Help please:)--Fair World Server Pricing? (Community)

Help please:)--Fair World Server Pricing? // Community

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alphabit phalpha

Oct 19, 2001, 8:53pm
Hi Everyone:)

I REALLY need some input from all of you ...if it's not too much
King Tex and I are starting up world server and object path hosting with
We would like to offer fair pricing to allow those on tighter budgets to
be able to have custom worlds.
While at the same time, justifying the expense of the servers.
Any input would be greatly appreciated!:)

AlphaBit Phalpha


Oct 20, 2001, 2:45pm
no offense but there is so many hosters that everyone already has one

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young phalpha

Oct 20, 2001, 10:11pm
uhhhh, there might be several, not many, but how many of them have proved reliable? How many of
them are just DSL or cable owners who host worlds off their main/only computer? Also this is as
well OP hosting...

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Oct 21, 2001, 3:48pm
lets see i know of about....4 i'd say that have websites and are companies
and all that and two of them have OP myself, whitch i am not
exactly open for public sign-ups yet cuz my website is still in the making
and no i'm not just a DSL user hosting it on my computer

i'm not trying to be rude but there isn't many people that need hosters

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Oct 21, 2001, 10:02pm
Well, the cheaper you can make it, the more I'll be lured into it. If it's
reliable too, that's a bonus, but if I were to have a world, I'd be happy to
have it up half of the time it's alive. Most people don't view a private
world 24/7, so if you can comprimise the quality of the hosting to more
downtime but lower prices, I'd use it. However, if you can still keep it
that cheap without adding more downtime, that's even better. lol.

20 dollars a month maybe? I was never familiar with worlds and world
hosting, but 20 seems more reasonable than 50 or whatever dollars a month.
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Oct 21, 2001, 10:33pm
LOL omg.....most hosters charge around $10 a month for 24/7 hosting
now...well...the good ones anyways....

nobody ever charges 50 a month i'd say 20 max

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the derek

Oct 22, 2001, 12:02am
well right now my op is running on a freinds
server i would really like it if i could have an
affordable place to put it without taking up his

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Oct 22, 2001, 2:26am
Personally, my world is being generously (and reliably) hosted for free, but
if I needed a new host I would personally not even consider anything over $5
a month.

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nomad 1

Oct 22, 2001, 9:53pm
It's true that a number of hosts already exhist. Yet many of these tend to
be somewhat expensive, especially for many of the "younger" AW users. That
is why a group of well known AW cit's including myself and Count Dracula are
involved with a hosting service of our own. It provides very reasonable
pricing. For example: 1 World Server is $5.00/month. Additional Worlds
are only $3.00/month. 200 meg Path is $10.00/month. Server and Path is
If you wish to see more info...check out

I couldn't help plugging our service here. :) But it also gives alphabit
phalpha some info on the competition.

NoMad 1

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nomad 1

Oct 22, 2001, 9:55pm
Here is a proper link....

alphabit phalpha

Oct 23, 2001, 11:21am
Thank you nomad1:)
With all the wonderful responses you all are submitting, it's giving me some
ideas, which I'll disclose soon. I think ya'll just might like them too:)
Thank you everyone!

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Oct 23, 2001, 11:48pm
Only two cents I can offer on the issue is my opinion about those hosting
services who charge according world/user size which I feel is unfair and my
biggest gripe. As a result, I feel people have been misled by this theory
that the bigger the world or the more users the world has, the more
technical it gets in the amount of resources used on the hosting end when in
reality there is very little difference (assuming good hardware is in

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Oct 24, 2001, 3:08pm
you can stuff more cell data in a P50 than you can stuff in a P10. Cell data
is saved on the host's harddisk, thus your P50 world will use more space
than your P10. And 5 users compared to 60 would make a difference.


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Oct 24, 2001, 10:08pm
I realize what you are saying is true, however I still feel that it is not
enough to make a difference unless someone decides to go hog wild on cell
data in a bigger world. We hosted the worlds Hangout (P-100/50 world) and
T3K (P20/5) off an old Cyrix 120mhz machine and there was no noticeable
problems in performance. The only thing I ever did manage was to crash the
world server process once when we reached the 50 user limit, but I was also
majorly overloading the same machine with about 90 other processes at the
same time. Tons of builds were built in the world and the cell database
stayed right around 5 meg right before the world license expired. I'm sure
if our goal was to cram as many objects into the world as possible this
figure would have increased quickly, but most people just want a nice
looking world that renders well for most people which would mean lower
object density. If the use of a few megs of space really that big of a deal
to the hosting service, then charge for the amount of space used by the cell
data, not by the world license. If they use a lot of space, then I would
definitely charge extra without a question.

If a hosting service is charging by world license or for a few megs of disk
usage, I feel that this would be no benefit to the customers as there are
very competitive services available already, even free ones that a few have
mentioned in the previous posts, that do not factor this into their prices.

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