Adressed to all the caretakers ! (Community)

Adressed to all the caretakers ! // Community

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Jan 14, 2002, 7:52pm
If you want to protest against new AW's politics, please read :

Thank you for joining us in this protest !
Best regards,

E-Mail: niki at

goober king

Jan 14, 2002, 9:39pm
Haven't we already been over this? All protests and boycotts do is hurt
the community! AWC could care less if you close your worlds or not;
they'll figure it's the AWC-sponsored worlds that draw in visitors, not

Besides, if this is for all world owners, then why isn't this in the
worldbuilders NG?

[View Quote] > If you want to protest against new AW's politics, please read :
> Thank you for joining us in this protest !
> Best regards,
> Niki

Goober King
When will they take the hint?!
rar1 at

sw chris

Jan 15, 2002, 3:15am
Hear hear. Well.. look at it this way and look who's at the top of the
list. :|

SW Chris

[View Quote]

your hiroshi

Jan 15, 2002, 4:11am
The number of current citizens or public worlds no longer matters to AW.
They are changing their business model. AW is not going to rely upon
caretakers or builders to provide "content" to its product.

Think about what eliminating tourists means:

Many AW worlds were art galleries or office lobbies or information kioks.
Now that there are no tourists, the potential to get "off-the-street"
visitors is gone.
When you sign up for a free trial on AW, you don't get a second chance to
try again (unlike AOL). One free trial, and it's over. So the number of
noncommital newcomers will be very small.

.....This means that it's not important to measure the "number of hits" to AW
in order to prove its success.


Jan 15, 2002, 8:03am
Seems this place is over populated with AW drones... hope you are having
fun... cuz the way things are going... you will be there alone with your
pro-company righteous flags flying... playing with yourselves.

The rest of us in the real world... will move on... because we know
exploitation when we see it. They don't need our money... but they would
love to have it and use us to acquire new interests.

and ya know what? When it is all over, you will discover.. AW doesn't and
won't care about all of you that waved their corporate flag either...

and while I am on the subject... who is 'WE'??? *We* all have not gone
over this! This is an open forum where all have a right to express their
opinions... Some of you speak as if once YOU have spoken - your words
become law.

It is not so. We are in a free nation here... and have EVERY right to
peaceful protest...

and you say it doesn't work... have you never heard of Martin L. King?

It does work.

My world is red.... and I am checking out alternatives.

Oh.. and one more thing... perhaps a select group that post here work for
AW? I have heard rumors to that effect... don't know if it is true.. but
true or no... you aren't making any brownie points for your nasty attitudes
to the rest of us that post here. You know who you are... and you should
be ashamed of yourselves for the disrespectful way you have repeatedly
addressed people here.

[View Quote]


Jan 15, 2002, 8:28am
Hi SW Chris,
Could you , please, look at all the names , not just one.
Especially when the one you mention was not the first to sign.
I was the first to sign the list and I was at the top with my world

The list is in alphabetical order,now. Does it look better?

coCT of LostEden

"sw chris" <chris at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3c43bafe at
> Hear hear. Well.. look at it this way and look who's at the top of the
> list. :|
> SW Chris
[View Quote]


Jan 15, 2002, 9:08am
protests and boycotts don t hurt the community, it is AWC that hurted the
community..did you already forget?
tourists were the majority of the worldtravellers.To whom caretakers will
show their worlds? to the zillion customers of netbroadcast? LOL.. how many
of them will give their CC just for a try of AW? Do you give your CC for a
trial? NO WAY!!! this is what we think,so let us do what we think is best
for us.We want to show our disagreement with AWC and we think 'red worlds'
is one of the possible way to be heard. this is called freedom to speech.
but maybe you have better ideas? so tell us what you are doing to save our


"goober king" <rar1 at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3C436AC9.7010209 at
> Haven't we already been over this? All protests and boycotts do is hurt
> the community! AWC could care less if you close your worlds or not;
> they'll figure it's the AWC-sponsored worlds that draw in visitors, not
> yours.
> Besides, if this is for all world owners, then why isn't this in the
> worldbuilders NG?
[View Quote]

wizard myrddin

Jan 15, 2002, 9:54am
O/k I'm one of the many aw cits that are waiting to see what happens.

To the point you make about going to red status world, we have public
building worlds in which we have approximately 60 builders. If we take all
this advice it will hurt aw? no way the only people it hurts is the builders
and we will never do this.

