AWLD independent director vote results? (Community)

AWLD independent director vote results? // Community

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Jul 14, 2002, 8:50pm
It's not about tolerance, but consistency, Ananas. Periods used to separate thousands just looks silly. While I'm American, I prefer metric over "standard" measurement. How do scientists deal with the inconsistency in numerical punctuation? One would think there would at least be a standard there--and I'm sure there is: periods for decimals and commas for thousands separation.

I'm not in the military so military time (24-hour) isn't for me. I'm not much into sports so "football" or "soccer" don't interest me much.

[View Quote] > Here's one correction you asked for :
> Clock =>
> Not sure about the sandwich, but I'm quite sure it's
> not invented here.
> I'm not into Fussball (what you call soccer), but I
> don't understand why a game where you can use your
> hands is called football.
> And for the decimal comma (or point) - that's where
> this part of the thread started - why not just accept
> that countries are different?
> I have no problems with people eating hamburgers,
> using decimal points, 12 hour clocks, playing or
> football. But I have a problem with intolerance.
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ncc 72897

Jul 14, 2002, 9:53pm
24 hour time isnt armi time, europe used it long before the armi did

[View Quote]


Jul 14, 2002, 11:01pm
Not Army (note correct spelling) time--MILITARY time, and that's what it's called here in the US. It's just unnecessarily complicated.

[View Quote] > 24 hour time isnt armi time, europe used it long before the armi did
[View Quote]

zeo toxion

Jul 14, 2002, 11:35pm
Who cares! Stop acting childish and understand that countries are different.
Not everyone is going to use one system or another becuase of someone
opinions on it.

A message from Zeo Toxion

[View Quote]


Jul 15, 2002, 12:42am
> are you really trying to protect epp's intolerance with such a mindless
> comment about what "most" europeans are thinking...LOL poor baby.. so the
> bad guys are the evil europeans who are soooo bad at you.....and it surely
> allows eep to be mean. Wake up kiddo.. the point here is that eep is
> intolerant... nothing more.. forget all the rest..

Wow a monster.. what are you talking about? I'm disagreeing with eep, read
it again. Europeans are very stereotypical and mean to Americans. This
applies to MOST of them I've met. Not all, most. NCC being a clear example
of that. If our customs are different, we're stupid apparently. I'm not
being intolerant. Don't know where you got that from.

> So, please,try to undersand what they're saying here.. They are not saying
> your way to format numbers is dumb ! by the way, did you notice that only
> eep is saying that to their way to format numbers ?
> So don t take that for an attack to americans... :)

I don't care how you format numbers, it doesn't matter as long as we can
both understand each other. And reasonably using periods in place of commas
is pretty confusing since you do have to worry about decimals. I prefer the
comma system.

> I m french and have friends in the USA.. I have no problem with them nor
> with others americans ..

I know, but a lot of Europeans have ill manners towards the US. Using
France as an example, My friend was visiting and a lot of the people on the
street acted snobby to him soely because he was from the US.

> I know no europeans that blame americans for being differents.. LOL that
> away from reality....

Did you read NCC's post? :D Apparently he's from England.

> but for sure they can blame you if you force them to change their customs
> See,here in France we use a simple space to separate thousands and often
> even don t use anything..

I'm not trying to force them? Spacing is easier too, nothing might be the
best, excluding decimals.

> Then , Did i post to ask eep to change the way he writes numbers? no,
> because i know we all have differents way to write things and as long as I
> can understand,there s no problem for me.... that the way internet opens
> mind... and that is called Tolerance... and it seems to be a notion that
> eep doesn t want to understand...

I didn't tell you to change? Why are you picking me out, I said I respected
that you're different.

> By the way, You should not consider Europe as a whole.. Europe is a
> pot.. and for your customs, most of them are from English folk so please
> don't think it is common in all Europe.( especially when an english person
> like ncc 72897 claims their differences.... )

So is the US :P. Different areas of the US are like the different areas of
Europe. You'd be surpised. The northeast (where I am) is more European
like, while the southeast is the redneck country (not all of them but the
majority). The west is the rich people since it costs a fortune to have a
freaking house over there. So on so forth :D

> sheesh.. where is the friendly aw spirit, Bowen .. :)

Hey I was friendly, just pointed the origins of things out and why people
blame the US for being different when we basically use their customs they
gave us.



Jul 15, 2002, 7:00am
"bowen" <thisguyisashimmyritzer at> a écrit dans le message de
news: 3d323684$1 at
> Wow a monster.. what are you talking about? I'm disagreeing with eep,
> it again.

