Corection: E N Z O and JP own AW now! (Community)

Corection: E N Z O and JP own AW now! // Community

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Jul 13, 2002, 2:28pm
From what I heard they bought all of AW and dumped AWC so they own
So if E N Z O and JP own AW and AWC is gone is 9 9 9 and Young Shamus still
programming 3.4 or is 3.4 dead? Also this means they saved AW!


Jul 13, 2002, 3:35pm
I suggest anyone interested in AW's future read the "agreement"
andplanofexchange.txt) carefully especially sections 1.05 (effective upon
signing), 2.01 and Schedule 2.01(b) ("excluded assets"). Apparently, they do
get all the software and AW Inc. business assets and liabilities without any
cash ("excluded assets") to run the company other than what current
operating revenues will provide. A recasting of the 3/31/02 quarterly income
0qsb.txt) will give you an idea what AW Inc. can afford to do without cash
in the bank and only about $138,000 in revenues per quarter.


[View Quote]

synapticon alpha

Jul 14, 2002, 4:54am
I can't get your URLs to work, Wendel...

[View Quote]


Jul 14, 2002, 8:47am
Unfortunately they span two lines. You'll need to glue them together. The
first begins and ends
with ...
The second begins and ends
with... /000112528202001692/b318476_10qsb.txt
Sorry for the inconvenience.


[View Quote]


Jul 14, 2002, 1:04pm
I hope this can get settled. : - |

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zeo toxion

Jul 14, 2002, 4:24pm

When you surround long URLs with < and > it should preserve them into one

A message from Zeo Toxion

[View Quote]

zeo toxion

Jul 14, 2002, 4:34pm
Gah....i shouldve worked but the <>s didnt stay let me try one more time.



A message from Zeo Toxion

[View Quote]

zeo toxion

Jul 14, 2002, 4:35pm
nm...its supposed to work >:P

A message from Zeo Toxion

[View Quote]

tom huxton

Jul 14, 2002, 7:04pm
[View Quote] is the best way to convert those huge links to
fit a news message.
(Make a shortcut for your toolbar----)
After a bit of contortion (your second URL was bad), I came up with:



Jul 14, 2002, 8:46pm
Increase your line length and it won't be a problem. Or use a decent newsreader that doesn't break up continuous lines. OE is crap.

[View Quote] > Unfortunately they span two lines. You'll need to glue them together. The
> first begins
> and ends
> with ...
> /agreementandplanofexchange.txt
> The second begins
> and ends
> with... /000112528202001692/b318476_10qsb.txt
> Sorry for the inconvenience.
[View Quote]


Jul 14, 2002, 10:04pm
[View Quote]
oh? what do you suggest?

maki -


Jul 14, 2002, 11:02pm
I use Netscape Messenger.

[View Quote] [View Quote]

goober king

Jul 14, 2002, 11:07pm
I would suggest *anything* else! XNews, Eudora, Netscape, Mulberry, etc,
etc. Just do a search for newsreaders, and you'll find plenty to chose from.

[View Quote] [View Quote]
Goober King
A little research goes a long way.
robrod at

sw chris

Jul 16, 2002, 11:54pm
Bah. More crap on my hard drive. Need that, I do not. :) But it's really
a personal decision.

SW Chris

[View Quote]


Jul 17, 2002, 12:52am
Agreed, why use another newsreader when outlook works just fine, plus it
gets e-mail.


[View Quote]


Jul 17, 2002, 3:22am
But it DOESN'T "work just fine". With automatically removing "Re:", the 132-character/line limit (by contrast, Netscape Messenger can go up to 99,999 characters), and the constant updating required to thwart the multitudes of backdoors, bugs, and other Microsloppy programming inadequacies, Outlook and OE just aren't even worth using for email. I only use OE for some heavy-volume binary newsgroups (not yEnc-encoded ones, however) because it doesn't lock up (as much) when downloading tens of thousands of headers like Netscape Messenger does, which hangs every 700 headers as it tries to stupidly update the list).

