Customs Aide Bot (Community)

Customs Aide Bot // Community

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Nov 21, 2002, 5:12am
Most of you are missing the point. And I also noticed that most of you
used language in your posts that is not "proper" Words like "asswipe" and
"profanity spread out like turds on a wash line"

To a person who considers this normal slang and NOT profanity, who will use
phrases like "all that shit " " or what the shit is going on" in every
day life.... it would come as a shock to be ejected from a world for saying
shit, literally and figuratively.

THATS what i mean by bad for business.......That person isnt gunna be very
impressed by being ejected with no warning for shit all.


Nov 21, 2002, 7:59am
Don't know if you meant me, but since that was posted as a reply to one of my posts I suppose I should treate it as if it "may have been" and state what I thought was already obvious, which is... I hadn't missed that point at all.


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Nov 21, 2002, 11:09am
Nor did I. Where I work a lot of inner city folks come to visit. Most of
them are unemployed,young men tween the ages of 18 and 35 who deal drugs on
the street or do them personally. Some would call them "gangstas". They are
concerned with their outside appearance and dress to look cool. However, not
even these young men talk like that. Nor do the drunks that come in. I do
have to admit that occasionally someone will let a word fly every so often,
but when they get the "evil eye" from someone (not always me), they quickly
clean up their language. Unfortunately we don't have the "evil eye" online
and if we did, I'm sure there would be some people who would be offended.
Let's face it, no matter how much you try to please people, someone will be
offended. Time and time again I am reminded of a famous saying... "Do as the
Romans do". Simply put, it means that if the majority of the people do
things a certain way, and you are a visitor, you should also make the
attempt to do things the same way the others do.Yes, there are some folks
out there who grew up saying phrases like "Holy s#!%!!!!" and "Holy
F&^*#!*% MOTHER OF GOD!!!!!!!! " as a second language. But do we say these
things in front of our mothers????? Or in front of our bosses or
teachers???? How about priests??? Not usually. Why not??? Because we
respect them too much to allow them to see the negative side of us. If we
can use restraint during those times, then surely we can use and teach
restraint at other times. Not just to children. It works both ways hon. You
are right, there are people out there who say certain things because that is
how they grew up. But if I grew up with a family who robs banks for a
living, would that make it ok for me to do it too?? Just because I do or say
a particular thing every day of my life, does that make it ok to do or say
in public???? Is it respectable??? Does that make it right??? Is it THAT
much of an effort to control oneself when speaking in front of others????
Sheesh!!! What's wrong with the world today??? It has nothing to do with
what country one is from. Or from what culture. Which culture respects
people who talk like that??? I wanna know. I come from a German background.
I know some people in real life who grew up in Germany. They cuss sometimes.
At times it seems like they don't realize they're doing it. I also have an
aunt whom I love dearly. You'd be amazed at the language that comes out of
her mouth. It makes me cringe for my child to hear it, and honestly it
embarrasses me to introduce her as my aunt sometimes. But she doesnt'
realize she's doing it. Other folks have told her to clean up her mouth. She
tries. Sometimes she catches herself and apologizes. But it usually doesn't
happen till someone gives her a dirty look or says something to her to
remind her. Yes, there are people out there with a problem. They need help,
not allowances.

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Nov 21, 2002, 11:10am
sorry TZ... that post was meant as a reply to Kellee ;-"D

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Nov 21, 2002, 11:36am

I think the majority of people would rather not hear about shit like this.

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Nov 21, 2002, 11:38am
I take that last post back since more people have replied to this than other
things which are much more productive.

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Nov 21, 2002, 2:13pm
I think we all get YOUR point try accepting a different one.... if you get
ejected for saying shit once it was a mistake get ejected twice and your
not learning get ejected more than twice and your a troublemaker...:)
pretty simple to figure out...oh and BTW this is all owned by AWI they
make the rules not us...:)

Leo :)

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Nov 21, 2002, 2:52pm
Well... they make the ground rules. We make the additional rules in worlds we own. (Since I don't own a world, that doesn't include me.)

