[NG Survivor 2] Cheating, yelling, and i don't mean the Cys! (Community)

[NG Survivor 2] Cheating, yelling, and i don't mean the Cys! // Community

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Sep 3, 2002, 5:46pm
Sorry for another posting in one week, but there's too much news to wait for
the weekend. :)

Colors are changing as the month of September slowly begins the fall season.
Kids are back in school, disgruntled as ever, adults are praying for holiday
breaks, and the leaves and television seasons are slowly coming through.

With that, hurricanes. ;)

And the newsgroup isn't much different. You thought the flames in here are
bad, just wait and see the fire erupting within NG Survivor. Read on.

Week 8 finally came on aptly titled "Merger Monday." Our survivors met once
again at gz, the site of unexpected turns and twists. There was the fateful
tribe choosing, one that created a stronger Robego and an unlucky Nebewi.
Shorah and pixelot were quickly scapegoated and voted off for choosing or
being chosen by one another. Maka soon resigned, and Joeman was surprisingly
voted off during his strongest weeks by a formed alliance.

Then came the switch at gz one month later. 10 doors, and one person to seal
your fate. And outnumbered but tightly bonded Nebewi were broken apart into
Robego-dominated tribes. It almost seemed that they would fare well, as
Tiveac's tribe subsequently failed two challenges. With 2 Nebewi's and 2
Robego's on each side of Tiveac, Gamecube broke the dead split and swing
voted against D a n. But Tiveac bounced back, and managed to win immunity
the week after, thanks to Ambi's drive, determination, and decent building
skills, leaving Robego to council and Nebewi to another Reckoning. Tiveac
again managed a second place in the last Immunity Challenge also, this time
leaving Nebewi behind and Robego to win. The old Nebewi alliance was
shattered, as JerMe and Mongo couldn't match up against Robego loyalties.
But this wasn't too cut and dry. Lioness and maki showed signs of betrayal
against their tribe, and Mod teetered on the edge also. No one knows the
plan that Gamecube is exhibiting. BinaryBud, Builderz, and Eric, though
loyal to their origins, are proving more and more that they are threats to
all members.

The tides can change in a flash...yup...any minute now...

Anywho, back to the gz and the merge. Survivors were told that the merging
ceremony would commence. The five that were there all grouped together
(maki, Eric, Ambient Spirit, Lioness, Mod) and went back to Robego and
Nebewi camps to gather their belongings quickly. They took down the old
Tribal Flags and burned them away in the cauldron used in their very first
Immunity Challenge </symbolism>. A new tan-colored flag appeared, with the
aboriginal drawing of one warrier holding up a spear. It would be their new
flag, and the symbol for the new tribe. Ambient announced the new name of
the tribe, Onondago, meaning "people on the hill," and together, all five
members moved into Tiveac's campsite, which is on top of a hill. These
contestants, so original. :)

As they began building camp, they were called back to gz a half an hour
later. They were greeted with 9 vertical poles, pointing up towards the sky.
They were to stand on a pole, and stay there. The person that stayed there
the longest would win Immunity. Also, right below them was an invisible walk
object that would teleport them out of NGS2002 should they move and fall.

Fly and shift and build were turned off, but not ED, being the ingenius
one-man machine that I am. Lioness had to celebrate her birthday soon, Eric
had to leave the world in a few minutes. But no one was willing to give up
just yet. They began deciding what they would do, and agreed that they would
all fall and vote off one of the four that couldn't attend. As they were
picking numbers, they all suddenly poofed, Lioness being the last. And with
only 2 minutes elapsed, Lioness had won Immunity. They came back screaming
at each other, and instantly fighting (which I love), and accused Lioness of
cheating. Lion growled back and said she had been on the phone and afk.
Someone had moved the walk up enough to teleport everyone out of the world.

Can you people sense the "Mongo incident" yet? :) Well, blame was quickly
thrown at maki, the only one uninnocent enough to NOT do such a thing, but
it all blew over. Eric, however, congratulated maki, saying it was "better
than deleting the sign." What he means was, maki deleted the sign that
caused Nebewi to lose that caused Mongo into a an angry uproar that
eventually got him voted off by none other than Eric.

