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E N Z O wake up your citizenships R dying, we are trying to save your ship!! (Community)
E N Z O wake up your citizenships R dying, we are trying to save your ship!! // CommunitymrbruceNov 22, 2003, 6:58am
E N Z O you need to show us you are the smart businessman your credentials
show you are on the AW website. I know your a smart bussiness man Rick but sometimes you need to read what 'we' your members say to you. We snicker and chat behind your back about ideas on how to make you richer and help your program servive. We are just citizens who pay a bill to you each month or year. But we also listen to our fellow citizen's complaints, suggestions and ideas. We all want AW to servive and in return, so does your companies profits. We have spoken many times on the telephone and had good conversations, I know you have a heart and a desire to servive, as we all in AW have a heart and a desire for you to servive. Please work with us Rick, its your company, but its our favorite passtime where we bring our friends to chat and learn new educational things. you know how to contact me Rick, feel free to do so. MrBruce A!!CT world's owner. MrBruce at light formNov 22, 2003, 9:26am
E N Z O seems to keep abreast of what is going on in the NGs and in AW
fairly well. Just because he doesn't reply to every "ENZO PLZ READ!" thread doesn't mean he isn't keeping tuned in. I think yall give him less credit than he is due... LF brockNov 22, 2003, 12:13pm
A!!CT IS GOING TO DIE ACCEPT IT! And what good are citizenships to Enzo unless they are being PAID for? -- Brock AW: 308723 Owner: IceFlare Networks IceFlare Hosting Services Virtual World Broadcasting Network [View Quote] weyounNov 22, 2003, 1:04pm
shut the fuck up already you uneducated worthless twit, noone wants to hear
your shit :\ [View Quote] light formNov 22, 2003, 2:56pm
And you think that's going to do the trick? Match idiotic ranting with
obscene ranting? LF strike rapierNov 22, 2003, 4:52pm
mrbruceNov 22, 2003, 7:20pm
No.1 Brock no where in my post is there a mention of A!!CT world. No.2 Im
trying to make sense about your statment about unpaid citizenships below. I'm not aware of AW giving out free citizenships, besides maybe a cit exstention in AWBingo. No.3 This post had nothing to do with A!!CT at all, so maybe you should get off the anti MrBruce and Anti A!!CT jealiousy rant you seem to be allowed to rant on about all the time. No.4 As a business you need to accept some lossses to make some rewarding gains. Stores do it all the time and survive. Wake up Brock, we are losing our fellow citizens quicker than you think. Tell me brock, how many of the names on your present contacts list are attached to actual valid citizenships? I do not have to list my contact list to you, but since the price increase in Febuary 2002, I believe I have had to remove a good 25 names that I know for sure are gone for sure, the rest I have no clue. Where is TacoGuy and ATACO world? I can tell you, he and ATACO left AW because of the high pricing and I can go on and on with a list a mile long. This was not the case (at this intensity) before the high price increases. My message to you Brock is this, you need to put a little more into AW's income besides the price of your citizenship to tell me off, if your citzenship is supposed to be so valuable to AWI, guess what dude? I pay out the price equiviant of your citizenship 25 times a month and own 9 fully paid for worlds besides. If AW would prefer to keep your cit income over the money I have invested in AW, then more power to them. You have a right to your opinion, but opinions like yours can hurt business more than they will ever help. If you went to a McDonalds and the manager allowed a person standing in line to verbally abuse you and refuse to do anything about it, I'm sure you'd walk out and take your business somewhere else....thats is if you have any self respect for yourself at all. MrBruce MrBruce at [View Quote] the derekNov 22, 2003, 7:39pm
did weyoun's post have any point whatsoever... hmm I THINK NOT
[View Quote] > And you think that's going to do the trick? Match idiotic ranting with > obscene ranting? > > LF > > > > light formNov 22, 2003, 7:44pm
You always seem to start off making good points in your posts Bruce, but the
I realize there are usually two more pages of them, and just lose interest. Keep them short and concise for crying out loud! People would be alot more receptive to your idea then. Oh, and Strike, your statement "perfectly correct" isn't. LF brockNov 22, 2003, 9:53pm
Bruce, REWARDING? Think about all those prizes they hand out at events and
bingo, EVERY WEEK, those are not rewards? You win an event, you get rewarded. It doesn't go like you want it to. Sit around, do nothing, get rewarded, now if things were like that the world would be a great place. -- Brock AW: 308723 Owner: IceFlare Networks IceFlare Hosting Services Virtual World Broadcasting Network jstone2004Nov 22, 2003, 10:59pm
not all of AW is dying, there are a few words out there still flourishing,
and not only that *gasps* Growing! J [View Quote] mrbruceNov 22, 2003, 11:01pm
OK, I will try harder, but work with me if you can, I do mean the best for
all of us. :) [View Quote] mrbruceNov 22, 2003, 11:06pm
True, but then there are the ones here in AW who do a lot and use alot of
