not go there, or, when there are
enough people who want it, they should ask the owner to set up a world
like Killthem, Fuckme or Terroristhangout - each one to its own, and
nobody will be forced to stay in an (for one) unpleasant environment...


Apr 11, 2005, 2:08pm
[View Quote] Thanks LNH :) It did not occur to me that maybe Alaskan just did not know
what a compound word means: a word made of two separate, legit words.

I suppose that all this knowledge of delicate styles, contexts
and appropriate behaviours for different social situations
is just something that everybody has to learn some time in life -
if not at home or school, then the hard way in chat rooms ;)


tart sugar

Apr 11, 2005, 2:20pm
[View Quote] Isn't that what I said ???????


Apr 11, 2005, 2:31pm
[View Quote] Yup :) Which is why I wondered how she still argued yesterday that
in GK logic the word "grass" might be seen as containing a vulgar word also...


strike rapier

Apr 11, 2005, 3:03pm
Nay, they would not be able to name it that long...


- Mark Randall
"kf" Wrote:
> or Terroristhangout - each one to its own, and
> nobody will be forced to stay in an (for one) unpleasant environment...


Apr 11, 2005, 3:24pm
Badass is slang and has nothing to do with ones bum. It's similar to saying
a person is "hot" or "groovy* (nostalgia, gotta love it) , but with slightly
different meaning. Badass could actually mean a few different things as
it's a broad slang term. For instance, the meaning 'trouble maker' is
associated with 'badass' in some geographical locations, though "badass"
could also mean one who is "cool" in another area.

One reason for different interpretations is that a slang term from one
country could mean something totally different to a person from another
country. I think the interpretation depends on the individual's experience
with the word... as it's such a loosely used slang term it will then be
variously understood.

Generally speaking, GK's are left to interpret as they must. They are
pressed to make quick decisions to keep the atmosphere of the gate light and
G Rated. If Badass meant our bums though, then what you're implying is
that Alaskan is sitting at the Gate looking at people's backsides and
judging whether they are good ones or bad ones. I think she wasn't doing
that at all. So, if it's partly the meaning you were considering when
ejecting her you made a mistake.

To wrap this up however, since this is a rather open ended subject somewhat
based on opinions, IMHO I believe that we ought not say Badass at the Gate.
I think it's distasteful and inapropriate..but doesn't merit ejection yet a


Apr 11, 2005, 3:36pm
because some people get offended about things they shouldn't get offended
but guess it makes sense. it's like saying "that's the shit" or, that
everyone's bitching about it. none of them are ment as swear words really,
but some people are going to find them offensive, and start
complaining..just the way people are.


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sw chris

Apr 11, 2005, 3:57pm
Thanks for the stereotype.


Apr 11, 2005, 6:06pm
stereotypes usually have truth in them though.


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Apr 11, 2005, 6:07pm
You posted the dictionary definition which was NOT the context I used it in.
I used it in the form of SLANG which has a completely different meaning, so
your argument is not relevant in this instance.

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Apr 11, 2005, 6:09pm
I am in fact fully aware of what a compound word is, but I am also smart
enough to realize that compound words do not have two meanings because they
have two words, something many people who are against my argument are
failing to comprehend. The word "bad" and the word "ass" do have negative
meanings, but "badass" does not. How is this so hard to realize? you're
judging a slang term for being negative because it is spelt the same as
negative words. You might as well find donkeys offensive for being called
jackasses, if the meaning of the word has no value, just the spelling, I
would assume this would be the case??

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Apr 11, 2005, 6:14pm
Thank you ORB, that's what I was trying to explain. I do realize that some
people may dislike people using the word (whatever reason they have for
feeling that way, justified or not is their own business), however a person
shouldn't be ejected for it without a warning when the word itself is so

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tart sugar

Apr 11, 2005, 6:15pm
[View Quote] You are absolutely correct. Ty for making our argument for us. : )
Dictionary.com says...
bad·ass ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bds) Vulgar SLANG
underscore VULGAR SLANG

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Apr 11, 2005, 6:41pm
The "f word" the "s word" and "hell" are all derived from words with vulgar
meanings. Example-the "s word" as slang can be traced all the way back to
the indo-european root "skei", which means to split or separate; to
"separate" excrement from the body. Today's slang is simply that word
developed over the centuries. Passed through danish, dutch, swedish, german
and english terms to what it is today, a vulgar term used to describe feces.
To call someone feces I'm sure is offensive.

Try tracing the slang version of the term "badass". You will find nothing
vulgar. It means something along the lines of "cool" or "sweet" when used in
the slang context. The context we use it in as slang cannot be traced back
to any vulgar words. The literal meaning of the word of course can, but the
slang version cannot. So to classify "badass" in with the other terms you
used simply means you have no sense of the history of the words which you
consider bad.

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Apr 11, 2005, 8:17pm

sw chris

Apr 11, 2005, 8:42pm
That's insulting. :(

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strike rapier

Apr 11, 2005, 9:25pm
A steriotype must be in some way based on fact or the premise itself would
not exist. I have spent hundreds of hours in AWGate, way more than is
healthy; and it is true there is a significant number of people who spend
the day complaining about some RL ailment...

Now I have no objection to this other than it makes the place depressive for

- Mark Randall

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Apr 11, 2005, 10:29pm
You do realize how a dictionary works, right Tart? Badass is a slang word.
The "vulgar slang" it is referring to is the dictionary definition, NOT the
context I used it in. You STILL cannot explain to me how implying something
is 'cool' using different words is vulgar. All you're doing is repeating the
dictionary definition and going "Look! it's classified as slang!". Yes,
words can have multiple meanings, it does not make them all bad.

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Apr 11, 2005, 10:58pm

If you go there you'll notice the numerous definitions the word has as a
slang word, as dictated by people around the world how they interpret it. I
personally do not consider the dictionary definition slang, being as it is
hardly used in that context today (that being it takes a more literal
meaning today than the other slang words spawned from it), however if you
want to be picky, technically it is (slang being informal language
consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for
formal occasions). That does not however, mean that all forms of the word
(which are slang) have the same meaning. If the dictionary definition is
catagorized as vulgar slang, that is because the definition in that sense IS
vulgar. However when used to express a friendlier topic, such as "that shirt
is so badass", I fail to see any offensive meaning. Yes, it's spelt the same
as the version considered 'vulgar' but writing is meant to be interpreted.
Depending on the context of words they have different meanings. Just like
"read", I read books. Or "read", I read Tom Sawyer. Jackass-as in a donkey,
or jackass in the sense of a disagreeable person. I would find it quite
idiotic to eject someone for having a conversation regarding donkeys, though
I understand why this word is ejectable via CA due to the term "donkey"
being used more frequently and the term "jackass" commonly used to abuse
others. I have yet to hear someone assult another person in AW by referring
to them as a "badass". That definition of the term is long out dated, and
now days the word is used to describe a characteristic of someone who is
rebellious or to describe something one finds favorable. Now I also have a
slight problem with everyone assuming the word "vulgar" automatically means
non-g rated. If you look at the definition for vulgar, it has a wide range
of definitions that apply to words like this, including the following: "Of
or associated with the great masses of people; common. Deficient in taste,
delicacy, or refinement.". Do I think the word "badass" is common? yes, I
do. Do I think it lacks refinement? of course, it's slang. I also found this
particular line quite interesting: " The word vulgar now brings to mind
off-color jokes and offensive epithets, but it once had more neutral
meanings. Vulgar is an example of pejoration, the process by which a word
develops negative meanings over time. "

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