Oh, such power plays. :))

And that's where we leave off. :) Lioness has Immunity amd maki's plan
backfired. Builderz, Binary, Gandalf, and Gamecube are in danger, if they
were at fault or not. Ambi has struck a great friendship with Lioness, and
Eric realizes he and Ambi knew each other from a past life. The tribe still
has 4-5 AWTeeners, the oldies could be in trouble. But Tribal Council will
happen at the end of this week, on Saturday, and anything can happen until
then. For now, it's time for a Reward Challenge. :)

This week, and subsequent weeks afterwards, our contestants are playing
solely for themselves. :)) The winner of each challenge will receive a
tee-shirt, unless YOU, the public, can score better. :) There's no camp
supplies, nothing. Let's see your the challenge. :)

In honor of your new tribe's symbol, you're going to be a warrier tossing a
spear. :) It's a simple game of spear toss. Log onto
http://games.alentus.com/games/makai/games/speartoss.asp and try to get the
longest distance possible. Once you do, take a screenshot and email me it at
nornny1 at attbi.com Longest toss wins a tee-shirt. Of the 9 contestants left
in the game, the survivor with the longest toss will win the challenge,
which would mean nothing if you don't win the tee-shirt. :)

Get ready for a fun-filled week, and an intense Tribal Council. There's
still more twists to come. Only 1 person can win the whole shebang! Stay

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"


Sep 4, 2002, 9:29am
[View Quote] Nornny....you forgot to mention WHEN you need us to send those screenshots
of our challenge to you...or is it an ongoing challenge that will last the
duration of the game????

> Lioness and maki showed signs of betrayal
> against their tribe, >

I think its time to clear the air AGAIN, Nornny! Maki and I did NOT
conspire against anybody at ANY time! There was NO betrayal. Just some
misunderstandings and miscommunication on my part. I have not, and will not
conspire against anybody in this game. I don't like it and refuse to do
that, whether you believe me or not.

> As they began building camp, they were called back to gz a half an hour
> later. They were greeted with 9 vertical poles, pointing up towards the
> They were to stand on a pole, and stay there. The person that stayed there
> the longest would win Immunity. Also, right below them was an invisible
> object that would teleport them out of NGS2002 should they move and fall.
> They began deciding what they would do, and agreed that they would
> all fall and vote off one of the four that couldn't attend. As they were
> picking numbers, they all suddenly poofed, Lioness being the last. And
> only 2 minutes elapsed, Lioness had won Immunity. They came back screaming
> at each other, and instantly fighting (which I love), and accused Lioness
> cheating. Lion growled back and said she had been on the phone and afk.
> Someone had moved the walk up enough to teleport everyone out of the

Nornny, you not only have a knack for making people look bad, but also for
misunderstanding things. Glad I saved chat. And no hon, this isn't altered
in any way. We did not agree to all fall off and vote off one of the four
who couldn't attend. We were not picking numbers. These were only
suggestions that weren't agreed upon by anyone before somebody decided to
play with the controls and wipe us out. I didn't cheat in any way either.
And we were not screaming at each other and instantly fighting. Let the ng
readers decide for themselves what happened. After all hon, wasn't it "the
readers" who voted Jerme off???

