Group Building (Community)

Group Building // Community

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tart sugar

Feb 6, 2004, 6:08pm
There she goes AGAIN!!!!!

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tart sugar

Feb 6, 2004, 6:09pm
»§«:*´`»§« ´`*:»§«*´`»{{{{{{{{{GROUP SNIP}}}}}}}}}«´`*:»§«*´`»§«´`*:

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tart sugar

Feb 6, 2004, 6:11pm
Ohhhhhhhhhh. :*(
»§«:*´`»§« ´`*:»§«*´`»{{{{{{{{{GROUP HUG}}}}}}}}}«´`*:»§«*´`»§«´`*:

<snips Bit on the way out>
heh heh heh

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Feb 6, 2004, 6:15pm
non elete????????

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lady nighthawk

Feb 6, 2004, 6:38pm
*Waits to see if we can RESUME on tart's LOL ... oh ummm, no scratch that
.... we didn't start one for her yet ... did we!?*


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Feb 6, 2004, 6:47pm
I have to agree with u LN. I used to do a lot of bday builds myself for ppl
i didnt even know also and never did i ever think there was competition
going on. and when my bday came around and i saw all those builds from ppl i
didnt even know i was very grateful to them to be so nice to make my bday a
great one. and there was some beautiful builds. And i have met many people
that built at my site because i liked their build so much i wanted to meet
them and thank them personally. I dont have a lot of friends in aw becuase i
am so busy with my projects that i dont get out to GZ's and chat and meet
ppl. I'm not much of a chatter just a builder. And i really think its great
that people want to give to others like this. Keep up the great work bday
builders :) im sure u make others happy :)
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jetta lewis

Feb 6, 2004, 7:27pm
Tart, That was a very touching thing you did for Logan. I do remember you
and Logan both coming to America some years ago. (I belive as TheRaven or
just Raven) We are such a tight community that it is hard to lose one of us.
When old America was running there were hundreds of memorials to different
ppl there in the Memorial Area and I can remember once when someone said it
was "creepy" to have a Cemetery in America. I never looked at it that way.
To me, and many others, it was a place where people showed how much they
loved someone else. It is especially difficult to lose someone at such a
young age or to senseless violence. Thank you for your post here.
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lady nighthawk

Feb 6, 2004, 7:48pm
Memorial builds, to me, are the same as birthday, condolence, get well,
farewell builds. I have a whole section of my world dedicated to those
passed, not just my family but family, friends and even critters that others
wish to pay tribute to in my world. Building is building, some of us just
enjoy it so much ... it's our way of letting our creative juices flow, and
yet to give a gift to another. Isn't the big bish at xmas on loosing
commercialness and give something you made yourself? What better gift could
I give you than something I made from my heart, soul and imagination? And I
do know you, enough that I'd do a build for you ... course I'd also do it
for those I don't know time and energy permitting.

I don't build for everyone but God Bless those that do! I've received two
such lovely gifts in my short time in aw and I am extremely grateful!


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Feb 6, 2004, 9:08pm
LNH and others... I said birthday builds aren't what they used to be... I
said nothing about memorials or get-well sites... Let's try not to roll
everything into this discussion, shall we??? :o)

Whether you are giving a heart-felt gift or competing depends on your reason
for building a BIRTHDAY build... If you don't know the person and they
don't know you then it means less to the receiver than a heart-felt one done
by a friend... That's mainly my point...

I've built at a few birthday sites and even started a few but they were only
for ppl I knew and liked... If I want to meet more ppl I know where to go
and it's not to a birthday site being built... If I want inspiration, I
visit worlds I haven't seen before...

