Word of warning World does port scanning...... (Community)

Word of warning World does port scanning...... // Community

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Mar 1, 2002, 1:55pm
Sure, send email as much as you like, m sure i can find plenty of ppl to
fill your mail box also "Bud". Btw mate, thanks for posting the
telegrams, i would have posted my own if i could have, not going to read
thru and make sure you have butchered them to your advantage, although i
would be surprised if you hadnt. Anyway i think they say it all :)

btw thanks for the publicity "Bud", hehe, some one by the name of Alphabit
came to me, amongst a whole heep of other supposed "haxx0rs", and has asked
me to get involved in the CyAwards. Why dont you enter to ? May the best
man win :)

lots of love and kisses



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Mar 1, 2002, 2:15pm
emm, at this point, looks more like binarybud is being the "rude arrogant
bot kid". well from what i read anyway, i mean read his telegrams,
everything ends with idiot. i dont even remeber when the last time i said
idiot was... dont know how it works in america, but in most other places, a
40 yr old(presumed he was 40 sinces hes been working for about 20 year or
more) wouldnt go swearing at people, or testing them or whatever

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young phalpha

Mar 1, 2002, 2:21pm
Leo sure has made some nice programs - for free, wheres yours?

[View Quote] kris[SunOfSolaris]


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Mar 1, 2002, 2:23pm
i havent released them, be sure to keep your eyes pealed on the CyAwards.

"Bud" has been in AW for nearly 5 years i should imagine, i have been here a
matter of months kid, but be sure to keep your eyes open, SunBot will be
released soon enuff :)

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Mar 1, 2002, 2:25pm

thank you, like i said the telegrams would show who was trying to be big,
hard and "l337"



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young phalpha

Mar 1, 2002, 2:27pm
I'm on the committee as well, perhaps you could tell me about what your doing for it?

[View Quote] "Bud" has been in AW for nearly 5 years i should imagine, i have been here a
matter of months kid, but be sure to keep your eyes open, SunBot will be
released soon enuff :)

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Mar 1, 2002, 2:46pm
Undecided as yet, how ever, when plans are available they will be released
to the general public via my prestigious web site ;) lmao

dunno yet, but when i know will let you know.



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alphabit phalpha

Mar 1, 2002, 3:04pm
Hi Everyone:)

I dropped by Sunland last night and had the opportunity to meet with
Had a nice visit, and let him know about the technical plugin category
for the Cys.
I feel the need to say two things to two very nice people here.
Binary...you are stupendous in creating RoboBot. Alpha and I utilized it
alot, as many others did to cover land, build cards etc. I personally can't
thank you enough for RoboBot:) And the fact that you received a Cy Award for
it, shows just how much others appreciate it:)
Sunofsolaris...Binary is no God, nor claims to be. He is what I call
folks like him, an AW Master:)
An AW Master to me is someone who takes Activeworlds and creates
something to perfection. It can be textures, texture applications on models,
models, even the ability to help others. These Masters, know what they are
doing from the bottom up. For instance, HenrikG who can create a model in
notepad or with programs.
Anyways, what I'm leading to is......
IF Sonofsolaris has been using his knowledge in a negative way, why not
steer him to a positive creation?
I have seen many people in Activeworlds who come here and create things
that can be harmful. Once they find out that they can create something
spectacular, that the majority of the population truly appreciates, they
start growing towards the beginnings of becoming an AW Master.
Sonofsolaris, this is your opportunity:)
Create something we can all benefit from in a positive way, and who
knows? Perhaps we will see you on the stage receiving a prestigous Cy Award
this fall:)
My best to all and good luck to everyone:)


AlphaBit Phalpha


Mar 1, 2002, 3:21pm
alphabit, do me a favour before you post things concerning myself, read the
rest of the posts.

something that none of you are seeming to comprehend here, is, that i am not
at all fussed what anyone in AW thinks of me, i am not here for some kind of
"i'm so l337 and such a Master" award. I only demo'd my bot to Binary,
after he was mouthing off about how l337 and how great he is and how i
should "ph33r" him. The man is not a "Master" of anything. For that
matter if creating objects in a text editor makes you a Master then i was
that long ago. RWX is nothing new, n the fact that the format is plane
text, doesnt make it to hard to create objects in notepad now does it ? As
for Binary being some Master for writing some bot that simple uses
ActivateApp("<app window name>") and then the SendKeys("<key string>")
functions, i hardly think being a "Master of AW" is any great acheivment.