We shall always remain open to provide to our builders and the community,
public building worlds.

AW is just doing what other virtual environments have done for years, visit
the realm, or dreamscape yes there is some you don't pay, but look at the
quality and services.

Perhaps as many say aw don't listen, if this is the case why bother
upgrading the client software to put new facilities that people have asked

Try going to Microsoft or any other commercial software house and ask for
something to be put in the software!

Yes might happen, but you pay for it at the shop counter.

Perhaps we have had it so good for so long now its catching up with us.
[View Quote]


Jan 15, 2002, 10:11am
Hi Wizard
I agree with you, upgrade and improvement have a price and we are not
against price increase.
If you read the URL, we are talking about the need of CC information BEFORE
trying the software and that will hurt badly the number of new citizens. We
think this must be changed and that is the reason of our action.
I do understand your point of view regarding your builders and maybe we can
ask AW for an improvement like making the Enter box bigger ;)). seriously,
we respect your decision to let your world open, but there are many ways to
support us and signs in your GZ would make it perfectly, if you agree with
our goal, of course..


"wizard myrddin" <Wiz at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3c44185a at
> O/k I'm one of the many aw cits that are waiting to see what happens.
> To the point you make about going to red status world, we have public
> building worlds in which we have approximately 60 builders. If we take all
> this advice it will hurt aw? no way the only people it hurts is the
> and we will never do this.
> We shall always remain open to provide to our builders and the community,
> public building worlds.
> AW is just doing what other virtual environments have done for years,
> the realm, or dreamscape yes there is some you don't pay, but look at the
> quality and services.
> Perhaps as many say aw don't listen, if this is the case why bother
> upgrading the client software to put new facilities that people have asked
> for?
> Try going to Microsoft or any other commercial software house and ask for
> something to be put in the software!
> Yes might happen, but you pay for it at the shop counter.
> Perhaps we have had it so good for so long now its catching up with us.
[View Quote]


Jan 15, 2002, 10:26am
There is a reason for entering the CC info before getting the trial, its
so that the same person can't get multiple trial accounts. If you think
about it, there really isn't any other way. You can't use e-mail because
there are tons of free e-mail providers out there and then if you say "Well,
then they just wont accept free e-mail providers as a valid e-mail." That
wont work either, because some ISPs, like my new one, even though I still
use the crappy AOL one, don't offer e-mail, so you have to get one from
hotmail or whichever your prefer. What else would you use now? There isn't
really anything else you can use to make sure that one person can't get as
many trial accounts as they want.
The whole point of the trial is to give people a taste of AW, and leave
you wanting more. If AW doesn't have something to actually verify that
someone has already gotten a trial account, it would completly go against
what the trial accounts are set up for. Entering CC info makes it possible
for most people to only get one(1) trial and not get however many you want
be entering e-mail.
Instead of thinking up of ideas for protests, how bout we all try and
think of ideas for other verification methods so people can't cheat the
trial account. Sound good? Maybe, maybe not. You decide.

- Jey(302100)

[View Quote]

wizard myrddin

Jan 15, 2002, 10:29am
Thanks Miles

Part of perhaps the problem is the community can be fragmented with so many
trying to do so much to help aw in some way.

Each thread brings new views, after all we are some global community.

Most of the places I have visited, like the ones I have mentioned all
require that elusive CC detail before you get your feet in the door. In fact
I have used such systems and canceled the account during the trail period
and have had no problems. But then I have a cc/debit card.

In looking round I found some AW style uni's dont even accept that cc/debit
card, and you have to post your "Payment" this I find unaceptable (not being
in USA) .

O well Miles best of luck with the protest

[View Quote]


Jan 15, 2002, 1:34pm
Hmmm .... below.

[View Quote] That's just silly. What about the self-righteous flags that all these
protesters are flying in the faces of people who can appreciate that this is
a time when AW should be SUPPORTED in the short-term. Impetuous and
self-important protests are only reducing further the respect that AWC can
have for the "community". All this place does is slag it off ... Hell I
would ignore it too when its behaving like a spoilt child.

> The rest of us in the real world... will move on... because we know
> exploitation when we see it. They don't need our money... but they would
> love to have it and use us to acquire new interests.

"Exploitation"?? Give me a break! You have a choice ya know!

Also, this point has nothing to do with this latest (*sigh*) petition since
this is focussed on the tourist/CC issue ... not the price rise.