LOL you re funny guy..
you re disagreeing with eep? but i see no post where i can read that..
let me quote your first post in this thread:
answering to eep:
"Uh oh, better quit while we're ahead. ;) I smell a flame war in the
is that a disagree ? could you tell me what this "we" is? eep and you? why
do you use "we"? because you re both americans? so tell me now if it is
really a peacefull post or just some fuel for a flame war? ... sheesh grow
up kid....LOL

> Europeans are very stereotypical and mean to Americans. This
> applies to MOST of them I've met. Not all, most. NCC being a clear
> of that. If our customs are different, we're stupid apparently. I'm not
> being intolerant. Don't know where you got that from.

europeans are very stereotypical?? LOL just tell me, how many countries did
you visit to get that idea? let me guess.. none .. so who is stereotypical
now? You watch to much tv
hey , i don t wear a beret on my head nor i listen accordeon nor i have a
bread under my arm.. LOL
Sure NCC is intolerant.. bah we all have to endure eep-like people ;)))))
but it doesn t mean most of the european are.
You can have your own customs , i see no problem and you don t appear stupid
for that

> I don't care how you format numbers, it doesn't matter as long as we can
> both understand each other. And reasonably using periods in place of
> is pretty confusing since you do have to worry about decimals. I prefer
> comma system.

the whole point is exactly here, Bowen.... confusion... your system confused
drubi in the first place.. because he/she has different customs than
yours... It was here eep should have shown some tolerance and accepted the
idea that your system can confuse other ppl exactly the same way their
systems can confuse him... noone is wrong using one s own system..

> I know, but a lot of Europeans have ill manners towards the US. Using
> France as an example, My friend was visiting and a lot of the people on
> street acted snobby to him soely because he was from the US.

people on the street were able to see he was american then decided to snob
him? LOL
do you think it appeared above his head ,a red flashing sign saying "hey i m
american" ? LOL
i lived a long time in paris and what is sure is that most of people on the
streets are too busy walking fast and thinking of their own problems than to
worry about people around them...So they could appear snobby, but it has
nothing todo with your friend being american.. :)

> so
> Did you read NCC's post? :D Apparently he's from England.
> ..
> we
> I'm not trying to force them? Spacing is easier too, nothing might be the
> best, excluding decimals.
> our
> I didn't tell you to change? Why are you picking me out, I said I
> that you're different.

you re right , you didn t ask me to change. the "you" in my sentence was a
more general you.. well maybe a notion that exist only in french , sorry if
i was not clear.I think your right word is "one" .."they can blame the ones
that force them to change".... i was not picking you out.. read it again..
it is all about eep...because he, in his own way, asked drubi to change...
and don t forget you appear to defend him.. so you appear to agree with

> melting
> So is the US :P. Different areas of the US are like the different areas
> Europe. You'd be surpised. The northeast (where I am) is more European
> like, while the southeast is the redneck country (not all of them but the
> majority). The west is the rich people since it costs a fortune to have a
> freaking house over there. So on so forth :D
> Hey I was friendly, just pointed the origins of things out and why people
> blame the US for being different when we basically use their customs they
> gave us.

except this thread was just about the bad manners of eep... don t see in
this a blame on US...ananas was just showing how eep is unable to accept
different customs than his own....

ok that s my last post in this thread, contact me by mail if you want more
explanation Bowen :)

Have fun in aw :)


> --Bowen--


Jul 15, 2002, 7:41am
[View Quote] well, at least with time and date, it is an easy thing - the 24-hour
clock is not a national "specialty", but plain and simple _the_ (only)
international ISO standard for time measurment.
The same is true for the date, btw, only here, the Americans AND most
European countries rather use their own (church-tower-view) system; the
correct date has this form: yyyy(-)mm(-)dd.

In fact, in the USA, the 24 hour format is called "military" time, since
the military (not necessarily of the USA), as an international operating
entity, saw the need to use an easy, not confusing and uncomplicated
(sic) time system, even more in multinational operations. Their system
actually adds an additional letter for the time zone, so a military time
would be correctly spelled for example: 13:00a, 22:00z, 03:00b, etc.

For the history, the 24 hour system was "invented" by Europeans. To be
exact, it was the Egyptians who used a decimal system for the day and a
duodecimal system at night (plus 2 hours dawn) - this was later replaced
by the Greek by a complete 24 hour system (with influence from the
Babylonian measurment system, from which also the hexagesimal (base 60,
for seconds and minutes) system derived).

People on the streets in Europe (of which the UK is only a very small
part, geographic-, population-, and business-wise), do in fact use a 12
hour system, from obvious reasons: Most dates in daily life target
within the same day or in a day time where it is obvious which part if
the 24 hour clock has to be applied ("I see see you tomorrow morning, at
9"), ("We meet tonight, at 10"). In all official and in almost all
commercial documents and announcements though, the 24 hour format is
used, as well with business dates, etc - as a notation that is most
economic and least error prone (they have to learn to use the correct
ISO date notation still though, see above...).



Jul 15, 2002, 8:16am
Hey, miles, contractions have apostophes (') in them. ;P

[View Quote] > LOL you re funny guy..
> you re disagreeing with eep? but i see no post where i can read that..

> do you use "we"? because you re both americans? so tell me now if it is


> hey , i don t wear a beret on my head nor i listen accordeon nor i have a


> but it doesn t mean most of the european are.


