Value of a cit (Community)

Value of a cit // Community

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sw chris

Sep 4, 2001, 3:24am
It's not giving in. lol. it's leaving well enough alone.

SW Chris

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Sep 4, 2001, 1:58pm
*eyes open hugely* I can't BELIEVE how STUPID you are! When you went to
school, did you get the note "Has no sense of logic and thinks only 5
minutes ahead" on your mark-card? You really aren't getting it, are you?
Man, you must have problems in your life if you can't get an idea as simple
as the one I gave you... shit, I nearly spelled it out for you! and you're
STILL not getting it!!!!!!!!!! like, are you under the influence of a drug
or something? where do you get the "3 citizen fees" thing? anyway, that you
bought 2 citizenships was your own fault! by integrating your main cit (I
guess that would be your M a r c u s cit), you would NEVER have to renew
that cit again, it would be renewed *****FREELY***** when you renewed your
world! so, if you had a P10/5 users, you'd save a lotta money, you know!
but, NOOOOOOOO, you didn't understand what a **GOLDEN** offer you were
offered, because it wouldn't give you immediate result... oh, and you really
didn't get it, your cit would not be renewed from then (I'd guess), but from
when your world was about to expire... and you wouldn't have to pay ANY
money at all for that cit, any more! If you're still not getting it, go ask
a sane person about this and I think you'd be surprised...


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m a r c u s

Sep 4, 2001, 2:49pm
I have said do the math several times, and to be equally fair here please
show me how you feel I am getting some "golden offer" and I will look at the
numbers. Just show the numbers, and show me the math cause I think that
will help you see I am not saving anything at all by simply "prepaying" 3
citizenships. I already tried showing you with what I paid, $20, and taking
that out of $80 for the cost of the cheapest world leaving $60. It seems
simple enough.

I have also tried to see where you are coming from by paying $120 to somehow
be golden for me. It just doesn't add up. A world cost $80, I have given
them $40. I wanted one of the citizenships to be applied towards a world
and be charged the difference ($60). They still would have received $100
total from me for 2 citizenships and a discounted world at $60. I have only
used the other citizenship for 5 hours, barely used. It was a waste of an
account and I wasn't able to use it effectively the way I intended. But
again, this has nothing to do with refunding $40 even though active worlds
gets to keep the extra citizenship. This has to do with simply letting me
use one of my citizenships in a world. That would have saved me money.
Refunding the extra citizenship would have been nice but I wouldn't have
asked for that. I would have given it to someone in the world if
Activeworlds gave me the discount on it. And who knows, that person may
have wanted to get a world of their own and that would have been 2 sales of
worlds Active Worlds missed out on. Now, enough of that, I'll wait to see
your logic in humbers why I am getting a golden offer by simply prepaying.

"where do you get the "3 citizen fees" thing?"
I bought 2 citizenships, you are arguing I should have bought a world at
FULL price which includes a citizenship and that would have been the third
citizenship. Well, I only need one. I don't have 3 computers or 2 bots use
for those accounts. Instead of 1 wasted citizenships, I would have had 2
wasted citizenships. When you make a mistake once, why do it twice? Why
not learn from it the first time.

Assuming my citizenships were only used to renew then I wouldn't have to
renew til December 2003 (3 citizenships: 2000-2001, 2001-2002, 2002-2003).
Is this what flagg was offering? cause if he did I totally missed it, and
yes it would have been at least an opportunity. I don't know about golden
since it is merely prepayment without any deal like 25 for 3 year
citizenship. However, it would have shown that Active Worlds recognized I
signed up with their program and in doing so I didn't see a menu of choices
at the time of registering. I thought a citizenship and world were seperate
when in fact a world includes a citizenship and I WOULD NOT HAVE BOUGHT 2
citizenships. There was no reason for me LOOKING at the registration window
launched by the register now button to think I could get a world with a
citizenship saving me $20. It just isn't there and that is what I would
like active worlds do in the future.

You want to talk about golden opportunity, that is a "golden offer" HONESTY
and openness at the time and PLACE someone types in their credit card

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m a r c u s

Sep 4, 2001, 4:26pm
correction; "I don't know about golden since it is merely prepayment without
any deal like 55 for 3 year citizenship."

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sir chaos

Sep 4, 2001, 7:08pm
So what you are saying, m a r c u s, is that if I buy four Citizenships, I
should get a World for free (as $20 * 4 = $80 "deducted from my world")?

What a novel concept. If I buy said Cits for friends, would it count?


sw chris

Sep 4, 2001, 10:49pm
Then by God e-mail Flagg and let this whole thing end. :\

SW Chris
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m a r c u s

Sep 4, 2001, 10:52pm
No, that is not what I am saying. If you bought 4 citizenships and I was
activeworlds, and after 3 weeks you came to me requesting 1 ($20)
citizenship be used with the purchase of an $80 world, I would charge you
$60 and not give you a citizen with the world. One of the 4 would carryover
since you ALREADY PAID for that 1. The other 3 would be negotiable if you
bought a bigger world, thus giving me more money.