> and ya know what? When it is all over, you will discover.. AW doesn't and
> won't care about all of you that waved their corporate flag either...

Oh dear ... pure paranoia!

> and you say it doesn't work... have you never heard of Martin L. King?
> It does work.

MLK's protests were based on raising awareness of the issues and trying to
change people's opinions on racism. There's no-one to influence here ... all
that's happening is that other AW citizens are being barred from joining
what will become cliquey little sub-communities.

> Oh.. and one more thing... perhaps a select group that post here work
> AW? I have heard rumors to that effect... don't know if it is true.. but
> true or no... you aren't making any brownie points for your nasty
> to the rest of us that post here. You know who you are... and you should
> be ashamed of yourselves for the disrespectful way you have repeatedly
> addressed people here.

More paranoia! Why would anyone be looking for brownie points? Just because
other people don't see things the way you do, they're the enemy? I've lost
count of the number of posts about these darned protests and petitions that
I've put together and then not posted.

Maybe my decision to support AW at this time makes me an "AW Flunky" ... or
perhaps I am one of the people that works for AW ... geesh! Either way it
doesn't matter. If you want to exclude yourself from the "community" (hell,
I hate that word) in a protest like this, then fine, red-spot your world and
look for alternatives. To me its just throwing your toys in the corner and
walking out in a tantrum.

Maybe if you could put together some alternatives for AW to stop people
free-loading on a subscription service, without requiring a credit card
number to sign up, then your "protest" would bear more credence.


sw chris

Jan 15, 2002, 4:16pm
I guess it depends on how you sort it. Sorry, I didn't mean your world! :(

SW Chris

[View Quote]

sw chris

Jan 15, 2002, 4:25pm
LOL. Are you talking about ME? The Bill O'Reilly of Active Worlds? Now
that's ridiculous. All of a sudden I'm Ari Fleischer. Sheesh. Get out of
your sheepskin and think through this, step by step, and logically. Then
stand back and see which side of the debate you ended up on. :)

SW Chris

[View Quote]


Jan 15, 2002, 5:03pm
There's so many of these, I'm not even going to respond anymore. It just
wastes my time. LOL, but basically AWC doesn't give a shit. They want your
money, not your support.
[View Quote]

sw chris

Jan 15, 2002, 6:36pm
To get money, they'd need support.

SW Chris

[View Quote]


Jan 15, 2002, 7:53pm
no, they get the money anyway :-P Many many people are too attached to AW,
sorry to say. People pay $120 a year for Everquest and that game is total
shit too. It's graphics look like AW :-P At least they did 2yrs ago when I
played it! haha
[View Quote]


Jan 15, 2002, 7:57pm
I just got this e-mail. Not sure if he wants me to post it or what but
iether way, it is well thought out. Take a gander:

AWC removed my right to post in this NG, I have sat and read every post tho
and now I have something
to say.

Tourists: How does AW propose it's going to get new members without them? In
the past few weeks I
have asked that question, no one seems to have an answer. I compared it to
you needing a credit card
to get into one of those porn sites, most people won't go in and keep
looking for the free pics no
matter how good the advertisement looks. 100% of the people I spoke to said
they wouldn't have
entered AW before knowing about it if they had to use a credit card.

3.2: A complete and utter disaster and if this is what AWC is claiming we
need to pay more for I can
see now why people are upset. I had nothing but problems with it from the
get go and it hasn't
stopped since. Even one of the so called new objects a ctable1 & 2 they
offered up to us as some
kind of resolution to all this when I put it near a wall the glass top made
it so I could see right
thru my wall all the way down to the color of the backdrop. Masked objects
and transparent objects
are a builders nightmare now. I don't think we ever had that problem in 3.1.
Lighting is splotchy at
best and makes zbuffering even on overlaped textures now prominent when
there was no zbuffer before
when the textures were aligned properly and brightness simply means I want
to turn every untextured
object in the area white. Speaking of white any objects that were not
texture mapped when they were
made also now have a problem, for example the chess pieces we all loved to
use in our builds can no
longer be textured in gold for example because the object simply turns
white. The glass objects with
the black border and the doorway objects with the black border, same problem
turns white.

New Pricing Scheme: Couldn't have named it better actually since one of it's
deffinitions is a
secret plan or plot, a plot deffinitely one thikening quite well but is
going to cost AW alot of
money in the long run from what I see.

