AW Rating (Community)

AW Rating // Community

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Feb 16, 2004, 5:32pm
This reminds me of my efforts about 7 years ago and the stance I took to get
AWI to look at the crap being dished out by the ETLs in the GKs... AWI
finally paid attention after a few months -- and then they put the high and
powerful (she thought), Lucretia Borgia, in control... Nothing good came
of it... She kept the same do-nothing ETLs and put in place some totally
unnecessary rules... She also got rid of anyone she heard of that ever
spoke against the ETLs...

So, no matter what you say or do, it's always the ppl in power that will run
things and color your efforts black... Doesn't matter if they are
"qualified" to run an organization or not... Lucretia Borgia certainly
wasn't qualified to run the GKs... The GKs never became what they were
intended to become when they were first put together... They are still not
any better...

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Feb 16, 2004, 7:58pm
This thread has became a kind of motivation.. I might even get involved.
I'll see what I can do.


:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.


Feb 16, 2004, 9:13pm
Seems like the same thing I ran into in Tours when there. A big Power
struggle. And now we have AV's running around with Bold on where there
isn't any need to. Not really sure what the idea is, only to show off some.
I am not impressed.

Some of the best, and I mean BEST GK's have gone by the wayside and even
left AW for this very reason we talk of here. Someone needs to do a major
look in the mirror, and often, to remind themselves they are not any
different than the rest. I have yet to see anyone jump into their pants two
legs at a time!

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tart sugar

Feb 16, 2004, 10:11pm
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! One dissenting vote .....
Telegram from CaseyAngel, sent 20 minutes ago:
this is a gram begging ya to leave. sure it's not yer first LOL but then
these are not considered *wink wink* after all, it's attention ya want.....
NOT respect. since i hardly ever recall ya being anything BUT a troublemaker
at the gate when my boyfriend QRV had his shift. it's just not mine and
QRV's opinion, others expressed how annoying ya are. ka-ching...... right
back at ya. oh. maybe if ya did do something constructive fer a change like
alphabit phalpha suggested, ya might be tolerable. maybe.nah LOL

CaseyAngel, since you blocked return grams from me, I had no choice but to
post this here and give you my reply.
Actually, toots, you ARE the first gram asking me to leave. <shrugs>

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tart sugar

Feb 16, 2004, 11:29pm
Make that two .....
Telegram from Midnite Blu o, sent 12 minutes ago:
make that another . you are such a bitch. why didn't you post the one from
her boyfriend also? hypocrite.

Lemme tell ya, if I had gotten one from QRV, I would have posted it.
Why don't you UNblock grams from me so I wouldn't have to reply on the NG.

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Feb 17, 2004, 4:23am Eep would say "What a twit!"
I think they are brainwashing that one Tart ;) Most of them will block you
after they get their say in basically because they don't want a "good point"
to arise ;) heheheh *hugs*

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Feb 17, 2004, 4:24am
Make that two ;) LOL

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princess nerwen

Feb 17, 2004, 5:54am
Well well well, lookie here, the information is finally sinking in.
Cliques and Beerbuddy Groups are what has been taken over at the Gate.
The ETL's and TL's are all taking a Volunteer position sso very
seriously, but in the wrong context. Tourists come to the gate expecting
one of two things now. To be there just for the reason of harrassing and
badmouthing the program and the users that are using it. Someone needs
to begin thinking more along the lines of seeing the gate as what it was
presented to me as, an entry way to many good and interesting things.
Yet I did a nice test one day and logged in as a tourist, a new name and
user ID so I would be able to see just how things are, and yes, to no
surprise, a tourist is ignored, even when asking politely and in the
correct manner. GKs have not been there long, and the ones that are have
become so full of themsleves it's sad to see, and the gate faulters
because of it. So someday if they don't fix it, then the borken parts
will break more and then it will all fall down.

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tart sugar

Feb 17, 2004, 2:58pm

Let's talk about the weather. I thought it was unseasonably warm today in
Kuala Lumpur.