Many of the ppl that do rush to build at every birthday site announced DO
compete whether they say they are competing or not... Are all ppl's
thoughts totally selfless while building and seeing what those around them
are building??? Somehow I doubt if all that many ppl's thoughts are
totally selfless... If you can't see some competition going on then you
probably aren't seeing quite clearly... And was there a reason for YOU to
take my post so personally that you had to fire back with a personal
remark?? :o)

Not all that build at birthday builds are "mindless competetors" (your
words, not mine)... Some do go build because they like the person or what
they stand for and want to help them celebrate their day... But there are
those that do just what I said -- rush to each site and build, build,
build - not even knowing the person they are expending the effort for!!!

""Do you realize there are 10s of people each month that these *gift
builders* waste their time competing on? Does that even make any sense

That is what you posted... I say that it only makes sense to me IF (and
that's a mighty big if) you know and like the person you are expending the
effort for... If you don't know them or don't like them then your gift is
hollow - it means nothing but that you were wasting your time showing off,
or shall we say, competing??? You meeting other ppl and you getting
inspiration are very SELF reasons for doing a site for anyone; not at all

By The Way:::
You should never get reprimanded for using techniques that others have used
or using objects in a way that others came up with... This place is about
sharing... How do you think so many ppl did learn how to build if others
that had already learned didn't take the time to teach them or show them by
example??? We were all new to AW at one time or another, you know... :o)

By The Way:::
To me an ARTIST is someone that does "artistic" projects; not someone that
rushes from birthday site to birthday site to see how often they can get
their names at sites or do the most elaborate build... I didn't look artist
up in the dictionary though.. LOL

By The Way:::
The "gift" builders aren't the only outstanding ppl in our community...
Take a good look around and you just might see them at places other than
just birthday builds...

By The Way:::
Does't anyone want to come down on me for what I said about Community
Builds??? Very unlike this crowd not to find something wrong with my
thoughts on that too.. LOL

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sharon.. none

Feb 6, 2004, 9:34pm
ActiveWorlds "IS" a Chat / Build program where we all have the opportunity
to meet new people and become friends (or not ). One way to meet others is
to build 'with' them and another is to build 'for' them as a gesture of
kindness which is a rare and valuable commodity in this day and age.
Whether building for birthdays, other occasions, or other themed builds, the
idea is to build and have fun. There is no judge who comes along to tare
apart your build or put anyone down, nor to say that someone isn't welcomed
to build. EVER !!!!!!

Whether you stand at GZ and chat or in private worlds, or whether you build
in AW or any other build world, it's all for the enjoyment of it . What's
even more fun is when you can share that wonderful form of entertainment
with someone else. What ever was the point of coming to ActiveWorlds if
meeting someone new wasn't part of the plan? Build and have fun! Build
with us if you want to and if you don't there is no need to be so negative
and destroy our joy.


Feb 6, 2004, 9:42pm
Speaking of the Cy Awards...

I just want to say that, in my opinion, giving a Cy for the best birthday
build is one of the most frivolous reasons for a Cy that was dreamed up...
BUT now that type of award is included, I'd like to suggest that it be
expand to reflect Community Builds, Get-Well Builds and Memorial/Condolence

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sharon.. none

Feb 6, 2004, 9:55pm
We should consider our weaknesses and sins very carefully, to the point of
overcoming them, before we make harsh judgments on others. How can we
condemn someone else when we may have even bigger problems? Winning a CY
for something that doesnt' belong to you is even more of a crime.


Feb 6, 2004, 10:16pm
""Whether you are giving a heart-felt gift or competing depends on your
for building a BIRTHDAY build... ""

THAT is the gist of my post!!! Yes, some of the things I said are harsher
than they needed to be but then that's just me at times... :o)

Please ignore where in one post I said::: "" If you don't know them or don't
like them then your gift is hollow - it means nothing but that you were
wasting your time showing off, or shall we say, competing???"" That was
much harsher than what I actually feel about "the birthday site groupies"
and them building at each and every birthday site...

Although I work a lot at doing for others in AW, I'm not one of the Heart Of
Gold people like our Lara... :o) I'm too opinionated and voiceferous to
be a "Golden Heart"... :o) There are selfless ppl here but they aren't
all that common from what I've seen.. Lara is definately one of the
selfless and I like her a lot...