As for your statement about getting ejected once, twice, etc., I must say it is a whole lot nicer if a person who "really doesn't know" that such a word will offend you can be told once without getting ejected. If there are certain words that are to be assumed unspeakable, then they should be filtered at the browser and not even allowed to be transmitted, but I would hope nobody would actually believe that such things should be hardcoded into the browser as if a sequence of four letters is completely incapable of ever changing it's meaning in context or over time.

As I stated earlier, a lot of people have no idea what they are dealing with when they first emter Active Worlds, and while ejecting them at the first sign of them not fitting in may give them a clear signal that such behavior is not welcome, it may also be giving them a clear signal that "new people" are not welcome. The old saying "when in Rome do as the Romans do" may sound good, but it wouldn't work very well if anyone who went to Rome was thrown out for being different before they had a chance to see what it is that the Romans do... and by the way, it's ironic that Rome should be used as an example since long ago the Roman Empire was spread all over the world at one time by means of Romans going to far away lands and bringing their ways of doing things "with them" where ever they went. Hehe.


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Nov 21, 2002, 3:09pm
I over simplified my statements with the hope that you would see the logic
of course warnings were issued....I see this ALL the time at the gate.
they know better they just want it their way....with total disregard of
the rules or the majority. Eject is a very harmless way to have them "go
to their room" for some deeper assist the rest of the people
from listening to their tantrums.

Leo :)

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Nov 21, 2002, 3:27pm
Yep. Unfortunately, some people aren't happy unless they're upsetting someone else. I suppose there are a lot of different reasons behind that, but you're right... ejections gets them out of the way for a while, so that people who don't feed on the discomfort of others can go on with their lives. Perhaps we should have a sort of correctional institute world named "ejected" (*checking worlds list to see if the name is already taken*) where people could send those who need to learn to get along. :)


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count dracula

Nov 21, 2002, 5:37pm
ryan jacob <Padfoot at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3ddaf823 at
> I think a balance between American parents and foreign visitors needs to
> made...I think the Customs Aide bot is a little too tough on cussing and
> does not even give a list of words that aren't allowed or any warnings.
> Ryan Jacob

LOL a list ? So it would give a list of all cussworlds, so that those not
familiar with them would learn them? It is like killing someone and then
say, you are not allowed to do this btw.

I was once asked to leave a world because I used the world "damn". I had
major problems understanding that it is a cussworld (and still have).



Nov 21, 2002, 8:32pm
But I would guess you had no problem understanding that the people who asked you to leave over it found the word offensive, correct?


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e n z o

Nov 21, 2002, 8:53pm
Perhaps the global chat mode will be useful for filtering?


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Nov 21, 2002, 9:47pm
Well, the bot that's doing it could, if such filtering were added to it... although I would really like to see such a bot support chat ranges, since the chat range feature really adds to the 3D "feel" of a world.


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e n z o

Nov 22, 2002, 4:24pm
hmmm have you been reading the todo list?


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j b e l l

Nov 22, 2002, 5:10pm
That's what I use it for in AWDebate. :-)


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Nov 22, 2002, 7:54pm
No, but I'm trying to help write it. :)


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Nov 26, 2002, 10:46am
I have myself ejected ppl for a profane misuse of the English language. I am
sure none of us, and not the least, our visitors, neither need to use or
"hear" it. What i am objecting to is the simple slang and NOT the swear

We hear words like "shit" "damn" and "hell" on prime time TV, for petes
sake! They are not swear words but simple slang. If the censors of
television do not consider it worth censoring, then why is it an ejectable

The fact that not everyone considers it slang is moot. While some may
consider the use of such language uncouth it is hardly going to offend some
one so strongly that their eyes shrivel up and drop out. A lot accept it as
every day language and are put off AW as a result of being ejected , without
warning, for such a trivial transgression. It is even possible that some
newbies would not even realise WHAT they said wrong!
This is the point i am making :o)

AND.... lets face it......sticks and stones may break your bones, but shit
only sticks to ya boots.