»§«:*´`»§« ´`*:»§«*´`»{{{{{{{{{GROUP HUG}}}}}}}}}«´`*:»§«*´`»§«´`*:

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Feb 17, 2004, 8:14pm

How strange of you...
Strange for you to post a denial , because i did gram you and tell you that
i agree with Casey 100%.
Strange that you complained to pk 21 that Blu's 2 grams and Casey's 1 gram
to you were harrassment. Why didn't you put a block on their grams, like a
normal sane person would do? Oh well, that would explain it then eh? but !
Did either one threaten you in any way? No. Did either one stalk you and
follow you throughout AW? No. In reality, Casey told you how she felt about
your troublemaking ways and Blu defended Casey. That's called loyalty (Duh!)
and that's what his grams to you were about. (Duh!). So Casey and Blu hurt
your little itty bitty feelings? waaaa.

You are a hypocrite. You justify yourself on making posts on Casey's and
Blu's grams and demand that they unblock you on grams... yet when they did
not, that's when you went whining to a pk and accused them of harrassment.
You did not learn that kind of behaviour from any active gk TL or ETL!

I left the GK's a while back for personal reasons, not because of the
program itself, my team mates, the TLs or the ETLs. One thing you learn as a
GK, though, is not to be bothered by every little pinch you get. However,
I'm not a GK now and when you start messing with my girlfriend, you cross
the line!

The 3 of us happen to enjoy and have fun in AW despite of people like you.
And no,i'm not going to keep posting on this subject. I,along with Casey and
Blu,have enough good sense not to. I will not just sit here and let you
think you can post crap about my fiancee Casey and my good friend Blu.

I personally have met and know in rl both Casey and Blu. which both happen
to be decent, kind , loving people. and nothing in this ng or for that
matter in AW itself... is going to change that. As for Elyk's comments: you
do not know Casey or Blu, either in rl or vr... So, I would suggest you give
your brain a good washing ! LOL

I have visited Casey several times over the past year where I have stayed
over at Blu's house and he has showed me kindness and hospitality every
single time. I can say that Blu has always been a friend and a gentleman.

Casey, honey, I love you!!! (((((((((( Hugs to my love Casey ))))))))))
!!!!!!! To the most wonderful lady a guy could ever hope for! Almost 2
years together babe and growing strong !!!!!


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Feb 17, 2004, 8:14pm

How strange of you...
Strange for you to post a denial , because i did gram you and tell you that
i agree with Casey 100%.
Strange that you complained to pk 21 that Blu's 2 grams and Casey's 1 gram
to you were harrassment. Why didn't you put a block on their grams, like a
normal sane person would do? Oh well, that would explain it then eh? but !
Did either one threaten you in any way? No. Did either one stalk you and
follow you throughout AW? No. In reality, Casey told you how she felt about
your troublemaking ways and Blu defended Casey. That's called loyalty (Duh!)
and that's what his grams to you were about. (Duh!). So Casey and Blu hurt
your little itty bitty feelings? waaaa.

You are a hypocrite. You justify yourself on making posts on Casey's and
Blu's grams and demand that they unblock you on grams... yet when they did
not, that's when you went whining to a pk and accused them of harrassment.
You did not learn that kind of behaviour from any active gk TL or ETL!

I left the GK's a while back for personal reasons, not because of the
program itself, my team mates, the TLs or the ETLs. One thing you learn as a
GK, though, is not to be bothered by every little pinch you get. However,
I'm not a GK now and when you start messing with my girlfriend, you cross
the line!

The 3 of us happen to enjoy and have fun in AW despite of people like you.
And no,i'm not going to keep posting on this subject. I,along with Casey and
Blu,have enough good sense not to. I will not just sit here and let you
think you can post crap about my fiancee Casey and my good friend Blu.

I personally have met and know in rl both Casey and Blu. which both happen
to be decent, kind , loving people. and nothing in this ng or for that
matter in AW itself... is going to change that. As for Elyk's comments: you
do not know Casey or Blu, either in rl or vr... So, I would suggest you give
your brain a good washing ! LOL

I have visited Casey several times over the past year where I have stayed
over at Blu's house and he has showed me kindness and hospitality every
single time. I can say that Blu has always been a friend and a gentleman.

Casey, honey, I love you!!! (((((((((( Hugs to my love Casey ))))))))))
!!!!!!! To the most wonderful lady a guy could ever hope for! Almost 2
years together babe and growing strong !!!!!


