Early end to isolation (Community)

Early end to isolation // Community

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Mar 30, 2005, 2:38am
As of posting this, Isolation ends, yay
I know , 2 days off the target date, but i was getting desperate.
I would have ended it tommorow, but i have an interview to the police
station (Terrorisim, Drugs, Binge and all sorts happening everywhere,
and they're only intrested in a little hate email i sent to a head
teacher at december, damn pussies won't stop bitching about it) so i
don't think i have time.

Be seeing you in AW GZ =O

Isolated for 2.5 weeks

sw chris

Mar 30, 2005, 3:40am
That's what you get. With the recent school shooting no wonder they're
antsy. I don't feel sorry for you at all. :P


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Mar 30, 2005, 3:58am
This was before the school shooting X_X I guess Hate Mail with nothing
but stupid bull on it is too much compared to shootings, drugs, smoking,
violence, terrorism ect
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dabean e

Mar 30, 2005, 4:00am
No matter what, IMO, threats of any kind should be dealt with
accordingly. The world is goijng so horrid nowadays, action needs to be
taken... hmm.. now that i'm out of school.. bring backk Corpoal
Punishment! lol


Mar 30, 2005, 4:48am
Although i must admit the contents of the email were pretty offensive,
they shouldn't be bitching about it so excessivly. I even apoligized but
they're still wasting my time with interviews and bull.
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Mar 30, 2005, 6:59am
What with schools these days Gnu - I don't blame you*. It would be
different if schools actually got involved when kids threatened each other,
and maybe if the schools didn't financially exploit the students, these
letters wouldn't get sent.

Thank God I don't have to put up with it. (home-educated :D)


* Maybe you shouldn't have done it, but I don't blame you.

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Mar 30, 2005, 2:17pm
With all the stuff happening in schools today, you can't blame them for
wanting to do a complete investigation. They're crossing their t's and
dotting their i's, just in case.

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Mar 30, 2005, 3:10pm
If you look at some of the school shootings that have occurred in the
past, a majority of the shooters were on some type of prescription drug
such as Prozac, Ritalin, etc. Also, many teens like to drink soda, which
can have aspartame in it.


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Mar 30, 2005, 4:11pm
>If you look at some of the school shootings that have occurred in the past,
>a majority of the shooters were on some type of prescription drug such as
>Prozac, Ritalin, etc

OK, but that isn't the cause of the problem, the drugs are the attempt to
repair the problem

>Also, many teens like to drink soda, which can have aspartame in it.

What the hell has soda got to do with shootings?
Sorry, but soda has nothing to do with shootings. Although I admit some of
the additives in soda may cause an increase in activity, and in extreme
cases may lead to hyperactivity, there is no way it could lead to somebody
getting hyper enough to shoot anyone. Not unless the person doing the
shootings was pretty messed up to start with. Also, you may like to add
that sometimes these people that end up shot aren't actually just innocent
victims. See http://www.cyberwolfman.com/school_violence.htm.


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sw chris

Mar 30, 2005, 4:47pm
There is a correlation. That's what it has to do with the school shootings.
But that doesn't mean it's the cause.


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tart sugar

Mar 30, 2005, 4:50pm
>Also, many teens like to drink soda, which can have aspartame in it.
> Soda?!?!?!
> What the hell has soda got to do with shootings?

Aspertame gives me a killer headache.

o_O sorry

~ TS
lol ; )


Mar 30, 2005, 8:31pm
Yay, i caused a discussion =D
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Mar 30, 2005, 10:58pm
I'm not going to debate the exact cause of the shooting with you. I'm
also not going to debate whether or not certain drugs help or hurt
people more. I don't want to start a flame war, either.

However, I've found some interesting links that will hopefully make
people think about what they put in their bodies that may affect or
alter their behavior.

Columbine shooter was prescribed anti-depressant

Relatives: Did meds play a role?

Prozac is risky for children too

Family Wonders If Prozac Spurred Rampage (registration required)

FDA Antidepressant Suicide Warning

St. John's Wort proven more effective than antidepressant drugs for
treating depression

Fluoride And Aggression

The Neurotoxicity Of Fluoride In Drinking Water

Why EPA's Headquarters Professionals' Union Opposes Fluoridation

As for the dangers of aspartame, just do a search using your favorite
search engine for more details. There was an interesting documentary
made about it a few years ago.

The point of providing these links isn't to prove who is right or wrong.
All I want you to do is read the information and decide for yourself if
the things I mentioned may have played a part or not in the recent
shooting. As the saying goes, "We are what we eat."


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