So in conclusion, I don't understand the way AWC does things, seems to be
one stupid mistake or idea
after the other with absolutely no planning whatsoever. The Sims another
major online 3D service
which is free btw when you buy the software and add-ons in the store atleast
has a marketable
product and if they put objects or textures with the same names on them
people would most likely try
to return it saying it is worthless when all the files are named the same.
See you all think that
because AWC gives you something you haven't paid for it, quite contrary if
you look at it from The
Sims perspective, we have paid for it, many years of it for some and paid
for it when we buy a world
too. It has been paid for, problem is what we are getting from AWC is pure
crap now. Not worth the
packaging it comes in. Paying to get in to see the fine builds we have with
a credit card is like
trying to get more porno from one of the many porn sites with a credit card
now. But who is going to
give out their credit card for something like this, no one. And if 3.2 is
any indication of what's
to come I don't want to pay those programmers saleries because for me 3.2
has been a complete
nightmare and still is and no one has offered any solutions to the many
problems I have stated. So
for me I will be renewing my world and changing over to this account perhaps
and as far as my many
builds in AW, ohwell I guess I build some more to replace them but I will
not spend $114 dollars a
year for something that doesn't even work right and increase the salaries of
programmers that messed
up a good thing when we had it with 3.1. I can goto the store tomorrow and
spend $114 on The Sims
and 1 add-on and then use it free forever. What makes AWC think they have
something better to offer
here that you can't get anywhere else for the same money and not have to pay
again? Well all I can
say is the people running this circus act are a bunch of clowns to think
people are so gullible. And
I am personally insulted that AWC has stooped to such a low. That's all I
have to say now, and I
believe everything I have said to be true. Later, Chucks Party :)


Jan 15, 2002, 9:38pm
Hi There,

I'm sorry, but I would like to ask Jey a question in return;
You are partially right in your statement of "free e-mail accounts", which
can't be a way of preventing users to sign up multiple times, if it's AW or
any other account.
But, to use CC numbers, it would mean that AW is keeping all of OUR credit
card numbers in THEIR database, which they would need to compare each new
signup against the already used credit card numbers, not?

I'm not paranoid, but I do not like that idea; on-line payments okay,
exchanging my CC number with a bank for an online bought product, okay, but
if AW has no other reasons, then they better have a darn good protected
database to archive our credit card numbers, knowing that there is a call
to this database for every signup attempt.

Besides, I completely share Malka's opinion.

For Grimble and his illusion about AW respecting the community and about us
supposed to support them:
Little reminder (yes, it's obviously needed)
- They raise their prices almost 600% without any warning
- They took away the tourist mode without any warning. Those tourists, also
part of the community, didn't got the time to give each other's contact
information to keep contact. Next day they try to login, and hop, no longer
- While we still don't know about what will happen with the actual citizens
and the world prices and so on, AW will surely know and I guess since a
while already
- In the letter "we respect your opinion" "you are the voice". Only words.

How could you keep on thinking that AW is respecting you after all that?

For I don't remember who:
Still talking about respect, the least you can do about it is to read a
post BEFORE answering to it.
I think Miles stayed quite calm at that point to precise again, and again,
the purpose of this protest.

"jey" <BoBo1186 at> wrote in news:3c44200a at

> There is a reason for entering the CC info before getting the
> trial, its
> so that the same person can't get multiple trial accounts. If you think
> about it, there really isn't any other way. You can't use e-mail
> because there are tons of free e-mail providers out there and then if
> you say "Well, then they just wont accept free e-mail providers as a
> valid e-mail." That wont work either, because some ISPs, like my new
> one, even though I still use the crappy AOL one, don't offer e-mail, so
> you have to get one from hotmail or whichever your prefer. What else
> would you use now? There isn't really anything else you can use to make
> sure that one person can't get as many trial accounts as they want.
> The whole point of the trial is to give people a taste of AW, and
> leave
> you wanting more. If AW doesn't have something to actually verify that
> someone has already gotten a trial account, it would completly go
> against what the trial accounts are set up for. Entering CC info makes
> it possible for most people to only get one(1) trial and not get
> however many you want be entering e-mail.
> Instead of thinking up of ideas for protests, how bout we all try
> and
> think of ideas for other verification methods so people can't cheat the
> trial account. Sound good? Maybe, maybe not. You decide.
> - Jey(302100)

goober king

Jan 15, 2002, 9:44pm
Ugh, you got his drivel too? He must've sent that to every person who's
ever posted in the NGs.

