www.cyawards.com? (Community)

www.cyawards.com? // Community

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alphabit phalpha

Jan 31, 2004, 3:11pm
Hey...check out what you get when you put www.cyawards.com in your

Wiz...any chance you are releasing that url soon?
I would be interested in acquiring it for the community if

alphabit phalpha

Jan 31, 2004, 3:20pm
Ummm...forget my last post...however...I will state that I think that is
pretty bad to use something that is so popular in AW to redirect folks to
your URL.
Am I pissed? Yeppers:)
But only because you are misleading the community in AW to benefit yourself.
And all this time I was under the impression you and Linn didn't support the
Cys...ermm....it's different if they benefit you eh?:)
Your colors have been shown dear:)
I am going to look into the legal aspects of all this. Not sure if I have a
leg to stand on since you are in the UK.
But it's worth the try!:)
I do believe that organizations can get their legal names released to them
if a person is using it to lead folks astray...we will see:)
If you would like to voluntarily redirect that url to
www.awcommunity.org/cyawards we can forget all about this:)

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Jan 31, 2004, 3:53pm
Yep, it redirects to http://rdescape.com/s/catalog/
Wizard Myrddin's Cave.



On 31 Jan 2004 12:11:54 -0500, "alphabit phalpha"
[View Quote] >Hey...check out what you get when you put www.cyawards.com in your
>Wiz...any chance you are releasing that url soon?
>I would be interested in acquiring it for the community if


Jan 31, 2004, 4:18pm
So nice... as soon as I posted the redirect url, it was changed to

Fishy to say the least!


[View Quote] >Yep, it redirects to http://rdescape.com/s/catalog/
>Wizard Myrddin's Cave.
>On 31 Jan 2004 12:11:54 -0500, "alphabit phalpha"
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alphabit phalpha

Jan 31, 2004, 4:21pm
Oh great...it was redirected to a retail buddah site now its going to
Not a good move Wiz.....now you are using an AW Sponsored and created
organization to direct folks to their competitors.
May I suggest you redirect it to www.awcommunity.org/cyawards ?
That or give me your passwords to the url and release the url to me so I can
set it up correctly?:)
Shame...shame shame......

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wizard myrddin

Jan 31, 2004, 4:25pm
No offence but I would have at once changed the redirection to awcommunity
web site if you made a request instead of as usual blasting away in public
newsgroups to try and discredit.

We have owned this domain for 2 years and was directed to the present URL
during this time and when this site was closed all redirections remained.

All you had to do was ask, but you seemed to pursue another course.

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Jan 31, 2004, 4:30pm
a legal one would be nice too, considering cyawards is bits copyright :P

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Jan 31, 2004, 4:34pm
This message simply sounds like sour grapes. She hardly "blasted away"
anybody; she simply made a nicely worded request, even adding smiley faces
at the end. I don't see any accusations from her.

Instead, you reply back and slander her with accusations of "discrediting."

Next time, perhaps YOU should consider sending a personal E-Mail before
posting trash like this that will start yet another flame war.


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wizard myrddin

Jan 31, 2004, 4:34pm
Can you please provide the registered copyright details registered in The

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Jan 31, 2004, 4:34pm

no offence meant. But questions do arise:

why did you register this domain using cyawards?
why, if you own it, did you not contact cyawards about this yourself?

as I say, no offence meant, but you may have valid answers to this.
Cyawards mean a lot to us, you know that, and although it is maybe
possible to register this url privately, you know what the effect can
be if people are mislead to some other page. You are, after all, a
known person in the AW community :)


On 31 Jan 2004 13:25:41 -0500, "wizard myrddin" <admin at rdescape.co.uk>
[View Quote] >No offence but I would have at once changed the redirection to awcommunity
>web site if you made a request instead of as usual blasting away in public
>newsgroups to try and discredit.
>We have owned this domain for 2 years and was directed to the present URL
>during this time and when this site was closed all redirections remained.
>All you had to do was ask, but you seemed to pursue another course.
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alphabit phalpha

