new list of stolen object passwords circulating (Community)

new list of stolen object passwords circulating // Community

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Mar 15, 2004, 6:25pm
I would suggest AW *Cough* to put that into support, credit of KF.



:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

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Mar 15, 2004, 7:06pm
[View Quote] > To give you all an impression how long it takes to decrypt a file or
> find a password, I give you some numbers.
> I post this since some people seem to think that the so-called "password
> crackers" are some higher beings with abilties not from this world -
> which they are not, it actually takes less of a brain that a script
> kiddy would need...
> This only applies to retrieving a password form a zip file when you have
> the file, it does NOT apply to obtaining a password in the course of
> transmission (eg. by listening to the server-client data exchange).
> What I needed:
> a) the zipped file - password protected
> b) the zipped file - without password

<snip excellent explanation>
MultiZip can rezip password protected files with new password AND it can change the content, so even if the perpetrator thinks he/she has one source file, the cracking will still fail.
Of course you don't want to password protect those files which Multizip can't change the content (like seqs, sounds) and never password the avatars.dat as XelaG advised correctly some posts ago.

"It's MY computer" (tm Steve Gibson)


Mar 15, 2004, 7:56pm
Yup, your tool is highly recommended! :-)

One thing to watch though - COB files cannot be changed by simply adding
something with a text editor, maybe you can come up with something
changing them too somehow... or developers should ALWAYS give out rwx
files only!

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e n z o

Mar 15, 2004, 7:57pm
Hello Mod,

I am not sure why you think we didn't go after M A T T. Everything we said
was and is true. The fact that people can get away with online crimes is
only a reflection that they can get away with real-life crimes also. We are
still taking action against M A T T but it takes a lot of time and if
certain law enforcement agencies do not act on our complaints, how can we
change it? I will not apologize for the judicial system of the United
States as I have control over it.


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lady nighthawk

Mar 16, 2004, 3:20am
How can they go after him? He's a minor! Not sure they can do anything to
his parents either for that matter but that would be the place to persue,
perhaps enough pressure there and they'll make him stop?


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Mar 16, 2004, 4:25am
[View Quote] Age can't be used as a defense for everything. He _knew_ what he was
doing was wrong. Therefore he is guilt of a crime and should be punished.

These types of crimes need knowledge of what you're doing, so, it's not
really hard to point a finger and put a punishment. It won't be jail or
death, but it might be pretty severe (wage garnishment to pay back greif
and such, mental assessment in a juivinile detention center).

I have no sympathy for children who play with fire and get burnt. It
seems some courts agree, and some do not.


Mar 16, 2004, 9:21am
Juvinile hall is full of minors :) That would be a good place to start.
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Mar 16, 2004, 9:24am
I agree, they still need to be accountable for their crimes.
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Mar 16, 2004, 11:51am
My father keeps calling me a minor when hes writing his will although I've
never been... ok thats not true... down a mine in my life... i've been down
a mine on a guided tour :-P


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casey n qrv o

Mar 16, 2004, 1:25pm
there's a difference between a minor and a 'juvinile deliquent'.and parents
should take responsiblity and action on their difiant teen whereas
johnf just causes grief with his goofy jokes =P j/k !
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e n z o

Mar 16, 2004, 3:06pm
Unfortunately he seems to have a CLOSE relative that is in the legal field.
So far he seems to have avoided his court date and it looks like the local
"law enforcement", A. "can't find him" B. "nope never heard of him" C.
"no sir he's not in that schoolhouse I reckon" D. "no sir that boah is a
good boah and wern't never in no virtualllll world herassin folks" (all
air quotes I am sure ;). Of course this should come as no real surprise
when you think how long it takes to get REAL terrorists even with the entire
US military looking for them.

In any case we are still working with our police up here and putting a case
together. Since parents are liable for the acts of their children at some
point we may have to go after his CLOSE relative. If you have monetary
claims against him keep sending them. I am sure at some point his mommy will
get nervous and pull his little plug.

Seems illegal to me to knowingly ignore the US Judicial system, but what do
I know ?

Keep sending your emails to abuse at

Sorry for the delay... your tax dollars at work.


E. ya might rabbit, ya might ...
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Mar 16, 2004, 4:46pm
hhmmmm maybe we should all send the police there letters.
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princess nerwen

Mar 16, 2004, 5:05pm
Enzo, I also rcvd an E-Mail from said Christopher Stevens, and the last
one I sent to the FBI and included the fact this person is a hacker and
virul writer. Hopes that they find exactly what was said too. If nothing
else but a hacker trying to steal sensative information, which is a
federal offense anyway.
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Mar 16, 2004, 5:33pm
Geez it's your software and you don't have to sell him a cit and he has to
pay by credit card or check so you have personal info so why don't you
cancel his account(s) and not sell him any more?
There is no law that says you have to sell a cit to anyone who wants one.


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Mar 16, 2004, 7:01pm
[View Quote] Stolen accounts.


Mar 16, 2004, 7:41pm
I agree! but he can easily get around that.he can give the money to an evil
buddy of his to purchase a cit for him. then give him the name and pw.
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Mar 21, 2004, 8:42am
Paul - heard of CC Fraud?


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Mar 21, 2004, 4:44pm
So you are saying that OP owners should NOT have identical data in their
protected files?

Maybe there could be a tool to add a little random comment at the end of
rwx or cob files, if it's possible to comment those, or to add a line
that does nothing, if that's possible. That way, there would be no
unprotected file to compare it with!

[View Quote] > Passwords (or encryption elements) are relatively easy to obtain when
> you have identical data in protected and unprotected files.
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strike rapier

Mar 22, 2004, 4:22pm
Yer know... the easiest way to do this would be to use a new compression /
encryption method one way.... and have only the browser know the decrypt

- MR

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qrvncasey o

Mar 22, 2004, 7:26pm
[View Quote] Casey has sent me her theory on it:

After numerous rounds of "We don't even know if he is in our area" ...the
good boah decided to send the local law enforcements an email to let them
know that he is still in the game. They opened the letter and it appeared to
contain a coded message:


The local law enforcements couldn't figure it out so they forwarded it to
CIA. They had no clue either so they forwarded it to the NSA. No one could
solve it so it went to MIT and NASA and the cc list just got longer and
longer. Eventually it arrived at the Feds.

Dr Greenspan looked at it and replied immediately: "Perhaps the local law
enforcements there would wish to look at the message up-side-down..."

QRVnCasey o

casey n qrv o

Mar 22, 2004, 8:06pm
volgende keer wel effe eerst vragen, hè? =p

"qrvncasey o" <qrv at> wrote .....

lady nighthawk

Mar 22, 2004, 11:18pm

<<< gets it!


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Mar 23, 2004, 1:25am
[View Quote] [View Quote] FBI = feds?

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