Please lay off the personals? (Community)

Please lay off the personals? // Community

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May 7, 2003, 5:35pm
I thought that God didn't have a mother? (Mary doesn't count.)

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May 7, 2003, 6:06pm
"e n z o" <enzo at> wrote in
news:3eb8003c$1 at

> There have been numerous threads lately involving personal attacks on
> at least one of our citizens. While we might not agree with every
> opinion or even the length of posts (and some people may not be very
> "savvy" regarding nettiquete or AW issues/history) we should find
> other ways to ignore people (without attacking them). Look under
> TOOLS or OPTIONS or HELP in your newsreader.
> Personal attacks will not be tolerated and will be deleted when found.
> Please refrain?
> At least three late threads are now deleted... please do not start
> them up again or continue them. If this continues we may have no
> choice but to block posters or close the NG.

Can't say that I've made a personal attack at this person myself, but if
you ask me (and most of the NG crowd) she did pretty much attack the
newsgroup herself. It's important that everyone is treated equally, just
like in real life criminals still have rights. But honestly, please do ban
her or warn her severely, as she behaved very rudely and selfishly, in
addition to having flooded the newsgroup first.



May 7, 2003, 6:44pm
Here's my post again so you use it as a reference. And YOU tell me where you
see ONE name mentioned that makes it a PERSONAL attack. And after you read
it get a dictionary and look up the word PERSONAL! And look at his heading I
see the word PERSONAL there don't you?
<snip> I say Bravo E N Z O! But they'll never learn, sometimes these people
the ones who are trying to be the most helpful, even though they may not be
doing it to EVERYONE's approval.
But it seems to me it's the same people over and over again.
MrBruce 327324.

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sw chris

May 7, 2003, 6:48pm
Now that's quite ironic.

SW Chris

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May 8, 2003, 3:44am
[View Quote] *cuts KAH* I'm attacking you personally.



May 8, 2003, 2:04pm
"bowen" <Bowen at> wrote in
news:3eb9eec2 at

> *cuts KAH* I'm attacking you personally.

*counter-attacks by stabbing Bowen with a rusty spoon* Oops, now E N Z O
will have to ban us 0_0



May 8, 2003, 2:16pm
[View Quote] Bastard, I didn't get my TB shot.



May 8, 2003, 4:24pm
Read between the lines for God's sake. If ENZO doesen't want there to be
personal attacks then i'm sure he won't want attacks on whole groups of

They really are related issues. I thought that was common sense.

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count dracula

May 10, 2003, 3:18pm
I never said I am pro-attacks, just that people do them. Not sure how it is
in other countries, but atleast here when for example people go to
restaurants, quite often fights break out. Every time someone hit me I take
it quite personal.
I have heard that on many streets in big cities you are not supposed to go
for a walk alone in dark streets. Getting killed in an attack is quite a
personal thing.
You are right people are desperate, I guess we could discuss the resons here
forever. Another thing combinated with desperation is paranoia. This is a
lethal combination unfortunatly. I guess all these "personal attacks" are a
sign that our "society" is not healthy.
I have personally tried to avoid personal attacks, maybe I occasionally say
something ironical to someone, often tho after I have recived a similar

I have noticed for example each time I "attack" the US goverment, the
israelian goverment or the goverment of some other undiplomatical country,
people tend to take it extremely personal. I have been called a terrorist,
anti-christ, USA hater and god knows what ( especially in those hate letters
I have recived in my personal mail). I do not see why the AW community
should be any different. If someone says something "bad" about the community
here, people react the same way.
I am usually just amused when I get these letters and name-calling. To a
certain point I think personal attacks can even be funny and amusing as long
as they are done in a mutual understanding.

goober king <gooberking at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3EB8ECAA.3070005 at
> Umm, no Drac. Personal attacks are the weapons of desperate people. If
> you can't carry an intelligent debate without attacking your "opponent",
> especially here in the newsgroups where people are allowed the luxury of
> spending time to think out their responses carefully and considerately,
> then perhaps you need to step away from the computer until you're ready
> to act more civilly.
> Attacking ideas and policies is one thing, but when you attack the
> person you're arguing with, that's when it becomes... well, personal.
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goober king

May 10, 2003, 11:09pm
That's part of my point, Drac. In a text-based environment, mutual
understanding is very hard to come by. And besides, just because people
do personal attacks doesn't mean we should condone or encourage that
sort of behavior. It's like saying we should allow theft just because
everyone's done it in some form or another already. :P

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Stealing your personal time
gooberking at

count dracula

May 20, 2003, 3:32pm
Yes, but I only tried to say that in some cases personal attacks can be
amusing, like what KAH and Bowen are doing in this thread. I just hope the
person who monitors has the capabilty to separte attacks in god will and
mutual agreement from those offending either part. Otherwise we might end up
like in the gate where you are banned as a pre-emtive action or as a result
if the person monitoring having a limited understanding of things.

goober king <gooberking at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3EBDA281.5000703 at
> That's part of my point, Drac. In a text-based environment, mutual
> understanding is very hard to come by. And besides, just because people
> do personal attacks doesn't mean we should condone or encourage that
> sort of behavior. It's like saying we should allow theft just because
> everyone's done it in some form or another already. :P
[View Quote]


May 20, 2003, 4:24pm
[View Quote] Leo ;)


May 20, 2003, 4:39pm
[View Quote] TB is the Tetanus Booster Shot. I think. Unless it's the Tuberculosis



May 20, 2003, 5:06pm
just ribbing ya but "TB" usually refers to Tuberculosis...i can see the confusion though when reffering to it as a Tetnis Booster Shot...:)

Leo :)

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