Leaving AW Soon (Community)

Leaving AW Soon // Community

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Apr 4, 2005, 11:40pm
ENZO pay her to leave! give the money back

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Apr 5, 2005, 12:26am
Just let it die a slow costly death
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sw comit

Apr 5, 2005, 12:52am
As alaskanshadow said, to defend her without knowing the facts is absurd.
There's a good list of reasons why, but it wouldn't be approriate to post
them here.

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sw chris

Apr 5, 2005, 3:10am
Take it to slashdot you two. >_<


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dabean e

Apr 5, 2005, 5:38am
and Vice versa works just the same. To put someone down, and be so
horrible without facts? yesh. From my aquaintenceship with the seiya's
(yes, people actually share cits) there was the odd one.. but the
current one I have had no problem with, and you know what.. I call her a
friend. I have never seen her do any wrong. She had helped me with some
issues, and thats what a friend does. So lets close this discussion..
keep the Linux one open lol.. but please, enough, she is leaving, you
all win.

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r i c h a r d

Apr 5, 2005, 7:30am
Hes not debating whether windows is better than linux hes saying hes had
enough of it here there is a debate whether windows is better than linux yes
but this is not really a thread for it. DROP IT!

r i c h a r d

Apr 5, 2005, 7:36am
I had AW 3.6 running under Fedora Core using WINE, no major issues it was
useable. As long as you say to use the external web browser, use software
rendering and to disable media urls theres no issues. You just grab a couple
dll's from a windows machine to help it out and there you go. Its not
complicated Im a linux n00b and even i can do I dont see what this guys
problem with getting it running online as he seems to be a linux fanatic or
maybe his linux buzz words are to make him sound smart I dont know but its
very simple to get working if you just read any errors wine gives you with a
bit of common sence like Direct X dont work with linux and wine.


Apr 5, 2005, 8:41am
Hmm well I had a lot of telegrams from "Cute Mandy" also, constantly bugging
me and asking to join me, see my builds, personal questions. I thought it
was a bit suspicious and just ignored it after awhile.

Some advice, if someone is irritating you, mute & block them. I am glad I
didnt get too involved.

- Cal
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Apr 5, 2005, 9:06am
Oh my god, I don't believe it. Another flame thread X_X

I'm gonna say this. You all have your "reasons". But that is no reason to
damage someone's reputation on a public newsgroup. Either sort it out
PRIVATELY, yes, P R I V A T E L Y, or just mute each other. Damaging
reputations is not gonna get you anywhere. All that's gonna happen is the
person you're flaming ends up with a bad reputation, just because you feel
they need it. And guess what! My reading of you flaming Seiya so badly is
only damaging YOUR reputation in my eyes. And I'm sure it's the same with a
lot of people. And I think it's especially horrible to flame someone on a
cit that is shared, as this damages the reputation of the other
person/people as well.

Seiya - Don't listen to these guys. They're only upholding a lifelong AW
tradition of flaming anyone they don't particularly like.

P.S. E N Z O: Please, PLEASE make more of an attempt to moderate this
newsgroup and remove flames like this!

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Apr 5, 2005, 9:12am
I disagree, my intention is not to flame but to give an example, a realist
example, of what the internet is like - especially to younger users.
Its important not to give out personal details such as e-mail, phone etc to
people that you cannot be fully sure off - even then, someone may appear be
trustworthy but have a hidden agenda.

This is a prime example what happens when you give too much details out, as
sad as it is to say, a user has to be paranoid and cautious about EVERYTHING
on the internet - people, emails and attachments.

Again, it was not my intention to flame, I merely wanted to express how
people can take your details and use them against you.

- Cal
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Apr 5, 2005, 10:57am
I agree with Callidus, Aw is an online community, you act badly in any
community you'd get the same treatment... no intention to flame here
though -just substantiate the facts, which you clearly seem to know little
about Lt. lol -
Would you want your children mixing wiht someone who has- and as Callidus
quite rightly states- a hidden agenda?
Or would you prefer to be aware of it?
When someone opens something like this to the community also- thier right to
keep it "P R I V A T E" also diminishes somewhat wouldnt you say? ...
kinda basic rules of engauegment there my friend lol... but I digress- ..
maybe youve been groomed into thinking the way you do though... things can
work oh so subtley here on the net.. the message is be aware ;)
Cheers ;)

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Apr 5, 2005, 1:32pm
I am aware. But I'm not paranoid. There's a difference. If they have a
"hidden agenda" as you put it, just block them. Don't play the hero.


sir fox e

Apr 5, 2005, 3:34pm
If you think that's what's happened, you're a moron.

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Apr 5, 2005, 6:06pm
FYI Seiya and her friends were all blocked in every way possible by me, and
were still able to stalk me to the point where police were almost contacted.
Had AWI not interviened, they would have been. As you've seen from the
replies by people before the reason for her being disabled was known, not
knowing the facts may only allow those who do not abide by the rules of this
program such as Seiya to get away with abuse. I stand by all statements I
have ever made regarding her, as they are the truth and I think all users
have a right to know what they will potentially get themselves into when
getting involved with this individual. If you see things differently, that's
fine, however this users abuse extends for years which I assume you are not
aware of being as you are a relatively new citizen. She has been blocked by
everyone under the sun yet her harassment continues. What this person has
done IS illegal and AWI had every right to and was justified in disabling
her account and the others involved. It's not a matter of being paranoid,
this has happened to numerous users aside from myself. There comes a point
when action must be taken, as letting someone abuse others to this extent by
as you put it "just blocking them" and ignoring them, is not a solution.