Nornny11: I guess we'll start this Immunity Challenge early, unless you guys
want another hour. :)
Ambient Spirit: ack
Lioness.: nope i gotta run soon ;-"<
Lioness.: my family is patiently waiting for me
Nornny11: okay then, come to gz. :)
Ambient Spirit: we can come back to this later?
Lioness.: cept the child......she keeps asking when we're leaving
Nornny11: of course, you have 8 weeks to build camp. :)
Lioness.: LOL course
Nornny11: maki, eric? :)
maki: oh..lol..
Nornny11: anyways, pick a pole to stand on, and stay there. :)
Nornny11: much like I'm doing. :)
Nornny11: no two people on the same pole. :)
maki: boy this is about as easy as the maze thingy
Nornny11: Lion, come on up. :)
maki: *stands still hoping not to fall off*
Nornny11: make sure you are firmly planted on a pole.
Nornny11: I will turn off shift and fly in a few minutes. :)
Lioness.: sorry child was talking to me
Lioness.: hold on
Nornny11: take your time. :)
Nornny11: eric is afk, actually. :)
Nornny11: hi eric, get on a pole and stand on it. :)
Eric: fine leave me like that :P
Nornny11: make sure you're securely planted on one. :)
Nornny11: we're about to start the challenge. :)
Eric: ok
Nornny11: Lion, you need to get on a pole. :)
Lioness.: trying
Nornny11: never mind, i think you're good. :)
Nornny11: anyways, this is an endurance challenge. :)
Nornny11: in a minute, i will turn off fly and shift.
Lioness.: ok
Nornny11: and I will put a teleport below you. :)
Nornny11: all you have to do is stay on this pole the longest.
Lioness.: ;-"D
Mod: *leaves AW on all day*
Nornny11: the last person on wins immunity.
Nornny11: this could take all week or in an hour. :)
Eric: uh
Eric: in that case
Lioness.: LMAO
Nornny11: i suggest you cut some deals and save your computer the trouble.
maki: ha!
Eric: can i make a pit stop
Ambient Spirit: lol
Eric: before we start?
Ambient Spirit: what happens if we lost our connection? ;p
Nornny11: nope, you're locked in here unless you make it quick. :)
Nornny11: tough noogies.
Lioness.: LOL
Nornny11: okay, i'm turning off fly and shift.
Mod: lol, I will leave aw on for years if I have too :P *loves cable*
Eric: does that in effect mean if there are two players left
Nornny11: and i've turned on the teleport. :)
Nornny11: if you guys fall, you'll be teleported to aw. :)
Eric: nobody else can really move around in the world?
Nornny11: my xelagot will be watching. :)
Ambient Spirit: are we all gonna fall down and vote someone off that hasnt
turned up?
Nornny11: they'll be able to move, because they are not in the air with a
teleport below them. :)
maki: you turning build off?
Eric: guys lets end this quick
Eric: and pick numbers
Mod: I agree
Eric: or something
Nornny11: i turned off build. :)
Nornny11: i mean ed. :)
Nornny11: Lioness? :)
Immigration Officer: Welcome to Alphaworld! :) Isn't it a beautiful day in
the neighborhood?
[Customs Aide]: Welcome, Lioness.. For the Conduct Guidelines please say
World Rules or see http://www.activeworlds.com/community/conduct.asp
maki: LMAO
Lioness.: what happened????????????
Ambient Spirit: ROFL!!!
maki: hehe, I showed nornny what you could do with build ;)))
Ambient Spirit: LOL
Lioness.: what the...........????????
Ambient Spirit: but i was on top of my pose?
Eric: i think maki just secured that nobody gets immunity :P
Ambient Spirit: ppole i mean
maki: lol
maki: ..lets go back
Ambient Spirit: who was last one up?
[Customs Aide]: Welcome, Lioness.. For the Conduct Guidelines please say
World Rules or see http://www.activeworlds.com/community/conduct.asp
Lioness.: ok.......
