Reason why Alphaworld GZ never changes? (Community)

Reason why Alphaworld GZ never changes? // Community

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sw chris

Mar 10, 2005, 12:15am
Complaining has never gained much progress before. The antagonism between
the users here and AWI needs to stop. Only then can you move forward and
enact positive changes.


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goober king

Mar 10, 2005, 12:47am
Figured I'd come out of hiding to inject some *civility* into this
discussion. To those people who think the newbies want to "destroy" AW
GZ, let me explain a few things:

First, AlphaWorld (AW Prime) is the largest world in ActiveWorlds. As
such, it has the highest capacity and the most free space for building.
You can claim there are other worlds to build in, but none offer the
kind of freedom and variety that AW Prime offers. So people are going to
want to come to AW.

Second, because of this, AW Prime is also the most popular world (other
than AWGate). You can say that people can visit all kinds of other
worlds, but the fact remains that AW Prime is where the people are, and
new people want to go where everyone else is going.

Thirdly, because of the first two points, AW Prime is the most *active*
world. As the object counter in GZ will attest, new buildings are going
up constantly, and parties and events are happening all the time, if you
know where to look.

Now, if a new user were to hear these points, they would think it's the
greatest world ever. So imagine their surprise when they teleport into
AW Prime to find an area using crude-looking objects with cartoonish
textures (by today's standards) filled with silent, idle users and
surrounded by a chaotic mass of unfinished builds and garish
advertisements. If you were that new user, do you think you'd be
inclined to stick around this morbid place? I think not.

The fact is, AW Prime is the best world ActiveWorlds has to offer, and
unless AWI is willing to make an AW2 world that's the exact same size
but with a better set of objects and textures, this world is all we got.
As such, if we want to entice new users to stay and bring this community
back to what it once was, something needs to change. Since GZ is the
first thing users see when they go there, don't you think they should
see AW's best face, not it's oldest (especially since most won't
understand the history in the first place)? As someone else mentioned,
we can easily move the GZ to AWGZ world for preservation, and people can
visit it whenever they want and see it in it's pristine state.

So what's it going to be folks? AW's past or AW's future?

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Goober King
Looking past the future


Mar 10, 2005, 12:38pm
I could agree with this if any changes made will NOT alter any existing builds. but that's never been the case.
and remember we can always change the entry leave as is and have new people enter at a NEW GZ coords with a new look leaving the old one as is for historical reasons. and leave ALL current builds as-is.

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sw chris

Mar 10, 2005, 7:36pm
That's a very interesting compromise. I'd be open to something along those


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goober king

Mar 10, 2005, 8:03pm
How is that any different from moving the current GZ to another
location/world while keeping all the builds in tact? I'm sure it would
be a simple matter to keep all the timestamps on the objects the same.
Isn't that what AWGZ world is for?

One other point I neglected to bring up in my original post: It's not
like this is the only version the AW GZ that's ever existed. When AWI
updated GZ the last time, no one seemed to shed many tears over that
version. So why should this version be suddenly different?

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Goober King
Breaking the winds of change


Mar 11, 2005, 12:16pm
I'm not talking of just GZ area.....the WHOLE world make a new world for everyone to build in leave AW alone!

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tart sugar

Mar 11, 2005, 12:38pm
I had no idea where to stick my opinion on this subject...
so I'll stick it here. LOL

Are we stock holders of AWI with voting rights? No.
We have purchased an intertainment product. You wouldn't buy a season pass
to watch your favorite football team and start demanding they move the
concession stand or paint the washrooms.

ENZO is God and God answers all prayers. Sometimes the answer is No.

: )

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sw chris

Mar 11, 2005, 5:08pm
So, let me get this straight. Are you advocating that customers should not
give any feedback at all? That's basically all we're doing.


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sw chris

Mar 11, 2005, 5:10pm
I think everyone realizes that this is not going to happen. You have
nothing to lose if your plan for a new world is not put into action.
However, those of us who build there have everything to lose if the plan is
put into action. So your best bet is a compromise like you posted above,
not creating an entirely new world.


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tart sugar

Mar 11, 2005, 6:08pm
I'm not saying that at all, but *some* of the suggestions are starting some
rather heated arguments.
Ask Uncle Enzo to put out (yet another) poll to see what the majority of the
Cits want. If enough ppl want something in particular done with Alpha World
THEN maybe Enzo will take notice.
But when all is said and done, Rick and JP still own AW.

That's my feedback. ; )


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sw chris

Mar 11, 2005, 9:02pm
Yes, you're right. These arguments are pretty much stupid, but they do
serve as a sounding board. Regardless, I'm of the opinion myself that it's
far to early to be talking about this stuff publicly. Every three months or
so, someone starts a thread like this, and it never goes anywhere. It only
serves to remind AWI of yet another feature that customers want/don't
want/might want, among the hundreds of others. With all the differing
opinions, it's no wonder that nothing public has been announced yet. This
is more smoke, I'm afraid. :)


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Mar 15, 2005, 7:40am
uhuh, see, customers are more important then stock holders. and so, we are
giving our opinion on things, and hoping for a change for the better.
Ever wonder why in most cases, companies hire call centers to take
complaints/queries/suggestions from customers, but only have a stock holders
meeting annually(well, except for directors, but thats a diffrent story)?


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strike rapier

Mar 15, 2005, 9:57am
Maybe they do...

Of course, without a consumer base.. they go broke reallll quick.

- Mark R

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