The BEST PROTESTS that will be heard (Community)

The BEST PROTESTS that will be heard // Community

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lady vanethica

Jan 5, 2002, 8:52am
1) Don't go to AW untill they lower their prices

2) If you are a world owner not only the above but also take your world off
line till prices are lowered. If you are unable to take it offline, Back it
all up with a bot THEN Wipe your world and put in one seed object being a
sign that you did that in protest to teh price hike. You can also while
protesting make your world a free buld work and tell people ONLY to post
protest signs.

3) If you have stock with them ... sell it.


Jan 5, 2002, 9:05am
Just keeping your worlds is good enough for AW to keep going, so long as
they keep getting paid. They don't give a rat's ass about your worlds or how
often you go on, so long as they get the money.

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lady vanethica

Jan 5, 2002, 9:31am
That was if you paid ahead of time some people have paid a year in advance
for their world. I didn't say to renew it.

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wizard myrddin

Jan 5, 2002, 2:34pm
Why close my worlds? I spent good money and time building them, doing what
you advice only makes aw a worse place to be.

I like a great deal of world owners are waiting to see what is produced in
feb to decide what happens instead of geting on the bandwagon of panic. Wipe
my world no way will we do that.

Despite this panic, I wait with others to see what is happening in Feb 2002
before anything is decided.

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Jan 5, 2002, 6:29pm
If everyone sold stock, it would be worth nothing... that wouldent be smart

Commatron & Athnex
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dejah thoris

Jan 5, 2002, 7:44pm
Barsoom & Webslave are also waiting wizard, but also preparing to pull out.
There are many other venues out there and with a bit of preparation a whole
community can move together.

The protests are useless as are the petitions. If they meant anything, AW
would have at least responded to the concern of citizens who take the time
to read and post to this newsgroup. I have to agree with my Chieftain that
AWCom is simply profiteering. I have to agree with those who have said
AWCom doesn't give a rat's ass about the community. If you stay (and we
will try) then do not expect any help or sympathy from AWCom. I could
provide numerous examples, but what use if those of you who have been here
since the inception can not come up with them on your own.

I can afford the new prices and can add worlds under them. What AWCom has
done though, is to create an environment (community) in which it would not
be worthwhile to do so. Barsoom runs a rpg and needs the new blood. We
need citizens to play. No matter how beautiful we make the world or how
many bots we program for rpg .. it does not matter if there are not citizens
to play the game. Where are they going to come from now?

That user base is destroyed with this new pricing structure. Why bother to
hang on? Those of you who are here simply to build, I personally think it
is worth it and the changes will improve the gene pool. Those who are
dependant on that user base ... you are wasting your time and effort to
remain where the environment is hostile to providing new blood. Tell me it
is not so and how those who are dependant on citizens can have any hope now.
I simply do not see it.

It starts with loosing what we have and we are going to great extremes to
keep those already playing. We can not do that for new players. I do not
appreciate being put in this position AWCom and I am much more patient and
optimistic then my partner. As the shock wears off, anger is an
understatement for what I am feeling.

AWCom, I have volunteered untold hours to this community and sold at least
30 citizenships and 2 worlds. I have brought you money beyond that you get
from my citizenship and worlds. I work for AWCom and do not get a paycheck.
I never asked for one and YES, they did say thankyou.

I (and others like me) are your marketing.

I ask something now. Tell me how to keep the community alive. Tell me how
to bring in new blood when those who are here already are dying. Tell me
why Barsoom and Webslave should stay. I'm not interested in improvements to
the browser. That is ridiculous if no one will be able to use it.

Tell me where the new users are going to come from.

Barsoom & Webslave will stay only so we can take advantage of the
citizenships it offers to keep our family together. However, we do prepare
to move to more fertile ground. If this community drys up ... we won't
stay. We are dependant on the community.

Like Wizard, we take a wait and see approach, but we are preparing to go.
Unless AW announces something in February which will bring in new blood (and
$120 year citizenships will not), then the announcement is not going to
change a thing.

Consider your next words (actions) carefully AWCom. I will give you until

aka Crystal Wind

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