Sound playing slow whilst using aw (Community)

Sound playing slow whilst using aw // Community

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Aug 2, 2004, 7:31pm
Whenever I go to a built up area (like any of ferruccio's builds) my music
starts playing REALLY slowly. It's not just my computer, it happened on my
old one, my dad's current one, and several of my friend's computers that
I've been on AW with. I was just wondering if there's any way to stop it? It
usually plays faster with the visiblity on like 30, but I remember in
previous versions of AW my sound has been fine. I only noticed it when the
version where terrain/newaw etc were introduced which was in october '02 i


Aug 2, 2004, 7:42pm
3D Rendering is performed in a continuous loop (from when the 3D first is
rendered to when it is no longer required - so bascially all the time
running AW except when the window is not the foremost).

In the loop there is a huge mass of stuff performed (rendering of sky,
terrain, ground, clouds, water, objects, lights, etc).... because this is
such a huge task it can sometimes cause other applications to slow down
because it is draining the CPU.

Least thats my answer to it :-P


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Aug 2, 2004, 8:29pm
When you got a nvidia driver (GF card), try various driver versions,
especially in the 45-55 range, and do not only try the ones from nvidia
directly, but also the ones that MS is offering. This helped in numerous
cases with this problem. We spent hours to try to find out other
reasons, but could not find anything else (providing DX, sound card, DMA
etc. is all set up correctly and shows no errors).

There seems to be an incompability of certain computers with certain
nvidia drivers, but no pattern we were able to pinpoint.

There is a very good chance that

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Aug 3, 2004, 1:29pm
[View Quote] You mean AW music (mids or wavs or mp3s) or some external player?
How about media command? Which operating systems, which sound cards?

My SoundBlaster Live worked fine with W98 and MediaPlayer 6.4,
but kept crackling and slowing down with XP and MediaPlayer 9.
Around the same time came AW 3.5 with CPU throttle that allocates
less processor time for AW, dunno if that had any effect.
Anyway, I bought SB Audigy, and sounds work fine now.
Radeon 9600 Pro video card.



Aug 3, 2004, 8:18pm
it's when i listen to mp3s on windows media player.

my comp is an amd athalon xp2600+
ge force fx 5200 128mb
windows xp pro
and creative sound blaster live! [E000] sound card

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Aug 3, 2004, 9:34pm
just wonder, if you run dxdiag ( Start--->run--->dxdiag ) is AGP enable, or
is it Disable?


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Aug 3, 2004, 11:05pm
AGP is enabled

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Aug 4, 2004, 1:09am
I used to have "laggy" MP3 audio before I changed Windows (2K)'s Device Manager's (Control Panel > System) "Computer" to "Standard PC" vs. "ACPI PC". For some reason, ACPI would never allocate IRQs (or something) correctly and I would experience system freezes (completely with blue-screen errors) when, say, running my webcam and who knows what else. IRQs, especially with all this bus mastering and PCI steering crap (whatever) makes it ANNOYINGLY difficult to correct these conflicts.

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tony m

Aug 4, 2004, 2:02am
I experience the problem on occasion, and I can make it recur in a particular world.

I'm using on-board sound; is this what you have too, Eep? Or do you have a separate sound card?

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tony m

Aug 4, 2004, 3:06am
Just a note for those who want to try this: you will have to reinstall Windows as described by Microsoft in the article below.

[View Quote] > I used to have "laggy" MP3 audio before I changed Windows (2K)'s Device Manager's (Control Panel > System) "Computer" to "Standard PC" vs. "ACPI PC". [...]


Aug 4, 2004, 10:02am
Are all your drivers correctly installed?


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Aug 4, 2004, 10:56am
surely there must be some way to stop the problem without having to
reinstall windows?

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Aug 4, 2004, 1:19pm
hmm, installing the new nvidia drivers seems to have fixed it, at ferr's
awunivab lot my music plays at the correct speed now :D

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Aug 4, 2004, 4:23pm
Buy a new computer :-D Glad to hear you solved the problem! :-)


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Aug 4, 2004, 5:01pm
Tt happened on both onboard and separate sound card audio.

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Aug 4, 2004, 5:01pm
Uh, no you don't; I didn't.

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Aug 5, 2004, 11:15am
my computer is like a year old X_X and has happened on all computers ive
used but it must have just been the bad drivers i guess

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Aug 5, 2004, 2:13pm
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Hey Josh did you try go around Ferr's new house in AWTeen??? I could not move at all around there.........It's a good place to test the new

[View Quote] > hmm, installing the new nvidia drivers seems to have fixed it, at ferr's
> awunivab lot my music plays at the correct speed now :D
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Hey Josh did you try go around Ferr's new house in AWTeen??? I could not
move at all around there.........It's a good place to test the new card.....LOL
[View Quote] --------------630E54D7004F6C6405D45D4A--

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