[Customs Aide]: Welcome, Lioness.. For the Conduct Guidelines please say
World Rules or see http://www.activeworlds.com/community/conduct.asp
Immigration Officer: Welcome to NG Survivor 2. For the 9 members of the
Onondago tribe, the game's just begining! Immunity Challenge in 20 minutes.
Mod: lioness cheated >.<
Lioness.: what the heck happened??????????
Ambient Spirit: lol
maki: lol
Nornny11: apparently, someone moved the walk up. :)
Eric: actually maki cheated lol
Lioness.: how did i cheat???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nornny11: ahh...tribal love. :))
Ambient Spirit: you got Immunity Lioness.. thats what happened LOL
Mod: oh ok, maki cheated >.<
Lioness.: maki!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maki: hahah
maki: hey eric..got it over with quick..right? lol
Eric: guess so
Nornny11: well, that was quick and easy, y'all can head back to cmap. Tribal
Council will be next Saturday. :)
Lioness.: got a phone call in the middle of all that from my mother asking
what's taking so long.........and then whammo........i moved
Ambient Spirit: have a great time Lioness ;)
Lioness.: brb.......calling my mother back
Nornny11: I'm off, what a great challenge that was. :) pure NG Survivor.
Mod: afk
Ambient Spirit: im heading to camp...
Eric: maki i must admit
Nornny11: anyways, congratulations, and see ya in the newsgroup.
Eric: that was better than deleting the sign
Ambient Spirit: bye Nornny.. thanks!
Eric: fly and shift norn?
maki: o_O
Eric: bah
Ambient Spirit: he forgot lol
[Eep Probst]: Yes, Eric? Can I help you? What d'ya want?
Eric: your master forgot to turn stuff back on
Eric: rate eric
Eric: oh that works
maki: rate maki
maki: lol
maki: rate lioness
maki: rate maki
maki: rate maki
Eric: rate mod
maki: rate maki
maki: rate maki
maki: rate maki
Eric: rate eric
maki: rate maki
maki: rate maki
maki: rate maki
maki: rate maki
maki: rate maki
Eric: thats enough maki :P
Lioness.: sorry was on the phone.......gotta go for now folks
Lioness.: not sure how i won yet...but thank you ;-")
maki: your welcome, lol
maki: well..not my fault nornny's an idiot and doesnt disable EVERYTHING
maki: oh wellNornny11: I guess we'll start this Immunity Challenge early,
unless you guys want another hour. :)
Ambient Spirit: ack
Lioness.: nope i gotta run soon ;-"<
Lioness.: my family is patiently waiting for me
Nornny11: okay then, come to gz. :)
Ambient Spirit: we can come back to this later?
Lioness.: cept the child......she keeps asking when we're leaving
Nornny11: of course, you have 8 weeks to build camp. :)
Lioness.: LOL course
Nornny11: maki, eric? :)
maki: oh..lol..
Nornny11: anyways, pick a pole to stand on, and stay there. :)
Nornny11: much like I'm doing. :)
Nornny11: no two people on the same pole. :)
maki: boy this is about as easy as the maze thingy
Nornny11: Lion, come on up. :)
maki: *stands still hoping not to fall off*
Nornny11: make sure you are firmly planted on a pole.
Nornny11: I will turn off shift and fly in a few minutes. :)
Lioness.: sorry child was talking to me
Lioness.: hold on
Nornny11: take your time. :)
Nornny11: eric is afk, actually. :)
Nornny11: hi eric, get on a pole and stand on it. :)
Eric: fine leave me like that :P
Nornny11: make sure you're securely planted on one. :)
Nornny11: we're about to start the challenge. :)
Eric: ok
Nornny11: Lion, you need to get on a pole. :)
Lioness.: trying
Nornny11: never mind, i think you're good. :)
Nornny11: anyways, this is an endurance challenge. :)
Nornny11: in a minute, i will turn off fly and shift.
Lioness.: ok
Nornny11: and I will put a teleport below you. :)