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strike rapier

Feb 17, 2004, 8:27pm

naughtyredhead o

Feb 18, 2004, 12:53am
First, casey and blu grammed her for NO reason whatsoever, there grams
where uncalled for, and RUDE. Tart has never addressed anything to either of
them whatsoever UNTIL they grammed her. OBVIOUSLY your conception of this
is quite blurred. YOU NEVER grammed Tart until AFTER she went to the PK's..
which by the way was MY doing. deal with it and grow up. She has no idea as
to what ahs brought this on, seeing as she hasn't spoken to you since you
left the GK's. IN NO WAY has she ever contacted you casey or blu seeing as
she doesn't know either of them. And why the (CENSORED) would Tart care if
your with someone??? she doesn't even like you! get a life!!

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Feb 18, 2004, 1:12am
I agree with NRH and Tart....apparently this from what I heard was over
something that happened between you and Tart a long time ago.....why bring
it up again now except only to start a fight? :) The grams were uncalled
for.....nothing was directed towards them....this is a completely different
topic. Drive through ;P

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Feb 18, 2004, 1:43am
Ok, perhaps my Eep quote was a little harsh, for that I apologize, but
c'mon, don't think so small!! LOL :) I don't know your fiance or blu, but
from the sounds of those grams I'd say she made an "uppity"
impression...."ka-ching!" Don't do that!! lol ;) No one is better than
anyone in here and a lot of ppl need to realize that ;P Everyone is's a chat program for christ's sake ;) I do know Tart and her
posts were about the Gate ordeals....not once did she say your name or your
fiance's name in a negative manner or at all for that matter. C'mon now,
there's no need to fight over something like that when Tart didn't even
direct anything towards you guys ;) Think big!!!! :)) heheh

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tart sugar

Feb 18, 2004, 2:32am
The only time I ever spoke to QRV that I can remember is an incident at The
Gate when I tried to tell QRV that Knobby was there. QRV basically told me
to mind my own business. Real nice. A pedophile is lurking in The Gate and
the GK on duty doesn't want to hear about it. ok

I have no problem with ppl who don't like me. I don't even know Casey or
Blu, anyway, so why should I care? And QRV? I don't really know him, either.

The grams from Casey and Blu just left me thinking - Huh?? Who ARE these
ppl? LoL!!!

The only reason I posted the grams in here is so that I could be afforded
the courtesy of replying to them. They blocked return grams from me,
otherwise I wouldn't have felt the need to reply in here. Besides, I got a
chuckle out of them, so I thought I would share them.
And how can I block grams from ppl I don't even know until AFTER they gram
me? Huh??? Answer me that.

And yes, I got a gram from you, QRV. THIS MORNING. Not yesterday.

You sure have an odd way of looking at things, QRV. I never said anything
rude to your gf. I never said anything rude to Blu, either. I didn't "mess
with" your gf. SHE grammed ME. I didn't even know she WAS your gf. I didn't
post "crap" about either one of your friends. I merely posted their grams.
Were their grams crap? It appears so.

So what's the real problem, QRV? Did somebody sneeze in your cereal?
sheeesh Get a grip, will ya?

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tart sugar

Feb 18, 2004, 12:48pm
Not to keep beating a dead horse here, but can somebody plz explain to me
this last gram from Blu???
Telegram from Midnite Blu o, sent Mon Feb 16, 2004 7:43 PM:
maybe because i don't like you. SHEESH. are you that dumb also? continue to
post these. i don't care you showing what a bitch you truly are. and i know
QRV sent you a gram stating he is with Casey 100%. what? jealous? or you
just enjoy the limelight? LOL

Do you ppl have me confused with somebody else, cuz I REALLY don't know why
you would think I would be jealous of Casey and QRV being together.
I was TheRaven in a previous life. Did you think I was somebody else?

Nobody has ever called me a "trouble maker" in AW. I'm an "Activist"!!!

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Feb 18, 2004, 1:37pm
You ARE a troublemaker. But CaseyAngeL is a run down rude bitch also.
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tart sugar

Feb 18, 2004, 4:05pm
I see.

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