Jan 31, 2004, 4:38pm
What and give you the chance to change the url so people couldn't see your
love for the Cys?:)
Bite Me Wiz...I was reactionary in return for all the time you and Linn have
taken away from my time needed on the Cys. And then to blame me for Linn
having heart problems? pffft...you 2 are ridiculous and what you did only
proves it.
Am I pissed still?...yep:)
Why do you hesitate to redirect it to the cy home pages? Still hate them?
But love the url name...interesting:)
I want folks to see you for who you really are...all about yourselves.
I see you heeded my advice...good....I would hate to see someone wanting to
have fun in AW lose in the real world:(
Now...since you are busy working on your redirects could you please redirect
it to www.awcommunity.org/cyawards and all will be forgiven and YOU and I
can sit down for a spot of tea and get to know each other better:)


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Jan 31, 2004, 4:39pm
Check out...


Unless you want some long and involved court procedings (which you
probably won't win) then you're stuck dealing with it. You should have
tried being nice first.....

In summary, to get the domain name, you need to prove the following:

- that the domain name in dispute is identical to or confusingly similar
to your trade mark

- that the Respondent (Wiz, in this case) has no rights or legitimate
interests in respect of that domain name; and

- that it has been registered and is being used in bad faith.

First, the CY Awards does not have a registered trade mark. Seconds, Wiz
may not have any legit interest in that domain name. Third, "bad faith"
means that he is using the domain name to disrupt your ability to carry
out business or defame/discredit your business. Since the CY's aren't
really a registered non-profit organization, and you don't make any
money.. he couldn't be disrupting your business.

As far as I see it... you're stuck. Deal.

Ohh, and on a side note.... When I began working on the AWTeen site, I
bought awteen.com straight out. But AWTeen.net and .org were owned by
others. Andras owns one.. I simply asked and he redirected it to
awteen.com instead of his site. The other domain the owner offered to
sell to me for what it was worth with the remaining time left on it.
It's amazing what happens when you simply ask... :-)


Jeremy Booker - Owner / Webmaster
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34

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Jan 31, 2004, 4:41pm
Is this a game?

the new URL it redirects to is

the previous one was

and the original one Bit saw (and myself too) was

what does this all mean?

On 31 Jan 2004 13:25:41 -0500, "wizard myrddin" <admin at rdescape.co.uk>
[View Quote] >No offence but I would have at once changed the redirection to awcommunity
>web site if you made a request instead of as usual blasting away in public
>newsgroups to try and discredit.
>We have owned this domain for 2 years and was directed to the present URL
>during this time and when this site was closed all redirections remained.
>All you had to do was ask, but you seemed to pursue another course.
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alphabit phalpha

Jan 31, 2004, 4:47pm
Heck Wiz...I don't know the legalities of time used etc...but I know what
Jerme says below makes sense:)
I DON'T want to take this legal. I just want to have fun in AW along with
I just don't want the community confused by a web page that it was
How the heck would "cyawards" benefit you other than from AW users in the
You knew exactly what you were doing when you took that name.
I wished I had known about it earlier.
Do you take cream and sugar in your tea?:)

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alphabit phalpha

Jan 31, 2004, 4:50pm
Thanks Jerme.....I'm not sure if all that is true for each case that arises.
But you had some good points...like..."that it has been registered and is
being used in bad faith."
If Wiz wasn't involved in AW ever then it wouldnt make any difference.
I am hoping that it is redirected before I start promoing folks to our page
cause I dont need a bzillion grams from people asking why it isnt going to
the cys page.
And I tell you...taking time away from getting what needs to be done
done...pisses me off;)

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alphabit phalpha

Jan 31, 2004, 4:52pm
Thanks for the documentation XelaG:)
I don't think Wiz truely recognizes the Community's love for the Cys. Maybe
after some tea he will:)

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Jan 31, 2004, 5:06pm
when you create something you automatically get its copyright, especially
names :P

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Jan 31, 2004, 5:07pm
Maybe he does :)

Wiz sent me an email saying he bought this domain for the CyAwards a
few years ago... So it is simple for him to redirect to the CyAwards
web page :)

Let's all have some tea!


