
Help needed. (Sdk)

Help needed. // Sdk

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m a k a v e l i

Apr 24, 2001, 6:01pm
I made Bank Bot, works fine logging in wise, still few bugs. I have started
a Tag bot, copied Bank files to a different folder and it says "No
Initialized." What is up with that?


Apr 24, 2001, 8:49pm
Probably you should have just made a new folder for your new project cause
if i remember right it loads files in relation to what folder you told it to
look in and if they aren't there it gives errors.

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m a k a v e l i

Apr 24, 2001, 9:18pm
I have it in a new folder, you have to specify the files you want to edit,
and I don't know why I am getting errors..


Apr 25, 2001, 4:08am
Well? ARE you still initialising the SDK? Deleted the aw_init(AW_BUILD)
.... or equivalent ... ??

If you want help from people, especially if you are going to track them down
with telegrams in AW, for f**ks sake put some detail in your damned posts!!

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m a k a v e l i

Apr 25, 2001, 9:55am
Well, I did. I copied the exact file of my bankbot to a new folder, bankbot
works fine. I found my mistake, but I never plan to ask for help if this is
what I am going to get. I asked you b/c you are the only person who
actually knows what they are doing in VB (expect for Brant but I ask him
something almost everyday)


Apr 25, 2001, 10:42am
I'm going to assume that VB still requires aw.dll (which it does). Did you copy that to the new directory?

I don't know why I waste my time with you idiots who don't take the time to RTFM. </mock>


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Apr 25, 2001, 2:20pm
AwSdkOcx3 apparently was made with the static SDK, so it doesn't require
AW.DLL :-))


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Apr 25, 2001, 3:17pm
Well, then I'd say it's a problem with his code ;P

Either way, he still needs to follow his own advice and RTFM :)


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m a k a v e l i

Apr 25, 2001, 6:39pm
No, not a problem with my code, I am not going to even tell you what was
wrong b/c you wouldn't know anyway. I know what I am doing, I had a small
problem. I will never ask for help again.


Apr 25, 2001, 8:07pm
Geesh Pal! Stop and think for a second will you! You keep ploughing
questions into these newsgroups without, it seems, exhausting the options
open to you beforehand. You're only going to learn by doing it yourself and
you never seem to try hard enough to achieve anything.

As for anyone knowing what they are doing in VB, I think you'll find that
there are a number of people in here are substantially experienced and
(previously) willing to help. But you know what ... it gets very boring
trying to get you to explain what your damned problem is!

I came into the newsgroup to have a look at the post after you tg'd me in AW
(which I picked up purely by accident since I'm away on business at the
moment) and all I could find was a whining "It doesn't work" post.

Great .. well worth the effort!


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Apr 25, 2001, 8:21pm
Most likely, your problem is a result of MrGrimm's file naming practices.

Whereas previous builds of the VB SDK were named sequentially (Build 15 was
awsdkocx.ocx, and build 17 was awsdkocx2.ocx), both builds 19 and 20 are
AWSDKOCX3.OCX, and have the same internal name. Therefore, if you have both
versions on your system, weird problems can result.

To correct the problem, delete all instances of build 19, and install one
version of build 20 to your system folder. Then make sure that the correct
build is selected in the Components dialog. Hopefully this will fix your

m a k a v e l i

Apr 25, 2001, 8:24pm
I give up, I will never ask for help again. Hope your happy. I have only
asked for help once. Don't say I never open myself to look at it, I did, I
found a small thing that was wrong, fixed it and knew that was the problem.
You would have never found it b/c no one here knows my programming ways, I
do things different than most people. I hate loops, they never work right
for me.


Apr 25, 2001, 8:59pm
[View Quote] Fine; whenever you do, you make an ass of yourself.

> Hope your happy. I have only asked for help once. Don't say I never open myself to look at it, I did, I
> found a small thing that was wrong, fixed it and knew that was the problem.
> You would have never found it b/c no one here knows my programming ways, I
> do things different than most people.