(Guess I should quit doing AW projects and come give you guys all my time
chatting and building... LOL)

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Feb 6, 2004, 10:22pm

If that was directed at me, would you care to elaborate???

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tart sugar

Feb 6, 2004, 10:35pm
I wasn't quite sure where to insert this opinion, but I guess this is as
good a place as any. LoL!!!

I have another gripe about the b'day builds...
WHAT is with the huge sign at most of the b'day build's GZs proclaiming "GZ
build by ***** " ?????
(and we all know whose name is on most of them)

sheeeesh >: /

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sharon.. none

Feb 6, 2004, 11:13pm
I was generalizing .. you need not be so vain. I'll be target here for ya
Daffy though if that'll please you ok? As long as you leave other people
alone.. Here I am come and get me.

sharon.. none

Feb 6, 2004, 11:31pm
I never liked those GZ "built by _____" signs either. That seems to call
attention to who built the GZ and takes the meaning from the purpose of
building the site which is for the person having the bday.

sharon.. none

Feb 6, 2004, 11:36pm
Where does this competing idea come from? I don't see how building bdays or
themed otherwise builds are competing in any way. If someone leaves a bday
card and another leaves a card next to it is that competing ? What
constitutes competing? Would there need to be a judge and a prize for that
whole concept?

lady nighthawk

Feb 7, 2004, 12:14am

3 entries found for artist.
art·ist ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ärtst)
1. One, such as a painter, sculptor, or writer, who is able by virtue of
imagination and talent or skill to create works of aesthetic value,
especially in the fine arts.
2. A person whose work shows exceptional creative ability or skill: You are
an artist in the kitchen.
3. One, such as an actor or singer, who works in the performing arts.
4. One who is adept at an activity, especially one involving trickery or
deceit: a con artist.

[French artiste, from Old French, lettered person, from Medieval Latin
artista, from Latin ars, art-, art. See ar- in Indo-European Roots.]

[Download or Buy Now]
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

\Art"ist\, n. [F. artiste, LL. artista, fr. L. ars. See Art, n., and cf.
Artiste.] 1. One who practices some mechanic art or craft; an artisan.

How to build ships, and dreadful ordnance cast, Instruct the articles and
reward their. --Waller.

2. One who professes and practices an art in which science and taste preside
over the manual execution.

Note: The term is particularly applied to painters, sculptors, musicians,
engravers, and architects. --Elmes.

3. One who shows trained skill or rare taste in any manual art or
occupation. --Pope.

4. An artful person; a schemer. [Obs.]

Syn: Artisan. See Artisan.

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.

n : a person whose creative work shows sensitivity and imagination [syn:
creative person]

Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University

I guess interpretation, as with opinion, is a personal thing...


> By The Way:::
> To me an ARTIST is someone that does "artistic" projects; not someone that
> rushes from birthday site to birthday site to see how often they can get
> their names at sites or do the most elaborate build... I didn't look
> up in the dictionary though.. LOL

tart sugar

Feb 7, 2004, 1:33am

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alphabit phalpha

Feb 7, 2004, 2:03am
Now you gals done and did it....gonna make me do a metaphor again aren't

Ok......let's say the card site is a ummmm.....event irl......and suppose
the event was all tents and flowers and music etc.
Now......odds are there would be signs noting who does what for the event.
It's sorta like when a house is being remodeled or would see
the company performing the redo out front no?
And in comparison to movies...."Produced by"....or "Costumes by" etc etc.

Now...let's all pleeeeeease spend all this energy ummmmm.....leaving a
birthday card for

<snip> *for Ravens sake*...hehehehe!


