AWHS Accounts (Community)

AWHS Accounts // Community

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Dec 27, 2003, 3:54pm
Is there a list somewhere where I can see who was the original owner of an =
AWHS account?

It is impossible to figure out who did the build, unless there is an object=
specifically saying who did it. Like a mailbox or a sign.

Also, if such a list exists - which I hope - is there any remarks as to the=
reasoning behind the conversion?

Some account conversions make sense - like King Punisher's account - but o=
thers don't.

I have been looking all over the place for such a list, without success.


77 iam

Dec 27, 2003, 8:20pm
The AWHS builds are Active World Historical Society account and most of them
are done to preserve Not A Citizen builds or tourist builds but I am not
sure if AWHS is still active or not last I heard Lara may have had something
to do with AWHS. Their main office is a few meters south of Alpha GZ
[View Quote] It is impossible to figure out who did the build, unless there is an object
specifically saying who did it. Like a mailbox or a sign.

Also, if such a list exists - which I hope - is there any remarks as to the
reasoning behind the conversion?

Some account conversions make sense - like King Punisher's account - but
others don't.

I have been looking all over the place for such a list, without success.


77 iam

Dec 27, 2003, 8:38pm
it is at 18s 7e in Alpha see if you might be able to contact someone they
might have records of who the original builder is
[View Quote] It is impossible to figure out who did the build, unless there is an object
specifically saying who did it. Like a mailbox or a sign.

Also, if such a list exists - which I hope - is there any remarks as to the
reasoning behind the conversion?

Some account conversions make sense - like King Punisher's account - but
others don't.

I have been looking all over the place for such a list, without success.


tart sugar

Dec 27, 2003, 9:49pm
What about The Real Pops? Doesn't he do a lot of stuff on AWHistory?

Tart Sugar
The older I get, the better I used to be.

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Dec 27, 2003, 11:05pm
AWHS is still very much alive. Chloe and I along with many other members
are still working on it though. There is also a corner in AWCC world for
AWHS as well.

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Dec 28, 2003, 12:42pm
Actually, I haven't had anything to do with AWHS for a very long time. I was active when the organization took on the project of cleaning up *random* stray objects around AW gz.

I dropped out of AWHS a few years ago when the direction shifted from very narrowly defined clean-up to "beautification", resulting in unnecessary deletions and new builds replacing old ones around gz. Those things can't be undone now. It's too bad the organization got sidetracked for awhile from its main purpose - the preservation of old builds. While I wish the new leaders well, I'm just not interested in AWHS anymore.

I agree with Shekwan - it would be nice if there were a list of builders' names for the AWHS converted properties.


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