[View Quote] > Agreed, why use another newsreader when outlook works just fine, plus it
> gets e-mail.
[View Quote]


Jul 17, 2002, 4:52am
Well, it suits me just fine. It all get's upgraded with windows update on
it's own, I don't mind. I only check these newsgroups and a few other AW
related ones. Nothing more, nothing less. My parents use this for e-mail
and there's no point to install 2 other programs when one does both. I hate
microsoft crap as much as anyone, if not more, but I really don't care


[View Quote]


Jul 17, 2002, 5:50am
The 132 chars limit can be changed with a simple registry modification as you'll notice in this post, your text won't wrap. HKCU\Identities\GUID\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\5.0\News\Message Plain Character Line Wrap can be set to any value, I set it to 7fff (32767 chars). Of course under \5.0\Mail\ you can do the same for e-mail wrapping. As for the updates frequent visits to (which are a must, OE user or not) conveniently take care of everything.

To me it's the best solution for email-news; I've tried tons of programs, even wrote one when I was desperate with all the html bull I received and nothing comes even close to OE. I still use Lurker32 for fast offline queries ( but the UI is just terrible. If only they added an html blocking feature it would be close to perfect, second most requested feature after *nix ports. Follow-ups set to general.discussion.


[View Quote]

pc hamster

Jul 18, 2002, 2:14am
Hi everyone:

[View Quote] Yeah Eep!! OE is just as good as any other newsreader if your settings are

And besides, if your settings aren't right in ANY newsreader, your posts
will come out like crap ANYWAY!!!

Ya can't blame MS products for EVERYTHING, ya know....


pc hamster

Jul 18, 2002, 2:22am
Hi everyone:

And I suppose that Netscape, which has TWO working final versions (one being
4.7x? and the other being 7.x?) is any better???

Hmm....Why do I smell AOL lover here??? At least *I* make no bones about
the fact I'm on MSN....


P.S. YOU may wanna take a look at YOUR settings in NETSCRAPE because
there's only ONE > below that I can see (and no...I didn't doctor your post

[View Quote]

goober king

Jul 18, 2002, 9:53am
As a matter of fact, yes, Netscape is infinitely better (And I have no
love for AOHell. I've been using Netscape long before AOL bought them).
It has everything (browser, email, newsreader, HTML editor, etc) in one
tight package and is more robust and not as virus-prone as IE/Outlook,
plus has the benefit of being based on *drum-roll* OPEN SOURCE.

And, if you want to get technical, there're two working versions of IE,
too. According to current browser usage statistics, there are actually
more people still using IE 5.x than IE 6.x. What does that tell you? :P

Follow-up to general discussion (If I did it right, that is :P)

[View Quote] > Hi everyone:
> And I suppose that Netscape, which has TWO working final versions (one being
> 4.7x? and the other being 7.x?) is any better???
> Hmm....Why do I smell AOL lover here??? At least *I* make no bones about
> the fact I'm on MSN....
> Patrick
> P.S. YOU may wanna take a look at YOUR settings in NETSCRAPE because
> there's only ONE > below that I can see (and no...I didn't doctor your post
> either).
[View Quote]
Goober King
He'll get the hang of it eventually...
robrod at

goober king

Jul 18, 2002, 9:54am
Yes you can ;)

[View Quote] >
> Ya can't blame MS products for EVERYTHING, ya know....

Goober King
And usually, you'd be right...
robrod at


Jul 18, 2002, 4:48pm
[View Quote] > And I suppose that Netscape, which has TWO working final versions (one being
> 4.7x? and the other being 7.x?) is any better???

I prefer 4.7x, which is officially dead. Netscape's final version is only 6.x now (7.x is still in beta, last I checked).

> Hmm....Why do I smell AOL lover here??? At least *I* make no bones about
> the fact I'm on MSN....

I'm hardly an AOL lover; I've simply been using Netscape products LONG before AOL got their grubby little hands on them.

> P.S. YOU may wanna take a look at YOUR settings in NETSCRAPE because
> there's only ONE > below that I can see (and no...I didn't doctor your post
> either).

[View Quote]


Jul 19, 2002, 5:56am
Good LORD! How much did I miss in one week? I was away on holiday from the
10th to the 17th, I come back, check the newsgroups and see this!

I agree with fg though. I hope this can get settled. While this agreement is
being settled it's gonna cause a rumble in AW.

Personally, I don't care who owns AW. I just want it to keep going!


[View Quote]
> I hope this can get settled. : - |
[View Quote]

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