
Making a bot move in a circle. (Sdk)

Making a bot move in a circle. // Sdk

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pc maniak

May 20, 2002, 4:41am

Does anyone know how I can make a bot go round in a circle? I tired to do
it, but the bot zoomed off beyond recovery. pls help :)


May 20, 2002, 10:27am
To do this, you'd need to think of the movement as a math equation. The
parametric (or one variable) system of equations for a two-dimensional
circle are:

x = R*cos(t)
y = R*sin(t),
where t is in radians between 0 and 2 times pi, and R is the radius of the

Since AW uses the Z-axis instead of Y for depth, replace Z for Y in these
equations. The speed at which the bot moves around the circle can be
changed according to how fast the parameter (t) changes - so to make the bot
move faster, use a for loop (in C++) or a timer (in VB) to increment the
value t from zero to 2 times pi faster or slower depending on the speed you
want. Replace R with the radius of the circle, and you should be all set.

I would explain it more specifically, but I don't know which language you're

Hope this helps,


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May 20, 2002, 12:09pm
"brant" <awteen at> wrote in
news:3ce8eb97$1 at

> To do this, you'd need to think of the movement as a math equation.
> The parametric (or one variable) system of equations for a
> two-dimensional circle are:
> x = R*cos(t)
> y = R*sin(t),
> where t is in radians between 0 and 2 times pi, and R is the radius of
> the circle.
> Since AW uses the Z-axis instead of Y for depth, replace Z for Y in
> these equations. The speed at which the bot moves around the circle
> can be changed according to how fast the parameter (t) changes - so to
> make the bot move faster, use a for loop (in C++) or a timer (in VB)
> to increment the value t from zero to 2 times pi faster or slower
> depending on the speed you want. Replace R with the radius of the
> circle, and you should be all set.
> I would explain it more specifically, but I don't know which language
> you're using.
> Hope this helps,
> -Brant

Z is meant to be depth, so it's quite normal (X: width, Y: height and Z:
depth). But it would be Y in your equation if you do a 2D circle on a
picture, since pictures don't have any depth.


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