Then why would you ask "most people" for help? If they don't know how you program, then how can you expect them to help you?

> I hate loops, they never work right for me.

You must be the first.



Apr 29, 2001, 2:31am
MS Visual Studio (is what i assume you're talking about) saves the path to
the project folder in one of the config files (saved in that same directory)
It generates all kinda errors if you just try to copy the files. You have to
create the new folder by hand, then create the new project with VS... then
you can copy and paste all of the code you need. ;)

Why are all of you people so quick to flame people?? That's the one
damned thing I hate about AW. Most of the people are nice, but you've gotta
realize that some of these people haven't been arround AW since version 1
like you have. And they probably haven't been programming as long either.
Give him a break. You don't have to help, don't reply at all if it's that
anoying. Try posting a simple link or something to lead people in the right
direction. But damn... every other post here is a flame, or results in a
flame. Ease up a little....


JerMe at
AIM: AlphaNumeric100
ICQ: 106209991
AW: JerMe (#296967)
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m a k a v e l i

Apr 30, 2001, 2:08am
I am only his cousin, but I still understand what he said. You totally blew
it into wack. Nothing to do with saving information, I have played with his
code, and he saves it in a good manner, using App.Path & "/config.ini" his
post had nothing to do with saving anyway.

sir chaos

Apr 30, 2001, 5:07pm
I program in VB and C++ between two to eight hours a day, usually
closer to eight because I love my work and program for leisure as well. I
saw this question when it came up, but I despise interrogating people for
enough detail to help them - so I left it up to others to squeeze enough
information before responding.

Now I see this...

> I give up, I will never ask for help again. Hope your happy.

Quite, actually.

> I have only asked for help once.

Really, I have no qualms with helping people with code. I've done
quite some amount of tutoring in VB and have pretty much seen it all.
There are no stupid questions, if they are honest questions.

> Don't say I never open myself to look at it, I did, I
> found a small thing that was wrong, fixed it and knew that was the

There are, however, stupid people. I'm not really about flaming, but
this last sentence below riled me. I've just got to say...

> You would have never found it b/c no one here knows my programming ways,
> do things different than most people. I hate loops, they never work
> for me.

"M a k a v e l i", you are a moron. Please, do not ever ask for
programming "help" again. At least until you understand some fundamental
aspects of programming, like -duh- LOOPS. What, do you copy/paste
repetitive code every time you want to do something more than once?

Get outta here.

-Sir Chaos


Apr 30, 2001, 5:25pm
Let me clarify....

When you save a program or code you are working on in MS Visual Studio. It
also saves information about the project and workspace that contains your
program. Included in this information is the full path to the project
directory. Therefore, if you simply copy and rename the directory or all of
the files in it, then you have a different directory containing mismatched
info on the project.

example: I have made a program called GreeterBot in the directory
C:\Bots\GreeterBot\ I save this program in MS Visual Studio...

Then I copy the entire directory. I now have GreeterBot and GreeterBot2.
The files in GreeterBot2 still reference GreeterBot as the project
directory. However, since this is not the case VB will generate errors the
next time you open the project.

You have to create a new Project/Workspace through VB, and then copy your
code by hand, instead of just copying all the files.

JerMe at
AIM: AlphaNumeric100
ICQ: 106209991
AW: JerMe (#296967)
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Apr 30, 2001, 5:41pm
Not true vor VS : moving a VC++ project works by just copying,
you just have to "make all".

It might be different for VB although I can hardly imagine that
this is the case. Microsoft does a lot of idiotic things but
I think this is not one of them.

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m a k a v e l i

Apr 30, 2001, 6:21pm
You misunderstood again. That is nothing like his problem, it was a simple
code problem when he was deleting somethings. Nothing like this, also, the
thread is over, he found his problem.


Apr 30, 2001, 8:04pm
Yeah .... and you're his "cousin" right?? LOL

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