Olympics (Community)

Olympics // Community

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Mar 14, 2002, 12:03am
Oh brother....you guys are desperate for something to argue about.

Its copyrighted. Get over it. It's exactly the same as using a copyrighted
midi or jpg from some one elses site. Its illegal, and you get into trouble
if your caught. IF.
Go ahead with the event and take ya chances of incurring some ones wrath or
change the event name and logo. Simple. Big Deal.

[View Quote] SW Chris

[View Quote]


Mar 14, 2002, 12:07am
I wonder if AW would attack if you called it the Awlympics? :)

[View Quote]

count dracula

Mar 14, 2002, 2:19am
I have a feeling they meant,host the world the games are held in ,in
Russia,not the entire AW.inc...but on the other hand,maybe Russia would not
be such a bad idea for AW.inc,,maybe if Rick and JP? lived there they would
not need a 200000$ sallary per year to survive,,and Finland is pretty close
so I could give them advice on how to get along with 8000$/year .

dotar sojat <dotar at ramcell.net> kirjoitti
viestissä:3c8fc655$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> And I assume you are willing to pay for the company to move everything to
> Russia? Or did you want everyone to suffer yet another price increase?
> before you post. Moving is expensive, and they would make the community
> for it.
[View Quote]


Mar 14, 2002, 2:19pm
lol, who's talking about companies? I'm talking webserver (possibly world
servers), and you don't need to physically move anything, you just put the
stuff on a server over here lol

PS. not sure about the Norwegian ppl, stupid site only had one email
address, the webmaster's... (and a snailmail one, but I don't like

[View Quote]

dotar sojat

Mar 14, 2002, 6:55pm
Propblem kah, you have to either rent or buy the server to migrate it to.
That ain't cheap.

[View Quote]

pc hamster

Mar 15, 2002, 7:42am
Hi everyone:
[View Quote] If they are hosted by an AMERICAN on an AMERICAN computer using an AMERICAN
based connection to the Internet, then yes even I can see their point
(especially if it's held anywhere on the ActiveWorlds Universe, which is in
turn, AMERICAN based technology even if the host city/world is owned by a

However though, it's interestring to note that we hear all too often the
term SPECIAL OLYMPICS, which is an INTERNATIONAL olympic competition for
physically challenged people which are held in various parts of the world,
and we often see the word "olympic" used in events which have nothing
whatoever to do with sports competition (merchants using it in their sales
being an example of this), yet we can't (according to the person Chris spoke
to) use it in an INTERNATIONAL competition held on the Internet. Hmm.....I
smell a COLASSAL governmental blunder here. Do you???

Chris, If *I* were you, I'd write the IOC itself. Don't just take this
idiot's word. Ask the IOC. If THEY tell you that it can't be used, well
then I guess it can't be used.

As for my applying, well that would depend on 1). When the event is planned
to be held and 2). Whether I can build various venues in time to
accomondate the games. As for the torch run on AlphaWorld (there *is* going
to be one, isn't there??), I think I can easily accomondate that (especially
since I've already got the main outline frame of the city done with roads).
Drop me a line off the newsgroup where we can go into more detail and I just
might be able to contribute after all. :-)

Just my $.05 worth....Cheers :-)

Patrick Cook
Mayor of Hamsterville
pchamster at msn.com
Denver, Colorado

pc hamster

Mar 15, 2002, 7:48am
Hi everyone:
[View Quote] Especially when there's no need to. It would be a *pointless* move.

Now, if AW itself decided to migrate to another country, then that's
different (unless I would be stuck helping to pay for such a move).


pc hamster

Mar 15, 2002, 7:53am
Hi everyone:

[View Quote] Or connected V-Shaped "sub-logos" which allo criss-cross and connect (I wish
I could demonstrate it here) kinda like the Olympic rings would if *they*
were V-Shaped.

Ohh...And make 'em all gold too.

