Outer Worlds (Community)

Outer Worlds // Community

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Jul 6, 2002, 8:06am
Since AW has raised prices so much I think people should join the friendly
place called OUTER WORLDS. http://www.outerworlds.com

strike rapier

Jul 6, 2002, 8:13am
Spamming about his companies, advertising other universes.

It bugs me allot

lord perception

Jul 6, 2002, 8:17am
[View Quote] If he bugs you alot, then use your filters and filter him out.

strike rapier

Jul 6, 2002, 8:30am
I do selectivly, say stupid threads such as his company...

But it shouldent be on here at all

wizard myrddin

Jul 6, 2002, 11:31am
Linn and myself have always said this regarding the advertising of other
Universes in aw or the Newsgroups.

" If these Universes are so much better, Then why are you a member of the aw


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strike rapier

Jul 6, 2002, 11:37am
Well said :)


Jul 6, 2002, 11:56am
What is he trying to gain by saying that Outerworlds is a friendlier place?
If it is, wouldn't they have their own news.outerworlds.com he could post
this to?

- Padfoot

themask 13

Jul 6, 2002, 12:19pm
<---gonna advertise

Cybernet Worlds is better and friendlyer.


Jul 6, 2002, 2:09pm
Ok few things on this thread. A) OW isn't a big evil greedy corporation,
it's run by a small group of individuals, they probably dont have the
resources to run a newsserver, B) I have dual Cit's, I got my AW one before
the big rate hike, and then after I got my OW Cit, since it still is only
$20 a year.

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Jul 6, 2002, 3:03pm
"There can only be one" <= not true for 3D universes

I think there's nothing wrong about visiting several
universes, but it should be more a cooperation than
a competition.

In this case though, I think it was OK to flame john
because he didn't advertize for OW, but against AW.

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wizard myrddin

Jul 6, 2002, 3:08pm
No one has said any other universe is a evil corporation. The point people
are making is the newsgroups are not a place to advertise Universes.
Although this was a individual act and in no way any reflection on any
Universe or their dealings.

In fact I started my activeworlds type environments in ow and have always
held a respect for it.

As you might not be aware, when the new pricing policy arived on the aw
membership door, we saw numours indivduels shouting all over aw about some
Universes are better and more friendly. Some have even followed aw lead and
increased membership fees, although not as much. You pay for what you
receive as the saying goes.

I think many would wish to see any Universe prosper and this would have the
effect of increasing revenue for aw as well.

We just state the newgroups and aw ground zeros are not the place to

The sense of the community is one that comes togather when attacked, in this
case and John's message has shown how strong the community has become this

Best wish's in ow, I know a few peeps there and are good people.

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the joker ss

Jul 6, 2002, 3:29pm
they are friendly till you say you are from AW lol

"john" <johnfricker at lineone.net> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:3d26c137 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Since AW has raised prices so much I think people should join the friendly
> place called OUTER WORLDS. http://www.outerworlds.com


Jul 6, 2002, 4:52pm
lol wiz and I have always said other things we wont post here but he is
right ttfn john
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Jul 6, 2002, 5:06pm
what they forget is AW is the heart of most of them
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alphabit phalpha

Jul 6, 2002, 5:55pm
How much land do you get?

wizard myrddin

Jul 6, 2002, 7:03pm
I think you have it in one there A.P, I would pay the 69 bucks for as much
as I can use in aw anyday,,

Da Wiz


Jul 6, 2002, 8:06pm
I've been to outerworlds before.....they are VERY strict there its almost
impossible to have fun....LOL
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Jul 6, 2002, 8:06pm
I've been to OuterWorlds and they are very strict there.....you get ejected
and not know what you are getting ejected for ! LOL
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Jul 6, 2002, 8:14pm
well then I'm sure it's a lot less likely to meet up with an a**hole

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Jul 6, 2002, 9:51pm
I don't mind John posting here as long as the Universe in question does not
mind us popping in to tell there userbase about our system and what it
offers, you know like the world prices, the entertainment, the community,
the fact were always a version ahead of the rest etc... and loads more I
have forgot at the moment but is well worth a mention.

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Jul 6, 2002, 10:44pm
In a galaxy far far away, known as community, an identify claiming to
be known as "padfoot" <AWPadfoot at hotmail.com> scribed the following:
>What is he trying to gain by saying that Outerworlds is a friendlier place?
>If it is, wouldn't they have their own news.outerworlds.com he could post
>this to?
>- Padfoot

I have a cit in Outerworlds and CybernetWorlds... Both are not even in
use. Both universes don't meet up to the community of AW, the amount
of worlds you can explore, and the fun!

(o o)
| Anduin (317281) |
| o The Gorean Scribe |
| o http://www.anduin-lothario.com |
| o It wasn't me, it was the one I'm in! |

alphabit phalpha

Jul 6, 2002, 11:21pm
ermmm....1 addition...The Cy Awards...LOL


Jul 7, 2002, 2:03am
You get ejected anywhere if your acting like an idiot.
All univeres have something to offer. Quantity doesn't make quality, the
people do.
I hang in several myself.

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Jul 7, 2002, 8:19pm
Because my worlds are in aw :-)

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Jul 8, 2002, 12:18pm
Because contrary to popular belief it is possible to be an active part of
more than one universe...DUH!
No one says anyone is better. Letting people know of other choices is a good
How would you like being stuck buying the same type of car everyother year?

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wizard myrddin

Jul 8, 2002, 12:31pm
lol wish I had a car to be stuck in any year (joke )
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pc hamster

Jul 9, 2002, 4:08am
Hi everyone:

[View Quote] Tell us "John" (assuming that's your name), aside from the price hike, WHY
should we PACK OUR BAGS and MOVE to your universe????

MOVING is bad enough in my REAL life!!! I don't need it in my VIRTUAL life


pc hamster

Jul 9, 2002, 4:17am
Hi everyone:

[View Quote] This would be like asking SHOUTcast to resume listing Live365 stations and
vice-versa. Sorry Ananas, but it ain't gonna happen....

> In this case though, I think it was OK to flame john
> because he didn't advertize for OW, but against AW.


He did BOTH in ONE POST (and now he's got us at our throats again!).

Now don't you feel rather silly because *I* sure as heck do...


pc hamster

Jul 9, 2002, 4:21am
Hi everyone:

[View Quote] What's the matter John??? Ya can't run multiple worlds on OW????

That must be an OWchie. Here, lemme kiss it to make it feel better.
(sarcastic tone)

No...wait a minute....That's Mr. Noll's job... :-)


pc hamster

Jul 9, 2002, 4:24am
Hi everyone:

[View Quote] Alphabit, how much ya wanna bet your and/or I could fit the average land
allocation on OW in Hamsterville??? :-) *LOL!*


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