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tart sugar

Apr 5, 2005, 6:14pm
I think it would be interesting to get Seiya's side of this story.
I've never had a problem with Seiya. I first met Seiya in AW when I was
still TheRaven.
We have exchanged many civilized grams in the past. I admire Seiya's
building skills.

I have, however, had some rather unpleasant run-ins with some of the other
ppl posting to this thread.
One has to wonder what the provocation is here.

~ TS

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Apr 5, 2005, 6:53pm
The provocation here stems from users finding out Seiya was not who she
claimed to be (a 16 year old female-she was using a fake photograph to lure
people into relationships with her). I really don't think someone's building
skill has any importance when it comes to breaking the law.

Yes you may have had an 'unpleasant' expierience with me, or some of the
others who posted-I still find you ejecting me repetatively without warning
from AWGate for using the word "badass" to be downright unethical. Forgive
me if it offended you when I questioned your actions, but being told I
cannot say something without a reason as to why it is offensive is simply
illogical to me. Especially when it is regarding a compound word with no
vulgar meaning in the context it was used in, simply because it contains the
word "ass".

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sw chris

Apr 5, 2005, 7:13pm
Really DaBean, that's not what happened. The reality lies somewhere in


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dabean e

Apr 5, 2005, 9:12pm
Ok, you all stopped telegramming me, but now please stop e-mailing me!
Yesh ppl.

sw chris

Apr 5, 2005, 11:35pm
Is it really that emotional of an issue to e-mail Dabean? :|


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dabean e

Apr 5, 2005, 11:44pm
Its just annoying.. people keep tging and e-mailing me and it is not
apprerciated under this topic.

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sw chris

Apr 5, 2005, 11:47pm
Interesting. I had not thought people would go so far to attempt to educate
you on their dealings with a person who is effectively a non-factor to AW.
The hatred for this girl runs deep indeed.

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Apr 5, 2005, 11:48pm
c ya....


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Apr 7, 2005, 11:15am
Or boy... ?

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sir fox e

Apr 7, 2005, 12:42pm
Yet there are independent companies which provide such support...

You can't assume that Linux doesn't provide everything one needs, it
depends on the application...

It doesn't matter how much software is available as long as the required
software is available...

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sir fox e

Apr 7, 2005, 12:43pm
Do you build, though? Building under WINE does create issues, last I heard.

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sw chris

Apr 7, 2005, 9:09pm
That speaks for itself.


tart sugar

Apr 8, 2005, 9:28pm
[View Quote] First of all, let me say that I am sorry you are still bothered by an
incident that took place about 8 months ago.

Second, I was not offended by your questioning of my action. I'm sorry you
were not satisfied with my explaination that the word "badass" is not G
rated. I was, however, perplexed that a person of your standing in AWTeen
did not know that using such a word was not acceptable in a G rated chat
*Badass* is vulgar slang in any context and thus not G rated. After being
ejected once for using that word it is totally illogical to me that you
would come back and use that word again, even to the point of trying to mask
it by saying "Bada$$".

As you keep pointing out, (then and now) "badass" is a compound word,
meaning - one word made up of two separate words. As I recall you tried to
tell me 8 months ago that I should also be ejecting for other compound words
such as "grass" as it contained the letters *ass*. Take away *ass* from
"grass" and you are left with *gr*. *Gr* is not a word, so "grass" is not a
compound word. *Badass* on the other hand is a different story. *Bad* and
*ass* can stand alone as words. "Bad" is perfectly fine. "Ass" is not.

On a final note, GKs do not always have to give a first warning before
ejecting somebody. The CA certainly doesn't. We will post our "hated macros"
telling ppl that The Gate is G rated and certain behavior is expected by our
Cits and tourists while in The Gate. Ppl who are new to The Gate very often
do not know that The Gate is a monitored chat room, so yes, we will give
them fair warning to amend their ways. 19 times out of 20 they will comply.
Regular visitors to The Gate know the rules very well so no first warning is
called for. That would be like giving every person who came into The Gate
swearing a do-over. How logical is that?

For example - "I'm gonna kick his a$$.". If you know better than to post
something like that then an "Oooops, sorry GK." ain't gonna cut it.

I hope this clarifies things for you.

~ TS

sw chris

Apr 8, 2005, 10:44pm
It's best not to argue with her, TS.


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sir fox e

Apr 8, 2005, 11:16pm
If Active Worlds Incorporated decided not to add "badass" to the Customs
Aide list, I think the implication would be that they think a warning
should be given for this particular word.

It's understandable, really, since people say "badass" usually with no
ill intent, justifying a warning rather than an immediate eject.

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Apr 10, 2005, 6:09am
Apparently you do not know me well-I have no standing in AWteen as you
"Badass" is not 'vulgar' slang, it's just slang. It means the same thing as
"cool" for instance in modern days. You have yet to explain to me just how
that is vulgar, and I have given up on ever getting a satifactory response
in that regard. I also find it strange that you ejected me for saying
"badass" but not the english version, "badarse". Why is that? It means the
same and is equally vulgar by your logic. Further more, the first time I was
ejected, I recieved NO warning and NO explanation. Upon returning to AWGate,
I asked "why was I ejected for saying 'bad***?' " and was ejected once more
for "masking a swear word". This to me is GK abuse, it cannot be justified
by claiming a word contained a vulgar word, that's not how the english
language works. Words are considered bad due to their MEANING not due to

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