Sure, i will enter your CyAwards, although i am sure the judgement now will
hardly be unbiased(but i have my reasons for submitting an entry, and no
they are not bad reasons), but i am sure it will give good opportunity to
show case some of my code.(This is all being i have the time, new job
involving on call support begins next week, but i will enter if a bot at
some point for sure)

As for your accusations of putting my skills to negative effect, please read
the previous posts, SUNBOT IS NOT A HACKING BOT, how many more times do i
have to tell ppl this ? It has most of the things that RoboBot has in it
and more, i just chose to put the port scanner in as an experiment, nothing
more. Binary just happened to be the mouthy one who got to see it.

Sure, if i really wanted to make it into a hacking bot, i could. Wouldnt
be hard, code known exploits in, that on the event of finding an open port,
would straight away attack with the exploit code. No big deal, BUT, it
isnt in the bot, i am not planning to put it in the bot. Infact the bot
was never planned to be anything but a start in using the SDK. I just
learnt the SDK too fast i guess and got bored, so started to experiment.

One more thing i would like to add here, its not surprising that the
hackers/expoiters/script kiddies in many chat programs do what they do.
The likes of ppl like Leo who cant handle that some one else mite be just as
good if not better, constantly trying to mouth them outta the place, makes
them do what they do. Personally i dont care what Leo says, i take him for
what he is, a moron, who cant deal with not being God, and who thinks the
world owes him a favour because he wrote a few lame ass bits of code. He
cant deal with the fact that he cant bs me, cos i see right thru it. If he
hadnt have tried to, and to try and stake grandure in his bots being
something amazing and that his were so way ahead of every one elses, and no
one elses having any thing better then his, then i would have had no reason
to show him the bot. Now that i have, it is blatently obvious to even the
socially inempt that Leo is a very very sore loser.

He is not a Master, he is not a God. Just an old man who is desperate to
be something. Wake up. Coding bots does not make you anything "cool",
bots are hardly heavy technology now are they ?

lots of love


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alphabit phalpha

Mar 1, 2002, 3:31pm
Hi Sun:)

Well...they are heavy technology for this wee little brain:)
I can guarantee the Cys won't be biased also:)
Sorry I implied what you create is negative. I reckon I should read more
and ask more questions.
Anyways.....good luck and hope to see whatcha got in the makings:)



Mar 1, 2002, 3:38pm
:) thank you

love n kisses



p.s. one more thing Sun is kewl for short, but my name is SUNOfSolaris, not
SONofSolaris, just a point, thanks you :) LIX LIX LIX LIX

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Mar 1, 2002, 3:48pm
ya know i don't undestand what this "sore loser" is all about i saw that your bot was prot scanning and i warned the groups
about it.... you must be the sore loser cause i exposed your little games..... i do not think i am a "god" as you say hell
i've never been to school a day for anything ona a PC...all self taught....can't be too much of a god can i? hehehehe
i really do not care about your bot either....just what YOU are up to with attacking other people...... youcan attack me all day
long and no harm....but when you pray on innocent, defenseless people that's when i get ruffled...... oh and your welcome for
all the publicity that's all i ever wanted for people to see the REAL SonOfSolaris, and what he is up to...:)

Leo :)

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Mar 1, 2002, 3:58pm
Unfortunately for you Binary, it would appear that your slurring tactics are
not having the effect you wish them to. Why not read the telegrams you
wrote, i told you in there i was fooling around with the password thing in

And yes you are a sore loser. Its blatent that you are just annoyed that i
dont ph33r you. You are not what you think you are. Wake up and smell the
coffee man :)

BTW, all the "hehehe" and "idiot" is just making you show your true self, a
wannabe hopeful. Hopeful in that you are preying no one exposes you for
the sorry sad man you are, which i just have :)

As for being self taught, again, learn to read what others tell you, read
the telegrams that you posted, if you posted them all and didnt butcher the
conversation, you will see that i am also self taught, BIG DEAL, so are most
ppl in the profession. Unfortunately for me tho, i live in England, where
the piece of paper with Degree written on it is what gets you in the door of
most companies. The piece of paper was all that i took away from
university, no education. I suspect again that you are little sore that i
have that to and you dont. Sounds very much like jealousy speaking "Bud"

keep digging man, pretty soon you will bury yourself, you're doing a pretty
good job so far.