As for what was actually said, he once again has demonstrated his
amazing talent to say a lot about nothing. I think we've long since come
to the conclusion that the so-called problems with 3.2 are on the user's
end, not AWC's, and as for his porn site comparisons, well, let's just
say apparently some things never change. :P

The main problem with his entire argument (if you can call it that) is
that he, along with a lot of other people who have similar arguments,
seem to like lumping AW in with other things (i.e. Sims, Everquest, and
now apparently porn sites *boggle*).

Newsflash, people: AW is not The Sims. AW is not Everquest. AW is like
nothing else out there. Some call it a chat room, some call it a
platform for artistic expression, and some call it an entire
sub-culture. The great thing about AW is that it's all of those things,
and then some. There's no end to the possibilities that can be
accomplished with the AW idea, which makes it a unique beast in today's
3D market.

Now, whether that uniqueness is worth entering a credit card number in
order to try it out remains to be seen. While I do agree that entering a
CC number isn't exactly the most inviting way to great potential
customers, I do understand that it's just about the only way AWC can
guarantee that people don't try and leech off them (i.e. stay a tourist
forever). So rather than piss and moan about how much AWC sucks and
throw a fit saying "I'm leaving and AWC better care about it!!", why not
try to do something constructive and come up with *reasonable* solutions
to these problems. I'd like to think AWC would be more willing to listen
to those than the endless string of complaints...

[View Quote] > I just got this e-mail. Not sure if he wants me to post it or what but
> iether way, it is well thought out. Take a gander:
> AWC removed my right to post in this NG, I have sat and read every post tho
> and now I have something
> to say.
> Tourists: How does AW propose it's going to get new members without them? In
> the past few weeks I
> have asked that question, no one seems to have an answer. I compared it to
> you needing a credit card
> to get into one of those porn sites, most people won't go in and keep
> looking for the free pics no
> matter how good the advertisement looks. 100% of the people I spoke to said
> they wouldn't have
> entered AW before knowing about it if they had to use a credit card.
> 3.2: A complete and utter disaster and if this is what AWC is claiming we
> need to pay more for I can
> see now why people are upset. I had nothing but problems with it from the
> get go and it hasn't
> stopped since. Even one of the so called new objects a ctable1 & 2 they
> offered up to us as some
> kind of resolution to all this when I put it near a wall the glass top made
> it so I could see right
> thru my wall all the way down to the color of the backdrop. Masked objects
> and transparent objects
> are a builders nightmare now. I don't think we ever had that problem in 3.1.
> Lighting is splotchy at
> best and makes zbuffering even on overlaped textures now prominent when
> there was no zbuffer before
> when the textures were aligned properly and brightness simply means I want
> to turn every untextured
> object in the area white. Speaking of white any objects that were not
> texture mapped when they were
> made also now have a problem, for example the chess pieces we all loved to
> use in our builds can no
> longer be textured in gold for example because the object simply turns
> white. The glass objects with
> the black border and the doorway objects with the black border, same problem
> turns white.
> New Pricing Scheme: Couldn't have named it better actually since one of it's
> deffinitions is a
> secret plan or plot, a plot deffinitely one thikening quite well but is
> going to cost AW alot of
> money in the long run from what I see.
> So in conclusion, I don't understand the way AWC does things, seems to be
> one stupid mistake or idea
> after the other with absolutely no planning whatsoever. The Sims another
> major online 3D service
> which is free btw when you buy the software and add-ons in the store atleast
> has a marketable
> product and if they put objects or textures with the same names on them
> people would most likely try
> to return it saying it is worthless when all the files are named the same.
> See you all think that
> because AWC gives you something you haven't paid for it, quite contrary if
> you look at it from The
> Sims perspective, we have paid for it, many years of it for some and paid
> for it when we buy a world
> too. It has been paid for, problem is what we are getting from AWC is pure
> crap now. Not worth the
> packaging it comes in. Paying to get in to see the fine builds we have with
> a credit card is like
> trying to get more porno from one of the many porn sites with a credit card
> now. But who is going to
> give out their credit card for something like this, no one. And if 3.2 is
> any indication of what's
> to come I don't want to pay those programmers saleries because for me 3.2
> has been a complete
> nightmare and still is and no one has offered any solutions to the many
> problems I have stated. So
> for me I will be renewing my world and changing over to this account perhaps
> and as far as my many
> builds in AW, ohwell I guess I build some more to replace them but I will
> not spend $114 dollars a
> year for something that doesn't even work right and increase the salaries of
> programmers that messed
> up a good thing when we had it with 3.1. I can goto the store tomorrow and
> spend $114 on The Sims
> and 1 add-on and then use it free forever. What makes AWC think they have
> something better to offer
> here that you can't get anywhere else for the same money and not have to pay
> again? Well all I can
> say is the people running this circus act are a bunch of clowns to think
> people are so gullible. And
> I am personally insulted that AWC has stooped to such a low. That's all I
> have to say now, and I
> believe everything I have said to be true. Later, Chucks Party :)