Nov 26, 2002, 1:37pm
"We hear words like "shit" "damn" and "hell" on prime time TV"

AW is NOT Prime Time's more like afternoon Cartoons.... :) And you DO NOT hear those words on daytime TV...:) we have children in there that do not need the "slang" shoved onto them either...;)

Leo :)

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johnny b

Nov 26, 2002, 10:16pm
agreed... if you cant be mature enough to control what you type, which you certainly can't do as fast as you might speak the same
words, then you're a pretty sad case, I think..... it's one thing to slip once in a while verbally, but there's just no excuse when
you have plenty of time before you hit that enter key........ some ppl just don't feel their kids need to be learning such
words........ and we should be respectful of that....... not be so stupidly self-absorbed.
This isn't a matter of principal in what you're 'allowed' to say, it's just plain common sense and called showing a little
consideration for others......
Something which is sorely lacking here.......

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Nov 27, 2002, 12:31am
The bottom line, in my opinion, is that a world owner has a right to choose who they will allow in their "porperty" at any given time and they don't have to justify "why" to the rest of us. If they choose to allow such decisions to be made by people that they have entrusted with the ability to enforce it, then that's their decision and they have the right to make it. That goes for public building worlds, private worlds, X rated worlds, theme park worlds, business worlds, and even worlds owned by Active Worlds.

While I think that it's best for all of us if world owners do their best to treat people nicely and show them respect, if they would preffer to close their world or to only allow cetain people into it or to eject anyone they feel like without warning and without thinking twice about it... that's their choice to make. After all, it's their property.


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Nov 27, 2002, 11:18am
Don't compare AW with TV hon. The Television censoring committees also
accept the concept of "rape" as being ok to show on prime time TV, but do
you REALLY think its appropriate to show it??? The same goes for showing
someone shooting somebody in the head. Is THAT acceptable??? Sure we as
adults can choose whether or not to allow our little kids to watch that
stuff. We usually know ahead of time or can pretty much see it coming and
can turn the channel to avoid having it seen, or can send the kids out of
the room. However, it is NOT acceptable to most parents of little kids to
have them think they can get away with using that kind of language. While
words like "damn" and "hell" might be considered slang to some people, there
are (believe it or not) a LOT of people who prefer not to use it or hear it
used, not just cus there are little ones present who are reading it, but
also cus it is considered offensive to them. How many of us parents sit
there using AW, visiting friends at the AW Gate area, and their child comes
along and either wants to crawl into Mom or Dad's lap to watch chat and move
their av around, or they come to give Mom or Dad a hug or ask a question but
the whole time have their eyes glued to the AW screen to see what's going on
cus they're being nosey????? And usually during that time somebody comes
along who thinks the word "shit" is everyday language or decides at that
moment to rape Mom's av cus it looks hot????? Not like we have advance
warning to shoo the kids away. They will see it. They will snicker and point
out what was said. (They might miss a lot of things, but they do NOT miss
when someone says a cuss word) Some of them know what the jerk is doing to
Mom's av and make a joke of it. Is that acceptable???? Don't get me wrong. I
know my child can handle the difference tween reading words like "damn" and
"hell" and knowing that she it isn't acceptable language to use to others.
Those words are mild compared to some others in my book. However my husband
grew up in the south in the "Bible Belt". His daddy was a preacher. To him
those two "little" words are just as bad as the others. It is highly
offensive to him to hear anybody in his family say them. I see him cringe
when he hears my insensitive brothers or my foul mouthed aunt talk like
that. I personally prefer not to talk like them. But I am used to that kind
of language from adults in my family. I have to admit though that when I
hear kids saying that stuff, my ears burn. Tolerance goes both ways. I do
agree that if a bot is ejecting people for use of those words, it should
explain to that person why they were ejected and which word it was that got
them in trouble. Perhaps also the reminder that its a FAMILY oriented area,
G-rated, or anything that the ejected person will understand. Especially
since the said person is not mature enough to realize that the word chosen
"might" be offensive to some people.
My 11 year old loves AW just as much as I do. She loves meeting people
from all over the world and is discovering the joys of building. She loves
to watch Mom visit buddies and laughs at all the funny stuff people say.
Especially at the gate area. And she doesn't miss a thing when someone comes
in and says soemthing inappropriate. There is rarely a moment when I leave
her side when she's using AW. And I always make her change her name when
she's at the keyboard, so that people know its her and don't gram me with
weird, inappropriate things. Or I mention to them that she is present. Most
people I know in AW (and I know a LOT) respect her when they know my child
is there. They restrain their language in her presence. And they restrain
sexual innuendos. As much as you claim "damn" and "hell" to be slang, folks
just know not to use it around little kids. At least most folks do. I think
parents are especially cautious. We try to mold our children into
respectable people who, we hope, will learn how to control their behavior
and choose their words carefully. We certainly don't want our children to
upset anyone with their actions. So why can't we set a good example??? AW
has a large population of young people. Mostly teenagers. Would it be
acceptable to allow them to think words like "shit", "damn" and "hell" are
accepted world wide and by all walks of life???? Did your mother teach you
that when you were young???
And just a reminder: people are also ejected for talking about drug use,
guns, politics, and sexual innuendos. Ask yourself why??? Hopefully you come
to the same reason as this particular conversation.