In my situation, I bought 2 citizenships. I wanted one to carryover into a
world without Activeworlds giving me a citizen with the world. I don't need
3, but would live with the fact I have the 2 I bought. Get it now?

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m a r c u s

Sep 4, 2001, 10:54pm
I did email, no response yet.

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Sep 5, 2001, 4:41pm
what do you do for a living? sweep toilets? that may be more than you are
able to do, I guess... the cheapest world costs **$10**, kiddo! and you
still haven't gotten one word of what I'm telling ya! if AW had an IQ test
when buying cits, you wouldn't have been here, you know! there is no Fing
prepaying for 3 cits, blablabl, you gnome!when using your existing cit as
the world cit, it would be renewed freely whenever your world would be
renewed! the cit wouldn't be counted in the price, you would've payed $10
every year, saving at least $10 bucks a year... like, what is your IQ


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Sep 5, 2001, 4:42pm
wrong, you gnome! you are saying just that, if you buy 4 cits, you get a


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m a r c u s

Sep 5, 2001, 5:54pm
"when using your existing cit as the world cit, it would be renewed freely
whenever your world would be renewed!"

So, where is the world then? So far they have $40 of my money, and I have
no world.

"the cit wouldn't be counted in the price, you would've payed $10
every year, saving at least $10 bucks a year"

So if I bought a world, then I would I would have had 3 citizenships. I
only need 1, and I asked that they credit one of my existing citizenships.
Simple math, you only need one, so you use one of the 2 pre-existing
citizenships. I have already paid them $40 and I see no world.

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m a r c u s

Sep 5, 2001, 5:58pm
"if you buy 4 cits, you get a world..."

Where does it say this?

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Sep 5, 2001, 9:18pm
Alright, lets get some stuff straight here . . .

1. You bought two(2) citizenships equaling approx. $40.
2. The smallest world costs, including the ONE(1) TIME registration fee
of approx. $70, costs approx. $80.
3. You only need one(1) citizenship, so the fact that you bought that
extra citizenship was your fault, and your waste of money.
4. Worlds come with FREE GIFTS. These free gifts just happen to be
citizenships. If they were shirts that were worth $20, would you be
complaining that AW has scammed you into getting an extra $20 from you? No.
5. When you renew a world, the citizenship that goes along with a world
gets renewed too, and that citizenship can be your normal citizenship.
6. After the first year of paying $100, the world cost, including the
registration fee, and the citizenship you bought, this of course doesn't
include the extra citizenship you bought, the renewal charge for the world
would be $10.
7. Since a citizenship can be credited towards the world, instead of
paying $20 for just a citizenship a year, you pay $10 a year for a
citizenship, $10 savings, and better yet, you get a world you can screw
around with.

Looking at that, and if you can understand it, which I am not sure you
can, you would see that if you only bought one(1) citizenship, worth approx.
$20, after two years of owning the smallest world, if your citizenship is
credited towards your worlds FREE GIFT, you would save $20, which is the
price of one(1) citizenship. So after TWO(2) years, instead of paying $40,
for a citizenship, you would be paying $20 for a world and a citizenship,
that seems like an awesome deal to me. I don't understand why you can't
comprehend that. You aren't being scammed in any way. If you looked at the
activeworlds website, there is a link on the main page that is clearly
marked "Products" then you would have found out that if you bought a world,
it came with a FREE GIFT, that just happends to be a citizenship. Before you
buy anything online, you should know what you are getting, know how much it
costs and find out if there are better deals out there. Its your own fault
that you did what you did, not Activeworld's. I hope you can understand this
and drop your argument, because your argument just isn't feasible.

Jey (302100)

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sw chris

Sep 5, 2001, 9:33pm
Don't bother with it Jey. We don't care, and you shouldn't either. :)
He's been blowing his stack since February and there's nothing that we've
been able to do to stop the eruption, including spell it all out for him
like you just did.

Eagle Scout, Philosopher, Peacemaker, and... Kung Fu Master?

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Sep 5, 2001, 9:54pm
Well, hopefully he will understand sometime and stop posting, or just
stop posting because he realizes that he is getting no where. But oh well,
we'll all end up filtering him anyways . . .

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sw chris

Sep 5, 2001, 11:08pm
Don't you reply to him. It only makes him worse. I should know.
Everyone's been replying to him since February.

SW Chris

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Sep 6, 2001, 4:06pm
IDIOTIC GNOME!!!???? And you could just let the other cit EXPIRE, and never
pay for that one again!!!!!!!!


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Sep 6, 2001, 4:09pm
oh, great, this gnome doesn't even know how to read!!! YOU SAID THAT, YOU
GNOME! I thought I was gonna be nice to you for a change to see if you got
any better, but you really know how to annoy me, don't you??? Comeeee on,
just get the refund and go away!!!!


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m a r c u s

Sep 6, 2001, 4:26pm
That is what I was trying to do in January. It's now September 6, and one
person so far gets it.

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