On 31 Jan 2004 13:52:02 -0500, "alphabit phalpha"
[View Quote] >Thanks for the documentation XelaG:)
>I don't think Wiz truely recognizes the Community's love for the Cys. Maybe
>after some tea he will:)
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alphabit phalpha

Jan 31, 2004, 5:10pm
Everyone please stand by for what I think might be some very good news for
all concerned:)

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Jan 31, 2004, 5:12pm
hmm, i think this relates to ancient methology, or how buying one thing, can
lead to many worlds filled with magical egyptian homepages. like the saying
goes, one mans pyramid might be his wife's sheep.


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alphabit phalpha

Jan 31, 2004, 5:25pm
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Jan 31, 2004, 5:58pm
I think I should set some terminology straight here...

You copyright content and works of art. For example, the content and
design of the AWI web site (www.activeworlds.com) is copyrighted. One
can not (legally) copy the content of that site and use it without
written consent form AWI or without using it under "fair-use".
Copyrights are provided to prevent others from unfairly claiming or
using what one has created.

You trademark names and slogans. (The name "JTech Web Systems" cannot be
copyrighted.) So, for example.. the name of the popular discount
department store "Wal-Mart" is trademarked. Their slogan "Always low
prices. Always." is also trademarked, as well as their logo. Trademarks
are registered in order to prevent other business from using a name or
logo which could confuse the public or discredit the original business.

Since the "CY Awards" is not a registered trademark of any business or
non-profit organization, it can be used by whomever, wherever.

The rules/policies that control domain name disputes only recognize
registered trademarks, for obvious reasons.


Jeremy Booker - Owner / Webmaster
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34

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alphabit phalpha

Jan 31, 2004, 6:16pm
Its all "past" now Jerme...but thank you:)
Maybe a post titled Copywrites to inform others now?
Appreciate your info tho...thanks!

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Jan 31, 2004, 6:19pm
Maybe CyAwards can trademak itself ? :)

From tea, I passed on to wine now, with a great Thai curry and dutch
chicken, no bird flue involved :)


On 31 Jan 2004 15:16:44 -0500, "alphabit phalpha"
[View Quote] >Its all "past" now Jerme...but thank you:)
>Maybe a post titled Copywrites to inform others now?
>Appreciate your info tho...thanks!
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alphabit phalpha

Jan 31, 2004, 6:32pm
Well...once I have money I will definately trademark it legally...but until
then I have to hope that it sets still.
I've been pondering setting up items at cafeexpress with cy stuff as
momentos for folks, but Im not sure how everyone feels about that?
I could post total sales made to expenses for things like the trademark,
url, certificates etc?
I just dont want the Cys to become too "retail" looking, but would welcome a
way to add some monies to do more for them.
Right now, because of generous sponsors we get free radio, news site, and tv
promo....free domain url, free building and modelling and special effects,
world and server hosting.
Anyone own a printing company for the certificates or IRL statues?:)
LOL...sounds yummy yet somewhat scary meal you are having there!...careful!

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strike rapier

Jan 31, 2004, 6:48pm
It means you have too much time on your hands Alex :)

- Marky R

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strike rapier

Jan 31, 2004, 6:48pm
No offence... but you screwed up by posting here in the first place
alphabit... No need to act like a child and try and wipe out the NG again.

- Marky R

alphabit phalpha

Jan 31, 2004, 6:51pm
I am soooo sorry Strike!
Hey...I'm allowed to participate in the surmise of the ngs just like you and
anyone else aren't I?:)

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Jan 31, 2004, 7:11pm
CY was one of the original AW avatars so any copyright to the word CY and
anything using that word would belong to AWI.


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strike rapier

Jan 31, 2004, 7:14pm
Incorrect. CY was never used as a trade mark.

- MR

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