you have already exposed that you have no idea what so ever what you are
talking about, and that you are sore as hell that you arent what you wish
you were.

lots of love and kisses



P.S. i really love you man, its ppl like you that are lessening the boredom
in the final days of my holiday between employment roles :)

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alphabit phalpha

Mar 1, 2002, 5:12pm
Ok guys.....to your corners:)
I'll furnish the boxing gloves and the ring if'n ya wants:)
What I'm seeing hear are two pretty darned intelligent people that have a
lot to offer us.
btw.....either of you know why IE 6.02 would make my moniter go into standby
mode and go to a black screen?
When it does that, if I turn the monitor off then back on it's fine till I
click on another link.
And doesn't happen every time.
Any help would be greatly appreciated:)

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Mar 1, 2002, 5:21pm
try this

find some links that do it, and some that dont
then goto the ones that u made a note of that do it again, see if they
consistantly do it
and do the same for the ones that dont, and see if they consistantly dont do

then post the links here, saying which ones do and which ones dont.

came across something similar when i worked on an isp helpdesk, cant
remember how i fixed it, but i think it was sumthing to do with runing the
Fix IE from the UnInstaller. But get the sites first and let me take a
look at those, mite be some html component or activex component that 6.02
doesnt like ;)

lots of love and kisses



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lady jude

Mar 1, 2002, 5:27pm
Here's how ppl can keep track of what they wrote in grams *a royal PIA*
sometimes :o)

Type your message, copy it, send the gram.

Type a gram to yourself, paste what you sent and add gram to: John Doe then

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alphabit phalpha

Mar 1, 2002, 5:28pm
Thanks...I'll start recording the problem sites.
I was thinking maybe it had something to do with a java script also.

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Mar 1, 2002, 5:40pm
Way too much work ;)

For lazy people => http://oct31.de/aw/tgramlog/index.html

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\ /
__/ /_


Mar 1, 2002, 5:42pm
k let me know

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Mar 1, 2002, 5:45pm
One other thing to try
Drop the colour level down in the monitor settings(right click on the
desktop, click on properties then click on settings, then drop the Colour
setting down to a lower number of colours)
See if that changes n e thing for u.
Not a final solution(as i am sure Binary would love to start shouting) but
may give some clue as to what is causing the problem.
What OS are using ?

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alphabit phalpha

Mar 1, 2002, 5:47pm
Never had a problem before with my color settings either.
I remember d/ling some game sites that required java script stuff...who
knows tho...LOL

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Mar 1, 2002, 5:50pm
no u didnt have a problem with your colour settings BEFORE u installed IE
6.02, m asking u to turn it down temporarily to see weather the same sites
that shut the monitor down, still do it when the colour settings are lower.
I'm not asking u to leave it at that settings, just try it

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Mar 1, 2002, 6:01pm
one other thing to turn off and try, if the colour setting makes no
difference, turn off the Energy Saving features under Screensaver, see if
that changes n e thing

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Mar 1, 2002, 6:05pm
Jeez :) even my flames aren't this bad.


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Mar 1, 2002, 6:10pm
probably not as "lame" either mate

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Mar 1, 2002, 6:11pm
That's in the eyes of the beholder :). But I really don't see what bin.
bud's main problem is.


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sw chris

Mar 1, 2002, 6:37pm
Your telegrams had your share of swearing and insulting as well, may I point

SW Chris

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alphabit phalpha

Mar 1, 2002, 6:39pm
Ok...going forward I request this newsgroup be used ONLY for baking
My favorite....toast tar tar!

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Mar 1, 2002, 6:45pm
who was talking about the swearing ?

lots of love and kisses



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sw chris

Mar 1, 2002, 6:47pm
Oh hell. You're both sore losers. You're sore at each other and your
_both_ losers for argueing about it in a public forum and trying to expose
the other as less-than-worthy human beings.

Take it to e-mail folks.

The fact is, your bot does port scanning. There's absolutely no reason for
your bot to do that. So it's my opinion that everyone stay way from
sonofsolaris's world until he takes the bot offline forever or modifies it
so that it does not port scan anymore.

SW Chris

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