Nornny11: all you have to do is stay on this pole the longest.
Lioness.: ;-"D
Mod: *leaves AW on all day*
Nornny11: the last person on wins immunity.
Nornny11: this could take all week or in an hour. :)
Eric: uh
Eric: in that case
Lioness.: LMAO
Nornny11: i suggest you cut some deals and save your computer the trouble.
maki: ha!
Eric: can i make a pit stop
Ambient Spirit: lol
Eric: before we start?
Ambient Spirit: what happens if we lost our connection? ;p
Nornny11: nope, you're locked in here unless you make it quick. :)
Nornny11: tough noogies.
Lioness.: LOL
Nornny11: okay, i'm turning off fly and shift.
Mod: lol, I will leave aw on for years if I have too :P *loves cable*
Eric: does that in effect mean if there are two players left
Nornny11: and i've turned on the teleport. :)
Nornny11: if you guys fall, you'll be teleported to aw. :)
Eric: nobody else can really move around in the world?
Nornny11: my xelagot will be watching. :)
Ambient Spirit: are we all gonna fall down and vote someone off that hasnt
turned up?
Nornny11: they'll be able to move, because they are not in the air with a
teleport below them. :)
maki: you turning build off?
Eric: guys lets end this quick
Eric: and pick numbers
Mod: I agree
Eric: or something
Nornny11: i turned off build. :)
Nornny11: i mean ed. :)
Nornny11: Lioness? :)
Immigration Officer: Welcome to Alphaworld! :) Isn't it a beautiful day in
the neighborhood?
[Customs Aide]: Welcome, Lioness.. For the Conduct Guidelines please say
World Rules or see http://www.activeworlds.com/community/conduct.asp
maki: LMAO
Lioness.: what happened????????????
Ambient Spirit: ROFL!!!
maki: hehe, I showed nornny what you could do with build ;)))
Ambient Spirit: LOL
Lioness.: what the...........????????
Ambient Spirit: but i was on top of my pose?
Eric: i think maki just secured that nobody gets immunity :P
Ambient Spirit: ppole i mean
maki: lol
maki: ..lets go back
Ambient Spirit: who was last one up?
[Customs Aide]: Welcome, Lioness.. For the Conduct Guidelines please say
World Rules or see http://www.activeworlds.com/community/conduct.asp
Lioness.: ok.......
[Customs Aide]: Welcome, Lioness.. For the Conduct Guidelines please say
World Rules or see http://www.activeworlds.com/community/conduct.asp
Immigration Officer: Welcome to NG Survivor 2. For the 9 members of the
Onondago tribe, the game's just begining! Immunity Challenge in 20 minutes.
Mod: lioness cheated >.<
Lioness.: what the heck happened??????????
Ambient Spirit: lol
maki: lol
Nornny11: apparently, someone moved the walk up. :)
Eric: actually maki cheated lol
Lioness.: how did i cheat???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nornny11: ahh...tribal love. :))
Ambient Spirit: you got Immunity Lioness.. thats what happened LOL
Mod: oh ok, maki cheated >.<
Lioness.: maki!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maki: hahah
maki: hey eric..got it over with quick..right? lol
Eric: guess so
Nornny11: well, that was quick and easy, y'all can head back to cmap. Tribal
Council will be next Saturday. :)
Lioness.: got a phone call in the middle of all that from my mother asking
what's taking so long.........and then whammo........i moved
Ambient Spirit: have a great time Lioness ;)
Lioness.: brb.......calling my mother back
Nornny11: I'm off, what a great challenge that was. :) pure NG Survivor.
Mod: afk
Ambient Spirit: im heading to camp...
Eric: maki i must admit
Nornny11: anyways, congratulations, and see ya in the newsgroup.
Eric: that was better than deleting the sign
Ambient Spirit: bye Nornny.. thanks!