Feb 7, 2004, 5:15am be honest.....I have seen some "competing" as Daphne has
mentioned. There was one b-day build for someone that was up for a long
long time and was still being made for that person. Another person who
likes to "start" the b-day builds was getting annoyed b/c this person had
many out and they built a whole new one and built a giant
teleport to their site and even got a few to delete their builds and come to
this persons site instead of the original one. So, I can actually see her
point there. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing or being negative about
b-day sites....I build for them as much as anyone else and like doing
it.....but I can say that Daphne does make a point about "some" competition
in b-day builds :)

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Feb 7, 2004, 5:18am
it's simply a fun way to bring at least a moment of pleasure (hopefully) to
someone else in AW.

Exactly!! :)

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Feb 7, 2004, 5:22am
I do not believe they are competing. And how can you even say that? You have
no idea whats in another persons heart.
It's kind of presumptious of you to say so. If you want to meet a careing
person you will meet them at Bday sites.
I love getting builds from someone I dont know. Because I know they care.
And why would they do it for compitition? Whats in it for them? They dont
win anything. Bday builds let a person get really creative. And personally I
love seeing all the great build ideas they have come up with. If you say
they are competing thats your opinion and you are entitled to your opinion
but dont knock others because of your opinions.
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Feb 7, 2004, 5:34am
I build for a bunch of ppl I dont know too, but I've been slacking lately
hehehehe.... gotta get back on the ball eventually :)) I just think that
she means competition of who "organizes" the build site....I dont think she
means who makes the best and most creative builds.....everyone builds
equally....its the thought that counts right?? :)) I just think that Daph
may have meant it in another way, but it was taken in an offensive way
towards the builders :))

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Feb 7, 2004, 10:06am
LOL Talk about vanity!!! Is this you being the center of the world
again??? :o)

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strike rapier

Feb 7, 2004, 10:49am
I propose that middle-aged women banter &| nabbling should be banned...
punishable by universal ejection..

- Marky R

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sharon.. none

Feb 7, 2004, 12:12pm
Anyone can click on the build to see WHO DONE IT.


Feb 7, 2004, 12:59pm
:o) I propose that Mark Randall be consigned to a room full of middle-aged
women and see if he can keep up... LOL

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Feb 7, 2004, 3:09pm
I agree with you there, Daphne - it "depends on your reason." I hope everyone's reason for building anything in AW is, as Sharon put it, "for the enjoyment of it."

One thing I'd like to clear up... I am the exact opposite of being "selfless". To me, being "selfless" is an insult. :) Whatever I build in AW and wherever I build it, be it out in the boondocks or at a b'day site, I'm building for a totally selfish reason. Because *I* like to build. Yes, it does give me (note the selfish "me" ;) pleasure if the b'day recipient likes what I (note again ;) build. But if I (again) didn't enjoy the act of building, I (again) wouldn't do it at all.

Sounds like I'm making your case for you, doesn't it? ;)

Selfishness is a win-win... I get what I want (the challenge of planning a build that might please the recipient) and as a side effect, the recipient gets something they like, maybe. Fun for me, pleasure for them. Building at birthday sites doubles the selfish fun (for me) - getting to chat with other builders and seeing the cool things they create.

Surely, you've heard me say "No" enough times, to know that I'm quite selfish. I do what *I* want to do - and nothing more. You do a lot more than I do in Active Worlds. ;P

Even when I'm helping a new user learn to build, I do that for a very selfish reason, too - for *my* own fun in seeing how effectively *I* can get a new user started building. Kinda' like a sport ... "can I hook that one?" Side effect - NOT the primary reason - of my selfishly having fun teaching...maybe they'll go on to have as much selfish pleasure in building as I do. Win-win.

Heart of gold? Nah. That sounds like something an old lady would have in a jewelry box. In virtual chat nowadays, perhaps simple courtesy just gets mistaken for "create texture heart_of_gold".

If you're going to describe how I am in AW (same as I am IRL) I think "politely selfish" would be the way I am (most of the time, anyway.)

See how selfish I am? This was all about *me*. ;)


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