their time. True they do it because they want to, but as a whole, this post is about asking E N Z O to please listen to all of us, not just me. We all want the samething in the end....and that is for AW to servive as a company. [View Quote] strike rapierNov 23, 2003, 12:59am
So, how exactly... do citizens benefit E N Z O unless they pay him? If they
don't pay him.. AWI can't run the Universe... and AWI (at least the AW section) goes bankcrupt within just a few months). Tell me, how is that incorrect? - MR [View Quote] strike rapierNov 23, 2003, 1:05am
> No.4 As a business you need to accept some lossses to make some rewarding > gains. Stores do it all the time and survive. I believe your logic is flawed in a certain respect... that tactic is used on lesser products to boost the sales of an overall set. You may have to make a loss on a small suitcase, to make a bigger gain on a set of suitcases to which it is a part of... however that dosent work if that small suitcase is worth 70% of your suitcase set... does it? > Wake up Brock, we are losing our fellow citizens quicker than you think. > Tell me brock, how many of the names on your present contacts list are > attached to actual valid citizenships? > I do not have to list my contact list to you, but since the price increase > in Febuary 2002, I believe I have had to remove a good 25 names that I know > for sure are gone for sure, the rest I have no clue. That will teach you for adding all the AWHS cits to your contacts... > Where is TacoGuy and ATACO world? Hopefully gone... > I can tell you, he and ATACO left AW > because of the high pricing and I can go on and on with a list a mile long. > This was not the case (at this intensity) before the high price increases. > My message to you Brock is this, you need to put a little more into AW's > income besides the price of your citizenship to tell me off, if your > citzenship is supposed to be so valuable to AWI, guess what dude? I pay out > the price equiviant of your citizenship 25 times a month and own 9 fully > paid for worlds besides. I bet E N Z O is reading this and thinking 'Idiiiottt' about all this money your spending.. > If AW would prefer to keep your cit income over the money I have invested in > AW, then more power to them. > You have a right to your opinion, but opinions like yours can hurt business > more than they will ever help. Noone actually pays attention to them, except you... > If you went to a McDonalds and the manager allowed a person standing in line > to verbally abuse you and refuse to do anything about it, I'm sure you'd > walk out and take your business somewhere else....thats is if you have any > self respect for yourself at all. What ever happened to just knocking the moron out? - MR Its late, and ive tried to make these as amusing as possible ep0chNov 23, 2003, 6:31am
E N Z O needs to get smart. Quick. Cause a price hike will end up ruining
AW as it has already shown. There used to be 1000 people on at it doesnt go above 400. -Ep0ch ssl.Nov 23, 2003, 2:07pm
I agree with Ep0ch.
When AW first started we had nearly 2000 etc....someone i know did the math and aw lost over 80% of their users when they made you PAY. AW is slowly disintergrating into ashes if E N ZO doesnt do something about these prices on worlds and citizenships. ferruccioNov 23, 2003, 11:51pm
E N Z O actually having an intelligent conversation with the AW community?
NO WAY!!! His reply to the rant thread was something along these lines: "TAG YOU'RE IT". His senseless humour doesn't entertain the AW citizens, who are seeing with their own eyes a dying community. I really doubt that E N Z O is taking his job seriously anymore. It's like he WANTS to kill Active Worlds. I really doubt E N Z O will do anything to fix the world and citizen fees. baroNov 24, 2003, 12:04am
To be fair I enjoy much of Enzo's humour, mainly because you have to be a
bit of a dorky nerd to understand most of the stuff he says. [View Quote] mrbruceNov 24, 2003, 12:19am
He will listen, but he's thinking like a businessman and he may know things
we dont know, but at the same time, we as citizens are seeing telegram after telegram from our friends saying they are leaving AW and leaving forwarding email addresses to contact them at, so we see a dying community. True Activeworlds never intended to create a community out of this program, it was us the users of this program who created that....but what Activeworlds did create was a program that we could build our communities upon, like a foundation to a house. But we as the paying financial supporters of Activeworlds.Inc see this foundation curmbling little by little.......eventually, the house will collapse and will our community collapse and fall beside it. MrBruce MrBruce at [View Quote] elykNov 24, 2003, 5:24am
If he is raising prices again, then I agree with you all, if not and this is
just over the price hike that was well over a year ago, then let me give you a stick so you can go beat a dead horse...... [View Quote] jstone2004Nov 25, 2003, 12:02am
lol, I hate to break it to you guys :-) but I would pay even more than I do
now if I had to in order to continue here, I love this place, and love all the work that I've put into it, and I cannot measure that work in the money involved. To me, it is simply an investment :-) and like I said, not every world is dying, there are many who are growing and flourishing! J [View Quote] mrbruceNov 25, 2003, 2:38am
You mean the ones owned by AWI like AWRPG? Comeon what about us who pay for