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Nov 27, 2002, 6:00pm
"lioness." <nobody at> wrote in
news:3de4c61e$2 at

> And just a reminder: people are also ejected for talking about drug
> use, guns, politics, and sexual innuendos.

Unless it's the GKs talking about these things...then it's okay.


Nov 29, 2002, 3:34am
Hey, we're both Aussie kellee, so don't get offended when I send everyone to:

Yep, that's us alright ;)

Anduin (317281)
- The Gorean Scribe

johnny b

Nov 29, 2002, 1:00pm
Ha :OD good one

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Nov 29, 2002, 8:40pm
Do you still watch the television? Interesting...
hello:-) icey

[View Quote] >I have myself ejected ppl for a profane misuse of the English language. I am
>sure none of us, and not the least, our visitors, neither need to use or
>"hear" it. What i am objecting to is the simple slang and NOT the swear
>We hear words like "shit" "damn" and "hell" on prime time TV, for petes
>sake! They are not swear words but simple slang. If the censors of
>television do not consider it worth censoring, then why is it an ejectable
>The fact that not everyone considers it slang is moot. While some may
>consider the use of such language uncouth it is hardly going to offend some
>one so strongly that their eyes shrivel up and drop out. A lot accept it as
>every day language and are put off AW as a result of being ejected , without
>warning, for such a trivial transgression. It is even possible that some
>newbies would not even realise WHAT they said wrong!
>This is the point i am making :o)
>AND.... lets face it......sticks and stones may break your bones, but shit
>only sticks to ya boots.


Dec 17, 2002, 5:07pm
I've never been in favour of banning words that are offensive in only a
slang context - the only reason they are offensive is because someone used
the word incorrectly too many times. If a word has a valid definition, that
is what you should think of first. Only a contextual analysis would be able
to tell whether it was used in a derogatory sense. Nevertheless, it's the
world owners' perogative to ascertain what should garner approval, so they
can do what ever they want.

From the Customs Aide command list, here is the list of banned words. Do not
scroll down if you don't want to read them :o

The standard list includes some commonly used vulgar English slang terms.
Words with * before them indicate that they are ejected wherever they occur.
For example "fuckoff" will will resort in ejection where as "cucumber" will
not. The standard list includes:



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Dec 18, 2002, 4:20am
Well, that's not exactly an unreasonable list in my opinion. There are words in it that I would have left out, mainly because I tend to do exactly as you said should be done... I think of valid meanings first. One of them even trucks me as a term that many people would probably use around small children when addressing certain subjects, in order to avoid using a term that they might expect the child not to have enough education to understand... similar to the way people use such words as "poo poo" to avoid using one of the other words on the list when teaching a very young child some of the essentials of self care.

Thanks for the list. I didn't personally feel I needed it, but I did find that actually seeing it gave me a lot better perspective on the situation. :)


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linn ironhead@digitalpassage(dot)com

Dec 21, 2002, 8:53am
might I also add that just because ppl do and say things does NOT make it ok
for all

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linn ironhead@digitalpassage(dot)com

Dec 21, 2002, 8:59am
well the one here about Christmas was fairly long interesting too :-)
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