Does that help Chris???


pc hamster

Mar 15, 2002, 8:10am
Hi everyone:

[View Quote] And let's not even go into the area of the Russian economy or their obvious
lag in technology (Are they STILL on 386 PC's which come with a FOUR DIGIT
price tag in US currency?) :-)


pc hamster

Mar 15, 2002, 8:16am
Hi everyone:

[View Quote] Ohh...Gee Chris. Don't be such a wuss. :-) Besides, I dunno 'bout you, but
I'm actually LMAO at some of the things people in this discussion have said
and come up with. It's a hoot. :-)

This is a rarity in these newsgroups. Sure beats hurling flames all the
time.... :-)



Mar 15, 2002, 4:47pm
The Special Olympics, who's main criteria for competition is that the
competitor have some form of mental retardation, (The Special Olympics is
more concerned with physical fitness, winning is secondary as originally
outlined) had to fight for the right to use the Olympic name some time back.
Happily, because the competitors would have an extremely hard time
qualifying for the international Olympics as we know them, they are allowed
to use it and the competitors might have a good feeling identifying with
that respected name. (But-this year, and some isolated incidents in the
past, the whole original idea behind the Olympic games both modern day and
historic, has become just a bit tarnished.) Besides, the Special Olympics
has corporate sponsorship that might be envied my the IOC. They also have
some pretty hefty names on their board. That, and the sensitive nature of
their concept did not make it in their best interest to continue to deny
them the right to use the name. It isn't just the US Olympic committee that
allows and disallows the use of the terms and logos for sponsorship of their
own athletes, either. If virtual games were fashioned and worded more after
the games in ancient Greece, instead of the games of the last 100 + years I
am quite certain that is considered "fair use" and I wouldn't have one bit
of apprehension about using the "theme" and some of the ancient terminology
especially as it is not for financial gain. I believe it is exact and direct
duplication of details (of the modern games) that could conceivably cause a
problem for any Virtual Olympics.

[View Quote]

sw chris

Mar 15, 2002, 6:27pm
Talking about something that's never going to happen is in abundance. Let's
cut it down.

SW Chris

[View Quote]


Mar 16, 2002, 11:39am
ugh, you still haven't got it... I'm not saying "move physical objects
around, or buy/rent others", I'm saying get a world/web host in Europe to
host the world/files! that's CHEAP! heck, you can even get nice webhosting
on European servers for FREE! Probably people willing to host worlds for
free during the event too... YOU get real, why do you think I'm so stupid???


[View Quote]


Mar 16, 2002, 2:29pm
Nah, they'd probably charge you 6.50 a month for exlusive rights to use that
name. ;) Cross your fingers, they might throw you a free one month
citizenship. lol.


[View Quote]

dotar sojat

Mar 17, 2002, 5:11pm
Excuse me? I do nto recall ever saying anythign about your being stupid.
Please stop putting words in my mouth.

But I will say that unless the webservers you go to are in a nation that
does not participate in the Olympics, then you probably will still fall
under the same rules. The USOC has to follow the rules laid out by the IOC.
They don't just make up their own.

It think the majority of the posts to this thread lately are right. If your
gonna hold em, rename them and get a new logo. Then there is no problems.
Either that or try to sneak it past and hope for the best.
[View Quote]


Mar 23, 2002, 3:40am
I was bored, so I whipped this up in a few minutes. Is it sorta what you
were thinking of?


"pc hamster" <pchamster at email.msn.com> wrote...
> Or connected V-Shaped "sub-logos" which allo criss-cross and connect (I
> I could demonstrate it here) kinda like the Olympic rings would if *they*
> were V-Shaped.
> Ohh...And make 'em all gold too.

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pc hamster

Apr 9, 2002, 5:37am
Hi everyone:

[View Quote] Yeah, but I think a variety of colors would probably be better. It could
also probably be done with diamonds too.

Chris, what do you think???


sw chris

Apr 9, 2002, 8:06pm
The Olympics were put on hold. See http://voc.skywalkeronline.net/ for an

SW Chris

[View Quote]

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