Heinrikg's Texture Tutorials???? (Community)

Heinrikg's Texture Tutorials???? // Community

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lady barbara

Apr 2, 2004, 8:12pm
Does anybody have a copy of either Heinrikg's or Grover's tutorials on RWX
and Texutres saved to disk?? Since neither are any longer in AW, the
tutorials are no longer at the original websites. I do hope someone did
save a copy--they were certainly excellent tutorials.

Thanks in advance,
Lady Barbara


Apr 2, 2004, 10:36pm
If you have their website URL's, get to www.archive.org.



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alphabit phalpha

Apr 2, 2004, 11:28pm
Holy cow!
That is amazing!
I had it in print form and was thinking I was going to retype it all but
this saved us all...lol
Thanks TheMask:)

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lady barbara

Apr 3, 2004, 12:33am
Wow! I was able to locate and save both Heinrikg's and Grover's Tutorilas
in htm format!!! If anybody needs the original URL for either to plug into
www.archive.org let me know! (Or is there any way legitimately that
somebody could put them up on a new webpage somewhere for all to access??

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lady nighthawk

Apr 3, 2004, 3:07am
Can you post those archive urls here please?


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Apr 3, 2004, 3:21am
If you give me the url's I can put them on my webspace for all to use.



:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.


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lady barbara

Apr 3, 2004, 10:39am
Internet Archive: (THIS IS A REAL WINNER!!!!)

Heinrikg's Texture Tutorial:

Heinrikg's Archive:
Heinrikg's Polygon Factory (main page) --archive

Grover's Renderware Walkthrough


(Links to remaining sections of Grover's tutorials at end are active in

Try some of the other tutorials from Objects D'AW tutorial list or any other
lists of resources. Who knows what you may find! Just plug in the original
URL into "Go Back" field on the Internet Archive website (see above.)

To actually save the entire website, go to the main page and (in Internet
Explorer)--"Save As" and let it "Save As Webpage". It will save the ENTIRE
website in HTML format!

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lady nighthawk

Apr 3, 2004, 1:12pm
Unfortunately archive did not get all graphics! One HenrikG's pages we need:

ex5a.gif (from Part 2 pg)
ex10a_ill.gif (from Part 4 pg)

Also a couple graphics won't load for me on Grover's site, nor can I seem to
save either RWX tutorial page. The missing graphics are:

Image1.gif (from Part 1 pg)
rwxmod2.gif (on the Transforms pg)

I can't d/l either of those pages ... IE just freezes up!?


PS ... thanks for hunting those down Barb!

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Apr 3, 2004, 5:52pm
[View Quote] > Unfortunately archive did not get all graphics! One HenrikG's pages we need:
> ex5a.gif (from Part 2 pg)
> ex10a_ill.gif (from Part 4 pg)
> Also a couple graphics won't load for me on Grover's site, nor can I seem to
> save either RWX tutorial page. The missing graphics are:
> Image1.gif (from Part 1 pg)
> rwxmod2.gif (on the Transforms pg)
> I can't d/l either of those pages ... IE just freezes up!?

I tried to save those pages too and came to the same conclusion.
I maybe spend more time tomorrow to actually duplicate the pages :) - the website tries to defer that action as much as they can do!

"It's MY computer" (tm Steve Gibson)

lady barbara

Apr 3, 2004, 8:52pm
Yes, I found some images missing too. But at least we now have the "meat"
of the tutorial and, if necessary, we can probably make do with what images
we have or don't have.

Otherwise I didn't have any troulbe saving the websites, except Grovers
seemed to take much longer--perhaps more content, etc.

I looked through some of the FAQ's on the Archive page--seems that sometimes
the robot goes out, but doesn't seem to see all that is there.


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lady nighthawk

Apr 4, 2004, 12:38am
A good way to save a page, if not as seen in HTML, is to go to View, Source
.... save that as GroverRWXpg1.html, then do likewise to the next page ...
you won't get the images to your hard drive but you'll get the *meat* as
Barb calls it LOL. You can then go back and save as for the images
individually. I'll bet folks have these right off the original sites tho,
and can provide the broken images!? Thanks again Barb, at least we have them
again! Hugzzz


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Jul 18, 2004, 2:46pm
I have both Henrik's texture tutorial and Grover's RWX tutorials (2 pages) complete with graphics (except for ex5a.gif, unfortunately) linked to at http://tnlc.com/rw/links.html

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Jul 18, 2004, 3:02pm
OK, now it's complete; I recreated ex5a.gif from the RWX example script and set my display appearance (colors, font, window metrics, etc) just like Henrik had 'em (thankfully the standard Windows scheme without titlebar color gradient). ;)

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lady nighthawk

Jul 18, 2004, 5:31pm
Gee thanks Eep! Been getting those *with missing graphics* from archives.org
but would rather have originals intact of course.



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