One Home Is Reasonably Furnished With Only The Addition Of ONE Object, But The Other Homes Are NOT?!?!?!? HUH??? (Community)

One Home Is Reasonably Furnished With Only The Addition Of ONE Object, But The Other Homes Are NOT?!?!?!? HUH??? // Community

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pc hamster

Jan 23, 2002, 9:19am
Hi everyone:

I'm at it again, trying to make my hou....err WORLD a HOME (only this time
doing it the RIGHT way by using the object maker! :-)). However I've
noticed some peculiarities.

I created two couches to go into each of the first two homes. One I manage
to SUCCESSFULLY insert inside one home (this is the home NOW with all the
furnishings) and the other is merely a hull of an object that's called a
couch, but otherwise is basically non-existent (and the home is empty and
devoid of ANY furniture AT ALL).

Meanwhile I've also got two MISSING (yes that's right, I said MISSING)
toilets. I have NO idea where these two objects are. I moved them well
down the street I presume. That's all I know on that.

Suffice to say, I was pleasantly (and most oddly) surprised (read SHOCKED)
when I opened the door of the home which I am now standing in at this moment
(I have my AW browser open and I am now standing in a room of the
now-furnished home), but was glad to see that I now have one less home to
complete. However, I am perplexed as to.....

1). The couch inside the other home across the street (which is also off to
the left and on the corner as you face outward from the doorway of the now
furnished home) STILL looks like a hull instead of an actual couch.

2). Why the home with the hull is still empty and devoid of furniture
(though this can be easily rectified).

3). How TWO toilets managed to (somehow!) DISAPPEAR (read VANISH WITHOUT A

Now while this certainly isn't the same pickle as the one I was in last week
(and I'm sure there's an easy explanation for it), but it nonetheless leaves
me with a puzzled and perplexing look on my face.

Do any of you see what I'm seeing or do I just simply need to clean my

I'll keep my browser open even though I won't be able to respond (it's late
and I need to get to sleep), so you can leave your response in the world or
reply here (Not to sound ignorant, but it makes no difference to me). But I
really would like an answer to this puzzling and perplexing situation.

Thanks a bunch in advance... :-)

Cheers for now everyone..... :-)

Patrick Cook
Owner - Pub 102X
pchamster at
Denver, Colorado

P.S.: NOTE TO AW TECHIES - An Object Maker inside EACH home would make
things A LOT E A S I E R ! ! !

jynx o

Jan 23, 2002, 11:39am
Hiya PC...
Just stopped by your world and I think that was you standing on the bed in
the house and not saying a word lol. Found the toilets... one is in a yard
at 2.5S 1.1E 0.0a 257 and the other is mostly under the floor at 2.8S
1.7W -0.0a 274. Found two couches partially buried under the floors too at
2.8S 2.2W -0.0a 80 and 0.4S 1.9E -0.0a 357. Hope that solves the great
mystery of the missing objects. Btw if you lift the couch up from
under the floor it will no longer appear to be a hull of an object. All you
are seeing is the top of it.
Happy building!
Jynx o

[View Quote]

pc hamster

Jan 23, 2002, 7:55pm
Hiya Jynx(and everyone):

[View Quote] And thanks for finding those toilets. Looks as though I've got a mountain
of work getting them properly back to the surface. :-( *ARGH!*

Oh well. Can't do much about it I guess. However though I think what I'm
going to do is duplicate the object maker and put instances of that thing
all over my world. This would make the moving of objects, once they're
created, A LOT easier. :-)

Aside from that, I think an image conversion program customized SPECIFICALLY
for ActiveWorlds COMPLETE WITH UPLOADER so that the images appear in a
special object compiler which only covers a particular world (and is
accessible ONLY the world builder(s) and deginated appointees) would be in
order as the type of program needed to create objects for an AW world isn't
easy to find (and the only one that I'm aware of is MEGA expensive for MY
blood) :-(

Thoughts on this anyone???

Again, thanks Jynx. I'm already back to work (after a good nights sleep :-)
*stretch* *yawn*) adding on to my world so that the other homes (including
the one I've chosen as MY OWN spot) look just as good (if not better) than
the one I spent the night in. :-)

Cheers for now everyone.... :-)

Patrick Cook
Owner - Pub 102X
pchamster at
Denver, Colorado

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