our worlds? We cant compete with worlds that have unilimted space and user limits. Its the paying customers worlds that are dying out here, because we can not offer anything more then what our wallets allows us. I know of alot of worlds that got priced right out of the universe. Nova was one of them and I know of a few others that are facing possible closure (Not counting my world) Its just not my place to advertise other peoples' hardships here. So if we all close our worlds and demand a refund all that will be left is AWI owned worlds, think of the revenue AW will lose when all their world sales come to an end and all there is left is the monthly/yearly renewal of a citizenship left. I think world sales make up alot of AW's income. Universes are the same way, even the most popular ones, are not all that popular compared to the AW universe. Spiral Matrix is empty most of the time, I see PeaceCity is dead and I think DLP and OW are barely serviving. Just my opinion....MrBruce. MrBruce at [View Quote] sweetsNov 25, 2003, 3:04am
We seriously considered all the options before renewing our world for its
3rd anniversary. For the first time we considered actually letting it all go, being so dead here. But it is our one love and have put alot of work into our world over the years. We did wish larger as each year we have increased our size a bit, but not this year, it is just too expensive. We did lower our visitors from 10 to 5 to save costs, considering aw is so dead lately is almost a waste for a small world to pay for extra visitors. Although completely against having to pay for tourists as feel we are 'advertising' to them what they could do if citizen, it is unfortunately a necessary evil as so many of the old cits can no longer afford the prices (oooh so many have gone) but still visit as tourist once in awhile. We decided this was necessary to leave our doors open for old friends of AW. Not only does AW not help our finances (and LOL never expected that anyway) we were surprised to see that our renewal date for next year is no longer Nov 12, it is now Nov 11.....AW has claimed the leap year day next year as theirs. Is there anything so cheap as that, that they cannot give us one free day and continue our renewals as they were, considering we did renew a world.....Maybe I am just being picky : ) Do the small world owners expect help from AW? Hell, no LMAO sweets jstone2004Nov 25, 2003, 11:16am
LOL space and user limits do not define whether a world grows or dies,
succeeds or fails... it's the people who run it, it's the life of the community within it... none of that can be stimulated by AWI :-) As for AWI owned worlds, there are quite a few of those declining as well :-) J [View Quote] screbNov 28, 2003, 2:42pm
Well, I was one of the lucky few that had my world hosted by a friend for
free uptill now. That way I could afford me to have a world of my own. Last year I payed about $ 200.- for my world where 10 ppl at the time could come and visit. Also I payed my $ 59.- for tourist allowance into my world. Unfortunatly the hosting will end in January what will mean I hafta invest atleast $ 200.- more to keep it up and running. $ 400,- has become to much for me to keep my world alive. So I am also one of those worldowners that has to stop running my world "yep!" Now, for many of u that prolly will make no difference at all. Most of u never visited my world, or maybe have popped in just ones or twice wich is not a problem at all cause I don't visit all the other worlds aswell. But for some yep! is this small community there up and running wich is visited a few hours a day by mainly Europeans. For sure it will be missed by some of them.... Now AW also exists cause of all these small worlds like yep! Many active builders and worldowners out there... and all together many visitors aswell... It is a pity to see them leave. Now yep! has become one of them. But, if nobody cares bout worlds like yep! what will there be left in two years from now. Small worlds disappear, therefore many cits do not renew wich makes other worlds disappear... a.s.o. Now at this moment that I am writing this there r 1056 worlds out there in AW. I remember bout half a year ago I mentioned in the newsgroups that the number of worlds went below the 1200. Eventho there still is this sign in AW saying sumfin like: "join the largest and fastest growing universe in the world" we have lost about 150 worlds in half a year. Thats over 10% !! If this rate continious (20% a year), I think AW will be no longer the fastest growing universe anymore... (between u and me... the figures show that AW is getting smaller instead of growing... The sign out there at AWGZ isn't right... its to fool the newbies...). The number of visitors is going down in the same rate btw.... I have started to tear my world down. It will be alive for an other month, but most builds I have deleted allready. I noticed two things: 1. deleting goes much faster than building... 2. The less builds there r left the less lagging there is... These where for me the only two positive things I could think of in the last few days b4 I close my world down after 3 years. Now I only hafta decide what to do with my cit. I hafta get me a new cit cause the one I have ends with the world. After being a cit for 6 years now there prolly will be a "screb tourist" for a while. I guess I will hang around a bit in sweets world, hoping it will be worth for her to keep her world up and running.... Heya sweets !! Here I come !! screb |