Sep 4, 2002, 6:21pm
What was the point of this lioness? Nornny's full of sh*t and likes it that
way... :) he's always going to continue posting this kind of crap, who
cares? get over it! Notice how he's still posting this type of stuff,
despite your hugely long posts explaining the *truth*?

maki awmaki.com

[View Quote]


Sep 4, 2002, 7:16pm
lol, let me clear some things up. :))

The reward challenge will be due by the end of Friday. :) People are already
getting some top notch scores so you should all step it up a notch.

Secondly, as for making everyone look bad, it's my job. What goes on in the
newsgroup and what goes on inworld are two totally different entities, yet
both are crucial to winning this game. :) Basically, if you're not providing
the drama for me, I'll do it for you. ;) I never claimed that my stories are
the full truth, or that they haven't been taken out of context. The solution
is in your diaries, and replies such as this. As long as my posts are, I'm
skimpy on the details, and it's to everyone's benefit to reply with your
side of the story, what REALLY happened, or what really DIDN'T, and appeal
to the public. You do so through your diaries. If you don't defend yourself,
you'll end up looking like Hitler if you make it to the Final Two. lol. I
can turn a butterfly into a dangerous, poisonous, icky, bug, and I'm not
afraid to. You guys ALL are great people, and extremely nice, but it's my
job to create the environment you signed up for. If you're going to win this
world, you're going to have to face mental, social, and physical (computer)
abuse. This is, after all, an attempt at a simulation of what would happen
in real survivor. Each week, you'll be put under the microscope, and
producers will stereotype you into a character, good or bad. I'm doing just
the same. With NG Survivor, however, at least you can bend your character
any way. Diaries are MUCH easier for me to extract quotes from than chat
logs, if you write a diary, I'll most likely go along with that story more
than I would making one up for you. Write up the week's event, lie a little,
it's all in the context of the game, you don't have to insult anyone,
really. But I'm a norn out for drama!! So make some! :) Couldn't you see a
possible diary entry as "Ambi and I got into a huge catfight! She almost
tore me to limbs, but I quickly scratched out her ugly brown eyes and the
tribe ate her for dinner." I mean, there's SOO much I can do with that! And
it's obviously fake. :)

I'm quite excited you guys are finally understanding the game and the crazy
politics to it, even if you're complaining about it. :)) Anyone from the
first season can attest I was equally harsh on them, and the more
interesting the diaries got, the more i just told the facts.

As for the betrayal thing, you guys voted against your original tribe.
That's betrayal of the tribe in my book, at least the original one. It might
be loyalty to another, which is PERFECTLY fine, I could care less who you
vote for, I want you to win just as bad as you do. I like surprising votes.
:) They're very climactic and leave a lot of mystery.

The public only has 1 vote... :)
From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]


Sep 4, 2002, 9:35pm
Dear Diary:

Made it to the merger, <ego trip> hahahahahaha </ego trip> sorry about that.
The challenge was fun, ended quick and I don't think it matters who won
immunity, we're all cool. As for that spear toss, I've got a good score but
damnit I can't break it. Anyways I've been working around camp alot with
the objects that I hid away through the camp deletions and have taken back
now, it's lookin good. Blah I'm tired, bye.


ambient spirit

Sep 5, 2002, 9:56am
Pssst.... Nornny dahlingk,

To quote you:
"Write up the week's event, lie a little,
> it's all in the context of the game, you don't have to insult anyone,
> really. But I'm a norn out for drama!! So make some! :) Couldn't you see a
> possible diary entry as "Ambi and I got into a huge catfight! She almost
> tore me to limbs, but I quickly scratched out her ugly brown eyes and the
> tribe ate her for dinner." Unquote.

My eyes are blue and if you know anything about colours food with a blue dye
in it is considered to be poisonous! But as far as the rest of me is
considered... yeah.. you could consider me a delicacy :))


[View Quote]


Sep 5, 2002, 3:32pm
Dear Diary;

I'm back one eyed, but back none the less...lol Still have a small
air bubble in my left eye from surgery(they filled it with an inert gas). It's
truely amazing what they can do with surgery nowdays. Two weeks ago tomorrow i
hade the "gel" sucked out of my left eye and they had 3 holes in the eye itself
to stick intruments into it (Laser,Light,and a Scope), and now - today, my eye
is almost back to 100%. I still see a small air bubble at the "bottom" of my
eye (remember everything is backwards in your eye). Few more days and my site
will be back...right now it's just a little blurry. It's good enough for me to
ride my bike to work anyhow....lol just don't get in front of me....lol

Ok....i did the spear toss with one good eye and did pretty not bad,....I think.
Tried for 2 hours to get on the high score board but just could not squeek out
the extra half a foot hehehehe

Have not even been into the world yet to see the new camp so i think i'll
venture out right now and take a look....:)

BinaryBud :)

goober king

Sep 5, 2002, 6:52pm
Shouldn't you be using the .-) smiley, then? ;)

[View Quote]
Goober King
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king...
robrod at prism.net


Sep 5, 2002, 7:16pm
LOL at Goob hehehe good one yea i guess so hehehe

[View Quote]


Sep 5, 2002, 11:03pm
ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-"D

[View Quote]

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