> do you think it appeared above his head ,a red flashing sign saying "hey i m

"I'm" (Note the capitalized "I", which you seem to also have a problem doing: capitalizing, that is.)

> you re right , you didn t ask me to change. the "you" in my sentence was a


> and don t forget you appear to defend him.. so you appear to agree with

> except this thread was just about the bad manners of eep... don t see in


> this a blame on US...ananas was just showing how eep is unable to accept
> different customs than his own....

I barely even accept my own (country's) silly customs/traditions (birthdays, holidays: Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, et al), so don't feel like I'm singling Ananas out--I'm an equal-opportunity discriminator. ;P

> ok that s my last post in this thread, contact me by mail if you want more



Jul 15, 2002, 8:46am
you are too much ;)))

( no contraction this time.. a lot safer ;))) )


"eep" <eepNOSPAM at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3D329C29.B367F353 at
> Hey, miles, contractions have apostophes (') in them. ;P
[View Quote]


Jul 15, 2002, 3:39pm
> LOL you re funny guy..
> you re disagreeing with eep? but i see no post where i can read that..
> let me quote your first post in this thread:
> answering to eep:
> "Uh oh, better quit while we're ahead. ;) I smell a flame war in the
> making."
> is that a disagree ? could you tell me what this "we" is? eep and you? why
> do you use "we"? because you re both americans? so tell me now if it is
> really a peacefull post or just some fuel for a flame war? ... sheesh grow
> up kid....LOL

It's a common phrase. You say that like you're in their place. If you
don't want a flame war, don't nitpick what isn't there.

> europeans are very stereotypical?? LOL just tell me, how many countries
> you visit to get that idea? let me guess.. none .. so who is stereotypical
> now? You watch to much tv
> hey , i don t wear a beret on my head nor i listen accordeon nor i have a
> bread under my arm.. LOL
> Sure NCC is intolerant.. bah we all have to endure eep-like people ;)))))
> but it doesn t mean most of the european are.
> You can have your own customs , i see no problem and you don t appear
> for that

Oh my, read the post. I said my friend. I myself have visited a couple
though. England, France, and Germany. Germany was the best of them all
too. I didn't say you did have a beret on your head, where are you getting
this stuff from? It seems like you to put words in my mouth since I'm
disagreeing with you.

> the whole point is exactly here, Bowen.... confusion... your system
> drubi in the first place.. because he/she has different customs than
> yours... It was here eep should have shown some tolerance and accepted the
> idea that your system can confuse other ppl exactly the same way their
> systems can confuse him... noone is wrong using one s own system..

Hence why I disagreed with him in the first place. The "we" statement had
nothing to do with me, like I said. I was simply using a cliche phrase and
"talked" in his person.

> people on the street were able to see he was american then decided to snob
> him? LOL
> do you think it appeared above his head ,a red flashing sign saying "hey i
> american" ? LOL
> i lived a long time in paris and what is sure is that most of people on
> streets are too busy walking fast and thinking of their own problems than
> worry about people around them...So they could appear snobby, but it has
> nothing todo with your friend being american.. :)

It's pretty easy to tell who's American on the street. Hell I can pick out
tourists when they walk buy. They usually dress different, talk different,
and some more things set them apart. When you see someone looking at a map
and talking to themselves in a different language to try and get their
bearing then try to ask someone for help (with your small knowledge of that
language) it's hard not to tell. Think outside the box, this isn't AW where
everyone uses bad grammar and you can't tell where they're from.

> customs

I didn't force them. _He_ was the only one who's trying to force the
change, excluding eep, silly eep heh. Maybe you can't teach an old dog old
tricks either? ;) I'm simply stating they're the same system. One's more
exact on analog clocks. On digital clocks they both contain the same
exactness. The thing is, you should be able to use both.

> I
> that

Like I said, I did not tell you to change your system either. I even said I
accept your difference. If you have something wrong with Eep, you talk to
eep, don't take it out on me. Despite what you think, we don't all stick
together when we're attacked, if he believes something I'm apposed to, I
won't "cover his back."

It's still there. I just get a little ticked off at people when they single
me out when I was trying to remain neutral.

> except this thread was just about the bad manners of eep... don t see in
> this a blame on US...ananas was just showing how eep is unable to accept
> different customs than his own....

I know. But I was just trying to show ananas that our "different" customs
were originally their own. Most we've adapted, like football. That was
based off of rugby and soccer (football in europe). Hamburgers which is
based off of the design of a sandwhich devloped by the Earl of Sandwhich.
The 12 hour clock system which has long been used before the contraception
of the US. The standard system was also used before metric. I use metric
btw, excluding for temperature. Farenheit is more exact (longer distance
from freezing to boiling).


zeo toxion

Jul 15, 2002, 3:41pm
No offense but no matter which "standard" you believe is right it doesn't
make one or the other any better. People use different formats...

A message from Zeo Toxion

[View Quote]

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