Latest AWC Press release casts a bit of light on it's latest moves (Community)

Latest AWC Press release casts a bit of light on it's latest moves // Community

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sw chris

Jan 19, 2002, 8:05pm
Um guys.. having an activate url command to a streamed file is not streaming
in Active Worlds. I think what Grimble was trying to point out is that with
Netbroadcaster tech in AW, it would be theoretically possible to paste video
onto a 3-dimensional object so that it is viewable from all angles.

SW Chris
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Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi"
"Eat well, stay fit, die anyway."
ICQ UN - 272905
All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand.

sw chris

Jan 19, 2002, 11:32pm
Well. No need to get all huffy. I was clarifying it for those who didn't
understand. And.. HTML. Please don't. :)

SW Chris

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Jan 20, 2002, 5:21am
[View Quote] [View Quote] No, not really. You can already do some streaming. AW doesn't say it in
the documentation, but you can stream .pls files (MP3 playlist) into any
build you like using the activate URL command and having winamp on your
machine. I don't have a shoutcast station set up, but I think it would be
possible to do streaming with that into AW as well. I haven't tried video,
but I would be interested in hearing from anyone who has experimented with
it in AW.

Anything that you can do through the web, you can pretty much trigger in
some way from AW ... any URL command will work ... its not even AW that's
handling it, it just passes it off to explorer and that deals with it. The
problem is that you get a conflict on the resources between the processes.
If they're in AW itself, then, to a certain extent, the browser can manage
the resources to, for example, ensure that an audio stream is maintained
without the property scan hammering it when you move around in AW.

> This going to have a huge effect on where AW stands against boring
> statically built or scripted virtual world environments (and push it a bit
> further away from pooey games too). No more dull Midi/MP3 DJ bots to bring
> some life into your world ... no more huge downloads for quality sound ...
> combine AW with something like your own internet radio station and you
> an environment where everyone is hearing the same thing (pretty much) at
> same time (a drawback of AW currently on this front), live speach direct
> into your world ... plus all those creative ideas that will come out of it
> from the builders.

Like I said, I think it's already possible through Shoutcast.

Like I said, better.

> AW will have probably been in partnership with before
> this announcement (you don't just pick a company to buy off the shelf
> a bit of browsing around the shop), so this is more than likely well
> underway for v3.3. If this is the type of thing that is going to be
> in the next release of AW, the I say "BRING IT ON!".

I'm not into watching porno videos in the worlds, nor am I into receiving a
ton of spam from registering at netbroadcaster. This is why some people are
not happy about this acquisition, as they've stated again and again.

Oh dear ... eminent pessimism at work here. Firstly, if you see a TV showing
porn in R/L, do you feel the need to stand there and watch it? No ... so
guess what? The same would apply to videos as applies to pictures in AW on
that front too.

As far as spam is concerned, that's totally under your control. What do you
think most people use hotmail accounts for ... spam collectors! AW could
probably share your e-mail address with them anyway. Besides, its the TECHNOLOGY that is important here ... not the portal.
They're buying know-how ... not just a going concern. If people are "not
happy about this acquisition" for those reasons, then they're just looking
for reasons to complain (for a change!).

> Why can't people get EXCITED about something for a change. I just put up
> internet radio station and I am playing with it at the moment ... This is
> going to be FUN!
> Grims

I have a station set up through I'd like to try the shoutcast
station thing, but I'm on dialup modem, and so that's impractical as the
quality of stream would not be very good.

The ability to play an MP3 stream is generally dictated by the encoding rate
.... if you keep it down at 32kps then that's fine with a 56K modem. If you
rip a CD at CD quality (128kps), no bugger's gonna be able to listen to it -
at home anyway. If you're uploading the stream content yourself, prepare it
appropriately for the intended audience (i.e. encode it at a suitable rate).
If your not, there's usually options for streams at different rates.



Jan 20, 2002, 5:29am
Yep, although I am aware of the technical pain-in-the-buttness here ...
Basically, its gonna be pretty consuming maintaining the picture unless its
totally uncompressed (which just ain't gonna happen), since each frame is
built on top of the frame before it which is built on top of the frame
before it which is ... etc. etc. etc. If you're getting 3fps at a location
in AW and the video is streaming at 12fps (for easy maths here), the browser
would have to deal with compiling 4 video frames for each AW frame before
mapping it onto each poly... which will push the AW fps doen a little
further ... a nightmare really. You can guarantee that some joker would try
to put six different video streams on each side of a cube and spin the


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sw chris

Jan 20, 2002, 6:12pm
Which is why we're never going to see this option enabled in AlphaWorld.
:( :( :(

SW Chris

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