Goober King
Guess we'll never truly be rid of him...
rar1 at


Jan 15, 2002, 9:57pm
Doesn't anyone do anything unless they are forced to anymore? AW DO want the
support of the users ... WANT being the operative word here. Who the hell
wouldn't? ... but what sort of support have they EVER got from this frikkin

So many people seem totally unprepared to look beyond their own perceived
loss to actually realise that just maybe they LIKE ActiveWorlds and WANT it
to continue ... maybe not in the guise as they know it today but there never
the less ... and support its moves forward.

You say "AWC doesn't give a shit" ... I say "Clearly, too many people do not
value AW enough to give a shit back".


[View Quote]


Jan 15, 2002, 10:06pm
[View Quote]


Jan 15, 2002, 10:23pm
Apologies for the previous (empty) post ... slip of the Ctrl+Enter keys.

Below ...

[View Quote] Firstly, are there any people out there that can say whether the credit card
information is still required if you pay by other means? I am guessing not,
since otherwise some people would still not have any information to put in
there. If that is the case, I think we can safely say that the credit card
number isn't there just for this match-up, but for ... ummm ... payments??
The database will be held on a secure platform, just like everyone else who
runs credit-card based subscription services. Why would anyone think any
different? Why not ask AWC for some reassurance regarding what environment
their details are being held under?

> us
> also
> longer
> citizens

I'll have to guess what post you're talking about since there's nothing in
this branch (I had nothing to add here until you explicitly brought me into
it ya see!), but I'll assume you're talking about the comment below ...

"Impetuous and self-important protests are only reducing further the respect
that AWC can have for the "community". All this place does is slag it off
.... Hell I would ignore it too when its behaving like a spoilt child."

If so, I think that explains exactly how much I respect I imagine they have
AND WHY! Hardly EARNED any respect really!



Jan 15, 2002, 10:28pm
Me too ... but deleted it without reading it. Another kill file to add him

Oh, and BTW ... Like the newsflash!


[View Quote]


Jan 16, 2002, 12:10am
"grimble" <grimble2000 at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c44c81e$1 at
> The database will be held on a secure platform, just like everyone else who
> runs credit-card based subscription services. Why would anyone think any
> different?

Currently the credit card numbers are held on a simple unencrypted text file on the universe server.... lol

Fox Mc Cloud


Jan 16, 2002, 12:25am
Well if that's true (how did you find out btw?), then fair enough ... screw


[View Quote]

anduin lothario

Jan 16, 2002, 12:29am
Tell me, with AW's already extremely slow service and reply to e-mails, how
can one cancel their trial citizenship fast with AW?
AW will probably take over a week to reply and to cancel your account which
would leave you with paying for a month automatically.
Will they be providing a form on the website to cancel your
citizenship? Will they require you to call them, even if you live overseas
and it would cost you a heck of a lot of money. Or will they require you to
enter your details once again in e-mail without them even being able to
provide you with their DIGITAL SIGNATURE for mail encryption?

Leaves me to think...

Anduin Lothario

SMS: (Send an SMS message to my ICQ): +278314217962714
More ways to contact me:

[View Quote]

anduin lothario

Jan 16, 2002, 12:30am
I don't even give my CC information to porn sites if they require them.

[View Quote]


Jan 16, 2002, 12:43am
I'm not complaining, but I don't plan on paying either.

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Jan 16, 2002, 12:59am
what's the URL?

[View Quote] > "grimble" <grimble2000 at> a =E9crit dans le message news: =
3c44c81e$1 at
se who
> =

> Currently the credit card numbers are held on a simple unencrypted text=
file on the universe server.... lol
> =

> Fox Mc Cloud

-- =

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__/ /_

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